
What is changing in May 2024

Publié le 02 mai 2024 - Mise à jour le 23 mai 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Online declaration due May 30, 2024 for departments 20 to 54, the deadline for the other departments is June 6, new conditions to register for the driving license via the personal training account (CPF), evolution in access to MaPrimeRénov', gas prices, deductible on medical consultations... Discover all the news of this month of May!

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Image 1Crédits: HJBC

Papers - Citizenship

To be able to vote in the European elections on 9 June 2024, check your electoral situation using the online service available on ! If you registered on time, and despite that you are not registered to vote, you can appeal.

Work - Learning

The maximum amount that can be received by public officials, as part of the fixed telework allowance, was exceptionally increased for the year 2024 marked by the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. The aid of up to €6,000 granted to employers who recruit alternants no longer applies to young people on a professional contract after 30 April 2024. The 2023 budget provides that the employee will be required to contribute to the cost of training, an EAV, or a skills assessment conducted under the Personal Training Account (PTA). Alternance Week takes place this year from May 13 to 17.


The deadline for filing 2023 tax returns (paper version) is 21 May 2024 at midnight, regardless of the place of residence (including for French residents abroad). If you declare online, you benefit from additional delays. Deadlines are set according to your department (home address on 1er January 2024): May 23, 2024 : departments 01-19 and non-residents; May 30, 2024 : Departments 20 to 54 and June 6, 2024 : Departments 55 to 976. The benchmark gas sales price shows a slight increase in May compared to April. Municipal bylaws allow individuals and associations to sell lily of the valley on the 1er May.


A decree issued in Official Journal on 5 may 2024, eligibility conditions for energy checks issued this year were clarified; a complaint portal will open in july to facilitate the procedures of households that did not receive the energy check when they were eligible in 2024. The terms of access to MaPrimeRenov' change from 15 May 2024: MaPrimeRenov' is extended for overall renovations; from 15 May to 31 December 2024, the obligation to provide an energy performance diagnosis (EPD) is waived for applications for MaPrimeRenov' aid (route by gesture). If you are a co-owner, you can benefit from MaPrimeRénov’ Co-ownership, regardless of your situation (whether you occupied your property or rented it out) and regardless of your level of resources. The new Rent Benchmark (IRL) was published by INSEE on 12 April 2024.


Officially launched on February 3, 2022, My Health Space aims to allow you to quickly store and access all your medical information through a secure online platform; new features are available in the digital diary. The doubling of the lump sum payment for consultations and medical procedures is effective as of May 15, 2024. The amount increases to €2 from May 15, 2024, compared to €1 until then. A new decree relaxes the conditions for midwives to practice instrumental abortion. COVID-19 vaccine: A booster campaign has been in place for the most vulnerable people since April 15 and until June 16, with a possible extension to July 15, 2024 depending on the epidemiological situation. May 31st is the deadline for building your Student Social Record (SSR) if you want to apply for a scholarship on social criteria or for a university residence. Talents Scholarships: they are intended, under conditions of resources, for students registered in the Talents Prepas but also for people preparing a competition outside a Talents Prepa, the application for a scholarship is possible until May 31, 2024. The social and family benefits paid by the CAF and the MSA are increased as each year at 1er April, the new amounts are applied from May. The French Blood Establishment (EFS) invites all those who can to make an appointment to donate, with the aim of limiting the impact of the public holidays and bridges in May on blood supplies. The Ministry of Health has announced the new vaccination schedule.


The deadlines for online declarations are set according to your department: check the one that concerns you. For departments 1 to 19, the deadline is 23 May. Can't declare online? The deadline for filing the paper return is May 21.


The 2023 performance indicators have just been published for general, technological and vocational secondary schools, public or private under contract. Indicators for colleges are also being released this year. The Ministry of Higher Education and Research is launching its 2024 Student Life Guide.


May 17, 2024 is World Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia l


The conditions for registering for a driving license via the personal training account (CPF) will change as of 19 May 2024. Celebrate the bike with May by bike 2024 ! Various events (leisure, sport, tourism...) are organized throughout France during the month of May to promote the practice of cycling. The Ministry of Transport provides users with the anticiperlesjeu.gouv website; it presents comprehensive and practical information and offers advice on how to organize. A digital pass will be required to travel to certain areas of Paris, secured for the Olympic opening ceremony. As of May 13, 2024, a platform allows you to obtain the required QR code from July 18 to 26.


The Rendez-vous aux jardins 2024 from May 31 to June 2 and the European Museum Night on May 18.

Saturday, May 18, 2024, take advantage of the European Museums Night which offers thousands of free events.
