Protection of animals

How to improve the welfare of pets?

Publié le 27 mai 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Having a pet at home involves homework. A national plan for the welfare of these animals was released on May 22, 2024. Among the issues highlighted: the fight against abandonment of pets; the prevention of abuse of pets; as well as the improvement of the management of canine and feline wandering.

One of the aims of the State’s National Plan for Improving Pet Welfare is to make the general public understand what it means to be a pet in a household. The plan is to set up a “responsible acquisition path”, bringing together, among other things, some recent regulatory developments. For example, since October 2022, you must sign a “certificate of commitment and knowledge” when you welcome a pet (a dog, a cat, a rabbit...) into your home.

The certificate shall contain different information depending on the species, including:

  • the physiological, behavioral and medical needs of the species in question;
  • obligations concerning identification of the animal (this helps to limit animal abandonment);
  • the financial and logistical consequences of keeping an animal (buying food, providing care for the animal when you are away, having the necessary space at home to allow its well-being, ensuring that it receives the necessary care...).

Reading this document may prevent you from making an impulse purchase. In any case, the certificate must allow you to:

  • to better understand the needs of the animal you are likely to acquire;
  • think, as soon as the pet arrives at your home, about the choice of care you will make during your holidays. Different solutions exist so that your pet is taken care of. This should be prepared well in advance of the time you will be away.

Please note

Article 25 of the Law of 30 November 2021 on Combating Animal Abuse states that primary, middle, and high school students must receive education on respecting pets. In particular, the courses must show pets as sensitive and help to prevent any acts of animal abuse.

What if you witness animal abuse?

The national plan to improve animal welfare states that the My safety is now the digital tool to use to report cases of animal abuse you witness to government agencies.

On this platform, you can specify:

  • deprivation of food and/or water;
  • abandonment;
  • the use of devices that may cause injury or suffering.

Please note

As part of this national plan, a definition of the concept of abandonment and animal abuse must be established. It should make it possible to assess more precisely the current French situation concerning these two subjects. Among the questions that arise: can handing over your pet to another owner be considered an abandonment?

There is also a proposal for a definition for canine and feline wandering, so that reliable indicators can be developed.


If you come across a single animal in distress, be sure to take all precautions to avoid being bitten or stressed further. Then you can contact:

  • the town hall of the place where you are and/or the municipal police;
  • the nearest shelter;
  • employees of a petrol station or motorway business (they are in contact with the services of the municipalities);
  • I-CAD (Domestic Carnivore Identification Service) in the 09 77 40 30 77 (or you can make an online declaration of a found animal).

You can also drive the animal in a veterinarian.
