Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP)

What access to medical care during JOPs?

Publié le 13 juin 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Throughout the Olympic and Paralympic Games, access to health facilities may be disrupted due to security measures and crowding related to the event. The Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health recall the recommendations to facilitate your travel and access to care during the summer.

Anticipate medical travel

From 12 July to 11 August, and from 28 August to 8 September for the Paralympic Games, safety perimeters are being set up as part of the 2024 OJPs, in the cities concerned by the event.

If you have scheduled medical appointments during these periods, it is recommended that you check how to get there and plan ahead. You can find out from the establishments concerned and find out about these 2 sites:

In Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis, you will need to check the access to the most controlled areas (red and gray) and the need to bring a digital pass: the Pass Games (QR code). If so, you can request it on the dedicated platform open since May 13, 2024:  www.pass-jeux.gouv.fr.

On this platform, you can:

  • check the scope of your appointment;
  • check if you need a Game Pass for your trip;
  • be familiar with the grounds for access and the arrangements and derogations for movement;
  • prepare your application for a Game Pass with the list of documents to be provided;
  • make your demand Pass Games.

Information for all on access to care

The Ministry of Health indicates that the law applicable to international tourists who will need care in France will not be changed during the period of the Olympic Games.

A communication campaign will be launched during the summer to inform French and foreigners patients about how to access care, with the support of the regional health agencies (ARS).

Tools are already available:

Please note

The Center for European and International Social Security Liaison (CLEISS) offers a page available in 7 languages (French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish) for international tourists with: information on care during a short stay, information on the French health system, fares, transport or access to medicines.

A special page dedicated to the 2024 JOP event will be published in 10 languages in June.
