Learning and professionalization

Alternance: what will your salary be at the start of the 2024 season?

Publié le 30 mai 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Type of contract (apprenticeship or professionalization), age, level of training... all criteria to be taken into account when estimating the salary of an alternant. Service-Public.fr take stock.

Do you start an alternance contract at the start of the 2024 school year? Whether it's a professionalisation contract or a apprenticeship contract, you will be paid during your training. This salary varies according to your age, your level of training and the type of contract signed with the company.

For a custom estimate, a simulator of your remuneration is available on the Ministry of Labor's Alternance Portal.

Salary under a professionalization contract

As part of a professionalisation contract, the alternant's remuneration shall be calculated by training and age.

Remuneration basic minimum applies to holders:

  • a general bin;
  • a baccalaureate diploma or diploma;
  • a qualification or diploma below the baccalaureate level.

The remuneration of an apprentice under a professionalization contract shall be increased for holders of a diploma or diploma for a professional purpose equal to or higher than the bac level.

Tableau - Salary level applicable to an employee under a professionalization contract

Age of employee

Minimum basic wage (gross)

Minimum wage plus (gross)

Under 21

55% of the Smic, or €971.81

65% of the Smic, or €1,148.50

From 21 to 25 years inclusive

70 % of the minimum wage, or €1,236.85

80% of the Smic, or €1,413.54

Over 26 years

At least 100 % of the Smic (€1,766.92) or 85 % of the minimum remuneration laid down in the relevant contractual company if they are more favorable.

Please note

contractual provisions or your employment contract may provide for more favorable remuneration.

Salary on an apprenticeship contract

As part of a apprenticeship contract, the apprentice’s remuneration shall be calculated by age and number of years of learning.

Tableau - Minimum monthly gross remuneration of an apprentice


16-17 years

18-20 years

21-25 years

26 years and older

1re year

27% of the Smic €477.07

43% of the Smic €759.77

The + higher salary between 53% of the Smic or €936.47 and 53 per cent of the conventional minimum wage*

100% of the Smic

Top + salary between Smic (€1,766.92) and the conventional minimum wage*

2e year

39% of the Smic €689.10

51% of the Smic €901.13

The + higher of 61% of the Smic, i.e. €1,077.82 and 61 per cent of the conventional minimum wage*

100% of the Smic

Top + salary between Smic (€1,766.92) and the conventional minimum wage*

3e year

55% of the Smic, or €971.80

67% of the Smic €1,183.83

The highest salary between 78% of the minimum wage, i.e €1,378.20 and 78 per cent of the conventional minimum wage*

100% of the Smic

Top + salary between Smic (€1,766.92) and the conventional minimum wage*

*corresponding to the job held during the apprenticeship contract


a collective agreement applicable to your company or employment contract may provide for more favorable remuneration. On the other hand, you are entitled to cover your costs of transport from home to work.
