Road safety

An awareness campaign on the safety of children by car and bike

Publié le 05 juin 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

According to the 2023 report by the National Interministerial Road Safety Observatory (ONISR), 2 out of 3 children are reported to be poorly or not attached by car, increasing the risk of serious injuries in the event of an accident. provides an update on regulations.

Road Safety Launches an awareness campaign on the risks of poor attachment of children and recalls the rules and good practices.

What safety features are available for traveling with a child in a car?

Some rules apply specifically to children when driving for their safety:

  • before 10 years of age, the child must be restrained and settled at the rear on an approved seat;
  • after 10 years, the child must be restrained and can settle at the back or front.

The child should settle on a suitable seat its morphology and weight (hull seat, car seat, booster...).


Failure to comply with these obligations can result in a fine of up to €750.


Regardless of age, seat belt use is obligatory for all passengers.

What rules for transporting a child by bike?

Trailer bike, bike-cargo bike, tandem bike... So many possibilities to transport a child by bike, provided you respect certain obligations :

  • until age 5, the child should be settled in a seat with adjustable side guards, harness, and footrest;
  • up to 12 years, wearing a helmet certified and attached is mandatory. Beyond that, it is strongly recommended.
  • until age 14, the child should be settled in a seat with footrests and a seat belt.

The child's settled seat can be placed in the front or back of the bicycle.

Please note

It is forbidden to carry a passenger over the age of 14.


At night, in case of low visibility and outside built-up areas, the wearing a high-visibility vest is mandatory for all. Failure to comply with this obligation can result in a fine of up to €150.
