Legislative 2024

Can you still register to vote in the parliamentary elections?

Publié le 12 juin 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You want to vote in the 2024 legislative elections but you are not registered to vote? Can you still register? Service-Public.fr informs you.

To be able to vote in mainland France in the 2024 parliamentary elections, including the 1er tour is scheduled for sunday, june 30, you must have been registered to vote no later than 9 june 2024, date of the decree summoning the electors.

However, registration on the electoral roll is still possible for some situations, respecting a deadline of 10 days of voting.


  • You turned 18 before June 10, 2024 : you are automatically registered to vote, provided you have completed your citizen census. If you are not registered, you will not be able to vote in the general election.
  • You will be 18 years old between June 10 and 29, 2024 : you are automatically registered to vote, provided you have completed your citizen census. If you are not registered, you have until June 20th to apply for registration in town hall.
  • You will be 18 years old between June 30 and July 6, 2024 : you are automatically registered to vote, provided you have completed your citizen census. If you are not registered, you have until June 20th to apply for registration in town hall. You can only vote in the second round parliamentary elections.

Recent move

  • You moved before June 10, 2024 : you can vote in your new commune only if your registration on the electoral list of the commune is before June 9.
  • You moved after June 9, 2024, following a retirement after that date (only if you were a public servant or a public contract agent) : you can register on the electoral list of your new municipality until 20 june. Note that family members who live with you also have this time to register.
  • You moved after June 9, 2024 for business reasons : if you move for your work, you can register on the electoral list of your new municipality until 20 june (including in case of transfer if you are a civil servant or contract agent). This also applies to your family members.

Recent acquisition of French nationality

  • You acquired French nationality before 2019 : you must be registered to vote before June 9.
  • You acquired French nationality between 2019 and June 9, 2024 : you are automatically registered to vote.
  • You acquired French nationality after June 9, 2024 : you can register to vote until June 20.

Termination of the suspension of voting rights

If you regain the right to vote after June 9, 2024, you can register to vote in your municipality until June 20.

Administrative Hardware Error

You can obtain registration on the voters list from the court until election day, in the following cases: you were not registered because of an administrative error or you were wrongly deleted.

Find detailed information specific to your situation and the registration procedures on the electoral lists on the Service-Public.fr : Legislative elections 2024: when to register on the voters' lists of the city council?

Please note

You can check your voter registration and polling station with the simulator of Service-Public.fr. For New Caledonia, use this on-line approach.


The dates indicated above concern the metropolis, Reunion, Mayotte, Wallis and Futuna.

For Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, French Polynesia, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin or Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, the derogations are not the same because of the election dates. For New Caledonia, the list of electors was finalized on 29 February 2024.


The 2024 parliamentary elections will take place:

  • Metropolis, Reunion, Mayotte, Wallis and Futuna, New Caledonia :: 30 June for the first round and 7 July for the second round;
  • Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, French Polynesia, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon : June 29 for the first round and July 6 for the second round.
