Financial product

Climate Futures Savings Plan: a new financial investment for the youngest

Publié le 20 juin 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Climate Futures Savings Plans, available as of 1er July 2024, are for children under 21 years of age. The money paid out there is used to finance projects related to the green transition. You can open a Climate Savings Plan for your child at birth; at age 18, the child can withdraw the money.

It is possible to subscribe to a Climate Future Savings Plan (PEAC) from 1er July 2024 to:

  • a bank or other credit institution;
  • an insurance company;
  • an investment company;
  • a mutual or a union of mutual societies;
  • a provident society or a union of provident societies.

This savings product is reserved for those under 21 years of age residing in France. He's not allowed to hold more than one.

The amounts paid on a climate-future savings plan are: blocked up to the majority of its holder. In order to withdraw money, two conditions must be met:

  • the holder of the PEAC must be at least 18 years of age;
  • the climate futures savings plan in question must have been open for more than 5 years.

However, in the event of withdrawal it is then no longer possible to make further payments to a PEAC.


The holder of a Climate Futures Savings Plan may withdraw money from this savings product before he or she reaches the age of majority:

  • if he is disabled;
  • or if one of his parents has died.

What will be the rate of pay for the Climate Futures Savings Plan?

The government does not set the future climate savings plan’s wage rate. He depends on the outcome of the investments made.

The sums paid into the Climate Futures Savings Plans are used to invest in funds contributing to the financing of the green transition (these investment funds must benefit from the labels “Socially Responsible Investment”, ‘France finance vert’...).

By default, a CFS is managed by gradually reducing the investment share of the riskiest securities as the expected liquidation date of the PEAC approaches (this date can be changed at any time by the CFS holder). This provides you with security that when you close a Climate Savings Plan, the money paid into it will be recovered.

If you wish, you can manage the investments you make with the money in a climate-future savings plan for which you are responsible; detailed information is then provided on each financial security available, including a risk indicator.

Regardless of the management method you have chosen, the institution with which you have subscribed this financial investment must inform you each year of the performance of your Climate Futures savings plan.

Please note

The cap on disbursements in a climate-future savings plan is €22,950, as in booklet A. This limit can be exceeded when interest is added to your savings.


A Climate Futures Savings Plan is automatically closed on 31 December of the year of 30e birthday of the holder; the money present is then placed in an account belonging to him, which he must have indicated.
