Care abroad

Holidays in Europe: get a European Health Insurance Card!

Publié le 19 juin 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Summer is approaching and holidays are getting ready: before leaving, don’t forget your European Health Insurance Card. explains how to get it.

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) facilitates access to healthcare for every traveler and enables medical treatment in any European country, as well as Switzerland and the UK. It attests to your rights to French Health Insurance.

The menu is nominative and individual : each family member (including young people under 16) must have their own card. Provided free of charge, it is valid for 2 years.

Be careful, it is not usable in France and does not replace your Vitale card.

How to obtain or renew the EHIC?

Just log in 15 days before your departure to your account ameli :

  1. Sign in with your login or create an account.
  2. Go to the section “My steps” then “Order an EHIC”.
  3. Check his address.
  4. Wait until you receive your card.


if your departure is scheduled for less than 15 days, a temporary replacement certificate valid for 3 months is available immediately.

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