
Legislative elections 2024: all practical information!

Publié le 26 juin 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Parliamentary elections will be held in 2 rounds, on June 30 and July 7, 2024, or on June 29 and July 6, 2024. Voter registration, proxy voting, electoral map... back to everything you need to know about these elections.

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Image 1Crédits: Yves -

Dates of parliamentary elections

The decree summoning electors published in Official Journal of 10 June 2024 sets the dates for the general elections.

Registration on the electoral lists

To be able to vote in legislative elections, one must be registered to vote. This registration is automatic for 18-year-olds who have completed their census. Check your electoral situation by using the online service on

Proxy voting

You will be absent on voting day and want to appoint a proxy voter? Have you received a power of attorney and will need to vote for someone else? Want to make a 100% dematerialized power of attorney request? take stock.

Conduct of the elections

Addresses and hours of opening of polling stations, electoral map, become volunteer assessor... The progress of the day of the vote.

Method of voting

Parliamentary elections shall be held by direct universal suffrage, by a majority vote of 2 rounds and per constituency. At the end of these elections, 577 members will be elected.

Foreigner Frenchman

Registration on consular lists, list of polling stations open, voting dates... find the main information about the voting of foreigners on

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