Company Savings Plan

Wage savings: 3 new cases of early release of funds

Publié le 25 juillet 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

A company Savings Plan (PEE) allows you as an employee to build a portfolio of stocks, bonds or other securities with the help of your company. The amounts paid are in principle unavailable for at least 5 years. Three new cases, linked in particular to the ecological transition, are added to the dozen or so situations that already made it possible to recover the money from an EPE before the five-year deadline.

If you have a company Savings Plan (PEE), you can now request an early release of the funds in it:

  • when you are caregiver, or where your Civil partnership or partner is;
  • to finance energy retrofit of your principal residence (thermal insulation of the roof or exterior walls, installation of heating equipment or domestic hot water production using a renewable energy source, etc.);
  • for buy a clean vehicle, which means a vehicle that uses electricity, hydrogen or a combination of the two as its exclusive source of energy (if it is an electric-assisted bicycle, you must purchase a new one).

To recover the funds on your company savings plan before the 5-year deadline that normally applies, you must apply to the organization that manages the scheme for your company.

This request must be made at most 6 months after the purchase of the clean car or the receipt of the first invoice issued by the company carrying out your energy renovation work; on the other hand, it can be issued at any time if the early release is linked to a caregiving activity.

You must attach to your request a proof of the event that allows this early release (purchase order or invoice for the new clean vehicle, invoice for thermal insulation work...).

Please note

It was already possible to release the funds present on an EIP in advance in the event of, in particular:

  • marriage or Civil partnership;
  • birth or adoption of a 3e child;
  • divorce, separation or dissolution of a Civil partnership, with the custody of at least one child;
  • domestic violence against you;
  • creation or takeover of a company (by yourself, your spouse, Civil partnership partner or child);
  • acquisition or expansion of your principal residence (with the latter creating an additional living space);
  • over-indebtedness.

What are the terms of a company savings plan?

If your business has implemented a company savings plan, you can benefit from it whether you are on a permanent contract, a permanent contract or an apprenticeship. However, a seniority condition may be required (maximum 3 months).

In particular, you can feed your EAP with:

Your EAP can also be funded by payments from your company, which are in addition to the money you have paid yourself.

A company savings plan is used to buy, hold and sell securities (shares, bonds, shares in Sicav...). The taxation applied there is not the same during the life of the plan, at the end of the plan and on the occasion of an early release. Find all the terms and conditions of this savings product on our practice sheet "company Savings Plan (EPE)".


the amounts withdrawn from the EEP during an early release correspond to the employer's and employee's payments, and to the income generated by the plan that has been reinvested by the employee.
