Schools, colleges and high schools

Election of Parent Representatives on October 11 and 12, 2024

Publié le 26 août 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

In schools, colleges, high schools or special education establishments, each year parents of pupils are invited to elect those who will represent them in the school authorities. For the 2024-2025 school year, these elections take place on Friday, October 11, or Saturday, October 12, 2024 in most of the country.

Parents are full members of the education community, according to the Education Code. Thus, the elections of parents' representatives are a highlight of the school year; they settle a real link between families and the school, and they are the beginning of a relationship of trust between members of the educational community. These representatives are in particular responsible for facilitating relations between the parents of pupils and the staff of the school; they may intervene with the director of the school to raise a particular problem, or to mediate at the request of the parents concerned.

Every year, elections for representatives of parents of pupils take place before the end of the seventhe week of the school year in all schools (primary schools, colleges and high schools, special education establishments). In 2024, they will be held:

  • friday, october 11, or saturday, october 12 ;
  • Friday, October 4, or Saturday, October 5, at the establishments in La Réunion and Mayotte, taking into account the school calendar of these two academies.

Election day is chosen from these two dates:

  • by the electoral commission in primary schools (nursery schools and elementary schools);
  • by the head of school in secondary schools (colleges and lycées).

The choice of election day shall be made in agreement with the parents' associations present or represented in the school.

Who can be representing parents of pupils?

If you wish to become a parent representative, you must:

  • exercise parental authority on a child attending school in the establishment where the elections are held;
  • be registered on a list of electors of at least 2 candidates (representatives of parents of pupils are elected by list ballot).

The list of electors must be sent at least 10 days before the elections:

  • the election office, if it is a primary school;
  • the head teacher, if it is a middle school or a high school.

Once elected, parents' representatives can take part in the life of the school. As such, they are present at the various councils and are in contact with members of the educational community.

Who can vote?

To be able to vote, you must exercise parental authority over the child attending school (it is not mandatory to have French nationality).

Both parents are eligible voters and have one vote, regardless of the number of children enrolled in the same school.

You can vote:

  • by going to the settled polling station in the school;
  • by sending your vote by mail under closed cover or by having it deposited by your child in the school;
  • by electronic means on the Internet.

Please note

In general and technological secondary schools as well as vocational secondary schools, the elections of representatives of parents of pupils are the final stage of the school democracy week. The aim is to raise awareness of the issues and importance of these elections; this week also includes the elections of student representatives to the Delegates for High School Life (CVL) councils.
