Health prevention

Protecting against cancer: a test for personalized advice

Publié le 30 août 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Quitting smoking, limiting time spent sitting, protecting yourself from the sun... The National Cancer Institute (INCa) is launching a “cancer prevention test” to raise awareness of good daily habits and limit future cancer risks. This test is available online for free.

Based on the cancer panorama in France in 2023However, almost 40% of cancers could be prevented by limiting the influence of external risk factors in our lives.

The National Cancer Institute (NCICa) proposes an interactive test that prompts you to answer a series of questions covering a variety of topics, such as:

  • your tobacco consumption;
  • your alcohol consumption;
  • your eating habits;
  • the sports and physical activities you practice:
  • your UV exposure.

After this questionnaire, personalized advice to reduce the factors that can promote the development of cancer is provided.


this test does not replace the advice of a health care practitioner. For any questions, the INCa recommends that get closer to your doctor.

What advice to limit your exposure to the main risk factors?

To reduce its exposure to preventable risk factors for cancer, the INCa proposes several recommendations, including:

  • adopt a balanced diet and focus on homemade and local seasonal products;
  • practice regular physical activity and reduce sitting time;
  • stop smoking and limit alcoholic beverages to 10 drinks of alcohol per week;
  • Reduce UV exposure by favoring the shade and avoiding tanning booths.

A booklet "Taking Action for Your Health Against Cancer Risks" developed by the INCa is available online.

Please note

the INCa advocates cancer screening breast, cervix, and colorectal, even when healthy.
