Ready for renovation

Finance energy renovation works with the interest-free transfer advance loan (or renovation advance loan PAR +)

Publié le 12 septembre 2024 - Mise à jour le 17 septembre 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Two texts lay down the conditions for granting an advance loan with a zero transfer rate, also called an advance renovation loan - PAR +. This scheme, provided for in the 2024 budget law, is intended to finance energy renovation works in his main residence. gives you all the information you need to know about this loan.

The 2024 budget created an interest-free, mutation-based loan facility. Its commercial name is ready for renovation - PAR +. It is a means-tested mortgage loan issued by a credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business that has entered into a partnership with the government. The interest shall be borne by the State during the First 10 years of the loan.

The loan is therefore based on the mortgage guarantee for the dwelling to which the energy renovation project relates. It must be a private dwelling occupied as a principal residence.

Two texts published in Official Journal of 4 September 2024 shall specify the financial characteristics and the arrangements for implementing and granting this loan.

Who is eligible?

This loan is intended for households in the "modest" and "very modest" resource categories established by the National Housing Agency (Anah).

The resource ceilings are based on the number of people in the household and the location of the dwelling.

Tableau - Resource ceilings (in euro)

Number of persons in the household


Other communities
















Per additional person



Characteristics of the loan advance transfer not bearing interest or loan advance renovation - PAR +

They are:

  • it is intended for homeowners occupying their dwelling as their principal residence;
  • it is intended to cover energy renovation works;
  • housing must have been completed for at least 2 years;
  • the maximum amount of the loan shall be €50,000 ;
  • the first 10 years of the loan are at zero interest rate (the State pays the interest during this period); thereafter, an interest rate is set freely by the lending institution;
  • the loan is based on a mortgage guarantee on the value of the property;
  • the work must be carried out within three years of the loan being granted;
  • the refund is not due the transfer of the property, that is to say the sale or the succession.

What work can you finance with this loan?

The interest-free or PAR+ advance loan can be used to finance several types of renovation work.

1/ Renovations involving the implementation of at least one action in the following list: thermal insulation of roofs; thermal insulation of walls facing the exterior; thermal insulation of glass walls and doors facing the exterior; installation, regulation or replacement of heating systems or domestic hot water production systems; installation of heating equipment using a renewable energy source; insulation of low floors.

2/ Comprehensive renovations combining a set of works and making it possible to achieve minimum energy performance.

3/ Rehabilitation of non-communal sewerage facilities with a non-energy-consuming device.

Loan amounts are capped according to the type of work to be financed. At the time of the loan request, you will have to send the detailed description of the work to be done and the specifications.


The work must be carried out by companies labeled RGE (Recognized Guarantor of the Environment), with the exception of work relating to a non-collective sanitation connection. You can find a list of these professionals in theFrance-Renov directory.


You cannot combine PAR + and eco-PTZ to finance the same work items. If you want to mobilize the 2 loans, you will have to distinguish the supporting documents for each of the loans.

You can find all the information concerning the loan advance transfer not bearing interest or PAR + on the dedicated sheet of : Non-interest bearing advance loan (also known as Renovation advance loan - PAR +).
