Union of co-ownership

MaPrimeRénov' Condominium: a help to carry out your energy renovation work

Publié le 16 septembre 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Are you part of a co-owners’ union? Do you want to carry out energy renovation work on the common areas of your building? Do you know MaPrimeRénov' Condominium? Public-Service.fr explains what that is.

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Image 1Crédits: Tricky Shark - stock.adobe.com

MaPrimeRénov' Co-Ownership is a financial aid granted by the National Housing Agency (Anah). It's for co-owners' unions. The aid is granted subject to conditions. The application is filed online, on the Anah website.

The work, funded in part by MaPrimeRénov' Condominium, must:

  • cover the entire condominium or only some buildings;
  • relate to the common areas (corridors, boiler, garden...) or to the private areas if there is a collective interest;
  • allow at least a 35 % improvement in the energy performance of the building;
  • be carried out by a recognized environmental professional (EGR).

The list of works that can be financed by MaPrimeRénov' Co-ownership is fixed by the Anah, with the following exceptions: List of eligible works and other associated expenses.

You can find all the conditions, procedures and amounts relating to this aid on the information sheet of Service-Public.fr dedicated to MaPrimeRenov' Co-ownership.
