Dematerialized administration

Foreigner pensioners: You can provide a certificate of life through biometric recognition

Publié le 19 septembre 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Are you retired and living abroad? To continue to collect your retirement pensions, your French pension fund can ask you for a certificate of life. You can now provide it without having to travel, from an app on your phone.

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Image 1Crédits: Rido -

If you are a retired person living abroad, your French pension fund may ask you to prove your existence in order to continue to pay your retirement pensions: you must then provide a certificate of life.

To provide a certificate of life, you can:

To confirm your existence with biometric recognition, you need to download the My Life Certificate app, which is available in app markets Android and Apple.

Please note

Once you start the process with biometric recognition, you have 4 days to complete it.

You can find all the conditions, procedures and resources on the fact sheet dedicated to the certificate of life.
