Health prevention

Iodine campaign for people living near nuclear power plants

Publié le 26 septembre 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The campaign to distribute stable iodine tablets, launched in September 2024, is aimed in particular at residents of municipalities located within a 10-kilometer radius of a nuclear power plant. In case of a nuclear accident, taking stable iodine protects you against the risk of developing thyroid cancer. This distribution campaign is carried out with the help of pharmacies.

Since 1997, free preventive distributions of stable iodine tablets have been organized for people living near a nuclear facility. A new distribution campaign is being implemented starting in September 2024. It is addressed to persons residing in a municipality located:

  • within a 10 km radius of a nuclear power plant;
  • within a 5 km radius of other civilian or military nuclear installations.

To find out if you are affected by this distribution campaign, you must provide your address in the section “know the risks near me” on the Georisques site, and then click "go to detailed information." If you are concerned, a banner "iodine campaign 2024/2025" will be present on the page. You are therefore invited to remove a number of tablets adapted to your household size, free of charge from a pharmacy that is a partner in this distribution campaign. You do not have to provide any proof.

Please note

If your workplace is located in an area affected by this stable iodine campaign, your company director is responsible for the supply of tablets.

Institutions receiving from the public shall be issued withdrawal vouchers to enable them to obtain a stable supply of iodine tablets for the persons they host.

When to take stable iodine tablets?

In a major accident, some nuclear facilities may release radioactive elements, particularly radioactive iodine, into the atmosphere, which increases the risk of developing thyroid cancer. Taking stable iodine protects your thyroid gland from the effects of radioactive iodine.

You should only take stable iodine when instructed to do so by the prefect. Information is disseminated through public service media as well as loudspeaker vehicles. Having stable iodine tablets in your home is a precautionary measure; it saves you time when iodine is ordered.

Taking stable iodine tablets affects everyone, but first those whose thyroid gland is most sensitive to the effects of radioactive iodine:

  • newborns;
  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The number of tablets to be taken varies according to the age of the person; the dosage adapted to each situation is indicated on the package leaflet.

Please note

Tablets distributed from 2024 are valid for 10 years. During this period they should be stored in the outer carton in order to protect from moisture and at room temperature.

If you have iodine tablets from previous campaigns that have expiredHowever, you can return these boxes of expired tablets to the pharmacy.


Stable iodine tablets do not protect against the release of other radioactive elements for which protection from exposure or disposal is the only protection.
