Promoting reading

Biblis en follie: the first national days of libraries and media libraries

Publié le 27 septembre 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Theatrical reading, manga drawing workshop, bookmark creation, exhibition of old books... On 28 and 29 September, you can enjoy many activities in the libraries and media libraries during the Biblis in madness. This festive and free event takes place all over France this weekend.

Ministry of Culture launches first edition of Biblis in madness the weekend of September 28 and 29, 2024. Two days offering multiple free activities around the book, and for all ages, in all libraries and media libraries.

The event is part of a package of measures to promote reading. Its objective is to strengthen the link between libraries and their public and to promote the action of the actors working in these spaces.

Theatrical reading, reading nursery rhymes, writing workshop, reading aloud with a dog, dictation workshop, discovery of business games... The event offers fun and varied activities.

See the event scheduling in all regions with an interactive map.


The library is the first local cultural facility in France with 15,500 libraries and media libraries, half of which are located in municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants.

50% of French people of all ages have visited a library at least once a year.
