
Complementary health in the public service of the State: an update on practical issues

Publié le 17 octobre 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You are a member of the public service of the State and you are concerned by the introduction, in your administration, of the supplementary health requirement from 1er January 2025? Termination of your personal mutual, coverage of children, membership rights if you are retired... provide you with information on the practical questions you have about this measure.

From 1er January 2025, and pursuant to a decree issued on July 4, 2024, state public employers are required to fund part of the additional health protection of their agents, up to 50% a notional monthly contribution, known as the “equilibrium contribution”.

Public employers subscribe to a single health supplement for their employees.

All public officials are concerned (incumbents and contractors). Exemptions are possible in certain situations.

Please note

Apprentices working in a public administration are not covered by the supplementary health requirement because they do not have the status of a public official.

How to terminate your personal mutual?

In order to join the collective mutual health insurance, your current mutual health insurance must be terminated at 1er January 2025.

Termination must be effected within the following time limits:

  • If your individual contract has been signed since more than 12 months at 1er january 2025, you must send your request for termination by 30 November 2024. Your insurer is required to accept your cancelation request.
  • If your individual contract has been signed since less than 12 months at 1er january 2025However, you will only be able to cancel it on the anniversary date of subscription. You must in this case to apply for exemption from the collective agreement to 1er January 2025. You will only be required to join at the end of your individual contract.

For more information, you need to get in touch with your current health care provider who can offer you a termination form.


If your current contract is not terminated on time, you will be subject to two contracts at the same time and double contribution. To avoid overlapping contracts and additional costs, make sure you submit your termination request well in advance.

Can one place one's spouse or children on the compulsory mutual benefit scheme?

You have children

Children can join as a person entitled to benefit the collective agreement of the employer administration (or former employer) of an active or retired parent.

Beneficiary children may be:

  • your children or grandchildren;
  • and/or the children or grandchildren of the person you live with as a couple;
  • and/or children who have been entrusted to you or who have been entrusted to the person with whom you live as a couple by court order.

They must meet the following conditions:

  • be under 21 years of age;
  • or be under the age of 25 and be a student, apprentice or job seeker;
  • or be recognized as disabled regardless of age;
  • and be fiscally dependent on you;
  • and not to benefit from any other health supplement as part of their professional activity.

You live as a couple

If you live in a couple with an active or retired beneficiary, you have the option to join, as a person entitled to benefit, to the collective agreement of its employer administration or its last employer administration.

You are retired or about to be retired: can you join your employer's mutual society?

If you are retired, you can apply to join the collective agreement of your last employer administration if you were employed and paid by your last employer administration on the date of your cessation of activity and your admission to retirement.

You must apply for membership in the collective agreement of your last employer administration within 1 year of your cessation of activity.


If you return to paid work giving you a pension right after your retirement, you can definitely no longer benefit from the collective health supplement contract signed by your last employer administration.

For more information on how to apply this measure from 1er january 2025, you can consult the dedicated sheet of : Supplementary health and welfare in the State civil service.
