
It is now possible to accommodate a pet in Ehpad and Autonomous Residence

Publié le 11 mars 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Residents of Ehpad and Residence Autonomy can now accommodate a pet. Reception conditions have just been specified in a decree of March 3, 2025.

The Act on ‘Aging Well’ of 8 April 2024 allows residents of Ehpads and Independent Residences to welcome their pets. Reception is possible under certain conditions: it must be possible to “ensure the needs” of these animals and “respect the conditions of hygiene and safety”.

The conditions of access of a pet in Ehpad or Autonomous Residence

Requirements include:

  • Produce at the time of admission of the resident or arrival of the animal a veterinary certificate less than 3 months old (issued by a veterinarian) containing the following particulars:
    - identification of the animal;
    - the characteristics of the animal (species, breed where appropriate, age, weight and other distinctive signs);
    - where appropriate, vaccinations carried out;
    - where appropriate, a veterinary certificate of sterilization;
    - where appropriate, the treatment and care required;
    - the non-dangerousness and the ability of the animal to coexist,
  • To provide and take charge of the veterinary care required by the animal's state of health.
  • Ensure that the animal does not behave dangerously, including in private spaces.
  • Respect the rules, set by the director of the establishment to ensure the hygiene, safety of staff and residents, or the tranquility of residents, and relating to spaces subject to prohibitions or restrictions of access for animals.
  • Provide and make available to the establishment equipment to contain the animal as necessary.
  • To provide continuous access to clean drinking water, renewed as necessary, in a container that the resident keeps clean.
  • Take care of the food adapted to the needs of the animal.
  • Provide daily care to ensure the welfare of the animal.


Some animals cannot be accommodated in Ehpads and Autonomous Residences. This prohibition concerns category dogs, because considered potentially dangerous:

  • attack dogs (called 1)re category): American Staffordshire terrier (commonly called pit bull), Mastiff (commonly called boerbull), Tosa;
  • watchdogs (called 2e category): American Staffordshire terrier, Rottweiler, Tosa.
