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Ecological transition
Estimate your water footprint with Our Climate Actions
Publié le 19 mars 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
World Water Day takes place on 22 March and this year's theme is preserving glaciers. On this occasion, discover Our Climate Gestures, a simulator created by the Agency of the Ecological Transition (Ademe), and estimate your water consumption!
The water footprint is all the water consumed to produce and distribute the goods and services of our daily lives. It thus represents our impact on the water resource, for example the water needed to grow cotton to produce a T-shirt.
Whereas the French today have a water footprint more than 4 000 liters per dayBut the first step is to understand what consumes the most.
We need water to:
- growing fruit, vegetables and cereals;
- growing cotton (for textiles);
- feed the animals whose meat, milk and eggs we eat;
- enable the extraction of materials used to manufacture digital devices;
- to produce electricity.
The Calculation Tool Our Climate Gestures, originally created by Ademe to calculate its carbon footprint, has been enriched with the calculation of the water footprint. It allows you to have a clearer idea of this invisible footprint, induced by all the daily gestures. Our Climate Gestures is the first multi-fingerprint calculator.
The tool uses the AWARE method (Available WAter REmaining), considered an official European standard. It makes it possible to use the water used throughout the production process, while taking into account the water stress (the amount of water resources available) of the territory from which it is taken for use.
10 minutes to calculate your footprint!
You have to answer a series of questions about your habits in terms of: transport, travel, housing insulation, frequency of meals with meat, practice of buying clothes... Depending on your answers, you get your carbon footprint in tons of CO2 issued per year and your water footprint in liters per day. You can visualize your major emissions stations, with action points to reduce your overall footprint.
Actions to reduce water consumption
- Cook with local and seasonal products.
- Reduce meat consumption.
- Favor tap water.
- Opt for sustainable clothing.
- Prefer sustainable materials (linen, wool, recycled cotton...).
- Prefer second-hand or recycled products.
The water footprint measures the total amount of water used to produce the goods and services we consume. It does not take into account domestic consumption (water that comes out of our tap: shower, toilet, kitchen, watering, etc.), it refers to the invisible water needed to grow our food, make our clothes and produce energy.
In France, domestic water consumption averages 150 liters per person per day, divided as follows: beverage (1%), kitchen (6%), car/garden (6%), crockery (10%), linen (12%), sanitary (20%), bath/shower (39%), miscellaneous (6%).
The carbon footprint represents the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by human activities.
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Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe)
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