Driving license: supervised driving (road trades)

Verified 18 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

To whom is the supervised conduct addressed? What are the conditions to be met? What categories of vehicles can be driven? Who can be an escort? We tell you what you need to know about driving and how to apply for a driving license.

The framed driving is to be distinguished from the other 2 driving formulas accompanied by: Early Learning to Drive (AAFC) from 15 years of age, and supervised driving from the age of 18.

The supervised driving is aimed at:

  • Pupils drivers, apprentice drivers and trainees in vocational training, aged from 16 years or older, and preparing a professional diploma issued by the ministry of national education. For example, BEP or Road Driver CAP.
  • To apprentice drivers and trainees in vocational training, aged from 18 years or older, and preparing a professional title issued by the Ministry of Labor.

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You are preparing a professional diploma from the Ministry of National Education

You must meet the following 2 conditions:

  • To have obtained a certificate for admission to supervised driving by the school head certifying that you have validated the driving license examination (code + conduct) required by your training
    You can download the order of 5 january 2023 which contains the model attestation (annex 1).
  • Have participated, with the designated accompanying person, in a prior educational appointment organized by the driving instructor

You are preparing a professional title from the Ministry of Labor

You must meet the following 2 conditions:

  • To have obtained a certificate for access to supervised driving the school principal certifying that you have validated the driving license examination (code + conduct) required by your training
    You can download the order of 5 january 2023 which contains the model attestation 'annex 1).
  • Have participated, with the designated accompanying person, in a prior educational appointment organized by the teacher responsible for teaching driving in vocational training

The supervised driving shall apply to vehicles of the categories B, C1, C1E, C, EC, D1, D1E, D, and FROM driver's license.


You can practice framed driving on a vehicle of the categories C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D, DE driving licenses only during periods of vocational training or alternating in company. For a vehicle of the category D, framed driving is practiced without passengers present.

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You are driving with a Class B vehicle

Your escort may be a member of your family or a friend.

You can have one or more accompanying persons.

Each accompanying person must complete the 3 conditions following:

  • Have the B-permit since 5 years or more
  • Have the agreement of his insurance for driving the vehicle(s) used during accompanied driving. One extension of warranty may be necessary depending on your contract.
  • Not having had cancelation period or invalidation of the permit in the previous 5 years

You are driving with a C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D, DE

The accompanying person must meet all of the following conditions:

  • Being a road driving professional
  • Have had the driving license of the category of vehicle concerned since 5 years or more. The permit must be valid.
  • Have the qualification card of driver valid of the category of vehicle concerned
  • Have the agreement of his insurance for driving the vehicle(s) used during accompanied driving.
    One extension of warranty may be necessary depending on your contract.
  • Not having had cancelation period or invalidation of the permit in the previous 5 years

Participation in 1 educational appointment

You must participate in at least 1 educational appointmentwith the reference instructor or teacher responsible for teaching driving, and at least one accompanying person.


The supervised driving phase can only start with the insurer's prior written consent to the extension of the guarantee.

Rules of conduct

You must follow the following rules:

  • Driving with your companion. It must be seated at the front of the vehicle, next to you (or nearest you, for a category D vehicle without another front seat)
  • Drive in France. Movement abroad is prohibited.
  • Driving on the road and motorway network
  • Drive a light vehicle (PTAC: titleContent not exceeding 3,5 tons) or heavy duty unit (PTAC: titleContent greater than 3.5 tons), depending on the license category prepared
  • Respect specific speed limits

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Category B vehicle

To identify the vehicle as a learning vehicle, you must place a distinguishing sign self-adhesive or magnetized at the rear left (and on the trailer if necessary).

Vehicle of categories C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D, DE

To identify the vehicle as a learning vehicle, you must place, front and rear vehicle, panels or inscriptions of size 100 × 30 centimeters.

The following documents must be submitted in the event of a roadside check by the police:

  • Certificate of registration carte grise () of the vehicle, and if necessary carte grise trailer's
  • Certificate for admission to supervised driving
  • Driver's license

You must keep these documents in the vehicle while driving.

The framed pipe ends with the issue of driving licenses.

However, it ends before you stop your vocational training.

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You have obtained a professional qualification from the Ministry of Labor

Driving licenses shall be issued if age requirements the following are completed:

  • 18 years for category C1, C1E, C or CE as part of a training course for carriage of goods
  • 21 years for categories D1 or D1E as part of a training course for passenger transport (18 years if the person concerned drives in France)
  • 21 years for categories D or DE as part of a training course for passenger transport (20 years if the person concerned drives in France, 18 years if the person concerned is driving in France and on condition that he/she operates a passenger-free service or carries out regular services whose route does not exceed 50 km).

You have obtained a professional degree from the Ministry of National Education

Driving licenses shall be issued if age requirements the following are completed:

  • 17 years for category B subject to having obtained one of the following diplomas: CAP Operator/Service Operator - Customer Relations and Delivery, CAP Freight Delivery Driver, CAP Freight Road Driver, CAP Light Utility Vehicle Mover, CAP Bus and Coach Welcome Officer, Professional Bachelor of Road Freight Transport Driver
  • 18 years for category BE subject to having obtained the moving PCA on a light commercial vehicle
  • 18 years for category C provided that you have obtained the CAP Freight Delivery Driver
  • 18 years for categories C and EC subject to having obtained the professional baccalaureate of road haulage operator or the CAP road haulage operator
  • 21 years for categories D or DE subject to having obtained the CAP welcoming officer by bus and coach

You are in the process of training for a professional diploma issued by the Ministry of National Education

Driving licenses shall be issued if age requirements the following are completed:

  • 17 years for the category B within the framework of professional bachelor's degree in road freight transport subject to presentation of a certificate signed by the head of establishment or the head of the training organization
  • 18 years for the category C in the context of training in professional baccalaureate driver road haulage subject to presentation of a certificate signed by the head of establishment or the head of the training organization

Driving license applications are made online on the website of theANTS: titleContent.

You need the following documents in digital format:

Online application for a driving license after validation of a diploma or professional qualification

One on-line service allows you to follow manufacture and dispatch your driver's license.

Track the progress of a driving license application

Please note

If it's your 1er driver's license, this is a probationary permit. You need to put the "A" sign in the back of your vehicle.

Online application for a driving license after validation of a diploma or professional qualification

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