Is a medical certificate required for sports?

Verified 05 September 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister), Ministry of Sport

The requirement to provide a medical certificate depends on how you practice the sport: within a club affiliated to a sports federation or not (commercial or associative structure), alone or school environment.


The regulations differ depending on whether the club is affiliated with a sports federation or not.

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Not affiliated with a sports federation

Your club may ask you to provide a medical certificate attesting to the absence of a contraindication to the practice of the sport or discipline concerned.

It is not a legal obligation, but a condition linked to the club's rules. The frequency of presentation of the certificate shall be laid down in the internal rules of that body.

Affiliated with a sports federation

The regulations differ depending on whether you are an adult or a minor.

You're an adult

Depending on the sport, you may be required to obtain a medical certificate.

The certificate must attest to the absence of a contraindication to the practice of the sport or discipline concerned in competition.

Ask your club or federation for more information.

Who shall I contact
You're a minor

The obligation to provide a medical certificate depends on the discipline practiced.

Sports disciplines with special constraints

These disciplines include:

  • Underwater diving, particularly underground diving
  • Sports, practiced in competition, for which the fight can end by K-O (English boxing, kick boxing, savate, ...)
  • Sports involving the use of firearms or compressed air weapons (shooting, ball-trap, biathlon)
  • Sports, practiced in competition, involving the use of vehicles, with the exception of go-karting and radio-guided motor modeling (motorsport, motorcycling)
  • Motonautical sports (jet-skiing, hovercraft,...)

In this case, you must provide a medical certificate dated less than 1 year on the day of the license application. The certificate must attest to the absence of a contraindication to the practice of the sport concerned.

Other sports

You need to fill out a health questionnaire with the help of your parents.

Depending on your answers to the questionnaire, you will need to provide one of the following documents to obtain your license:

  • Questionnaire information certificate
  • Medical certificate attesting to the absence of a contraindication to the practice of the sport concerned. The certificate must be less than 6 months old on the day of the license application.


If you wish to participate in a sports competition, the registration procedures differ according to the organizer: sports federation or other organizations (town hall, association).

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Competition of a sports federation

Open to unlicensed sportsman
You're an adult

Depending on the sport, you may be required to obtain a medical certificate.

The certificate must attest to the absence of a contraindication to the practice of the sport or discipline concerned in competition.

Ask your club or federation for more information.

Who shall I contact
You're a minor

You need to fill out a health questionnaire with the help of your parents.

Depending on your answers to the questionnaire, you will need to provide one of the following documents to participate in the competition:

  • Questionnaire information certificate
  • Medical certificate attesting to the absence of a contraindication to the practice of the sport concerned. The certificate must be less than 6 months old on the day of the competition.
Reserved for the licensed athlete

Competition of other organizers (town hall, association)

If you wish to participate in a competition organized by a city hall or an association, the organizers may ask you to provide a medical certificate.


A school may not require a medical certificate to attend mandatory PSE courses.

On the other hand, he can ask for a medical certificate of incompetence (total or partial) from any student who wants to be exempted from the course of PSE.

The regulations differ according to the sport.

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General case

To obtain or renew a license from a school sports federation (UNSS, UGSEL, USEP), you do not need to present a medical certificate.

Sports with special constraints

Some sports have specific safety requirements:

  • Underwater diving, particularly underground diving
  • Sports, practiced in competition, for which the fight can end by K-O (English boxing, kick boxing, savate, ...)
  • Sports involving the use of firearms or compressed air weapons (shooting, ball-trap, biathlon)
  • Sports, practiced in competition, involving the use of vehicles, with the exception of go-karting and radio-guided motor modeling (motorsport, motorcycling)
  • Motonautical sports (jet-skiing, hovercraft,...)

To obtain or renew a license from a school sports federation (UNSS, UGSEL, USEP) to practice one of these sports, you must present a medical certificate.

The document must attest to the absence of a contraindication to the practice of the sport or discipline concerned.

It must also be less than 1 year old on the day of the license application.

To obtain this certificate, you must perform a specific medical examination. For more information, contact your doctor.

Do you need a medical certificate to play sports?

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