Can a foreigner have his valid residence permit withdrawn?

Verified 28 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

YesHowever, your residence permit may be withdrawn for reasons that vary depending on the type of permit. You are then forced to leave France.

The prefecture will inform you that it wishes to withdraw your residence card. You will then have time to submit your written or oral comments, in order to avoid the withdrawal.

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You have a temporary or multi-year residence card

During its period of validity, your residence permit must or may be withdrawn from you, in particular if any of the following applies to you:

  • You no longer meet one of the conditions for obtaining the title
  • In the context of family reunification, the common life was interrupted during the 3 years following the issuance of the card (except death or domestic violence)
  • You live in a state of polygamy in France
  • You have committed acts that expose you to a conviction (drug trafficking, slavery, human trafficking, pimping, soliciting...)
  • You have illegally employed a foreigner worker
  • You're working without permission
  • You did not go to the summonses of the prefecture to check that you still meet the conditions for issuing your residence card
  • You've been the subject of a expulsion order or of prohibition of French territory (ITF)
  • You are a threat to public order
  • You obtained your residence permit by fraud
  • You committed forgery and use forgery
  • You have committed acts that expose you to a criminal conviction against an elected official or public official


Your residence card salaried worker or talent passport cannot be withdrawn if you are involuntarily unemployed.

You have a resident card

During its period of validity, your card must or may be withdrawn from you, in particular if any of the following applies to you:

  • You are married to a Frenchman and the break-up of your common life occurred within 4 years of your marriage (unless one or more children were born of your union and you are involved in their maintenance and education since birth, or in the event of the death of your spouse or of domestic violence)
  • In the context of family reunification, the common life was interrupted for the 3 years following the issuance of the card (except in cases of death or domestic violence)
  • You live in a state of polygamy in France
  • You have been convicted of committing certain acts of violence against a child under 15 years of age (mutilation or violence resulting in permanent disability) or if you were an accomplice to such acts
  • You have illegally employed a foreigner worker
  • You did not attend the summonses of the prefecture to check that you still meet the conditions for issuing your residence card
  • You've been the subject of a expulsion order or of prohibition of French territory (ITF)
  • You are a threat to public order
  • You have left France for more than 3 consecutive years
  • You obtained your residence permit by fraud

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