Family host and family assistant: what differences?

Verified 02 December 2020 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Tableau - Main differences between the family host and the family assistant


Friendly family

Family assistant (foster family)

People welcomed

Unrelated elderly or disabled adult up to 4e degree included, i.e. not being a parent, grandparent, brother or sister, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece, first cousin...

Child or young person child protection measure or with medical, social or therapeutic management


- Accommodation

- Support for autonomy

- Participation in family life,...

- Accommodation

- Education

- Support for autonomy

- Accompaniment of the child or young person in his relations with his family,...


2 devices:

- Family reception by private contract in which the person received pays directly to the family host

- Salaried family welcome in which the welcoming family is an employee of an employer organization (some organizations provide accommodation adapted to this type of reception)

The family assistant is an employee of the legal person entrusting the child or young person