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Disabled Adult Allowance (DAA)
Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
AAH joint, professional activity and pension rights
Article 254 of the Finance Law for 2024 allows beneficiaries of the Disabled Adult Allowance (DAA) to continue to receive this allowance if they decide to continue their professional activity after their age of entitlement to retreat. This measure will come into force on a date to be fixed by Order in Council.
In addition, section 255 of the same act provides for holding of cumulation of the supplement for independent living and the additional resources for people losing the benefit of AAH because of the increase in the amount of their pensions as a result of the pension reform. This measure also provides for the issuance of an order in council.
Our page will be updated as soon as these texts are published.
In the meantime, the information presented on this page remains valid.
You're in have a disability and have limited resources? The Disabled Adult Allowance (DAA) may guarantee you one minimum income to meet daily expenses. We'll tell you what the conditions and the gait to follow in order to benefit from it.
What applies to you ?
You can use a simulator to find out if you are entitled to the AAH:
Know what social benefits you may be entitled to
You have to meet certain criteria incapacitation, of age, of residence and resources to collect the AAH.
Disability rate
You must have a certain disability rate determined by the CDAPHCDAPH : Commission on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities . This rate shall be fixed on the basis of guide-scale for the assessment of disabilities and disabilities of persons with disabilities.
This rate must be at least 80%. However, it may be 50% to 79% if you have a substantial restriction and sustainable access to employment.
The restriction is substantial if you have significant difficulties in accessing a job that cannot be compensated by specific accommodation measures such as a suitable job.
The restriction is long-lasting as long as it is foreseeable for at least 1 year from the filing of the AAH application.
You must have at least 20 years.
However, you may have at least 16 years if you are no longer considered for family benefits payable by your parents. This is the case, for example, if you have left the family home.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You're French
You can collect the AAH if you reside in Metropolitan France or in the departments or authorities following:
- Guadeloupe
- Guiana
- Martinique
- Mayotte
- Reunion
- Saint Barthelemy
- Saint Martin's Day
- St. Pierre and Miquelon.
You're European
You can collect the AAH if you live in France for more than 3 months. Compliance with this period is not not required if you exercise professional activity.
You are of another nationality
You can collect the AAH if you live in France for at least 3 months. Compliance with this period is not not required if you exercise professional activity.
You must also to be in regular status, that is, to have a residence permit in validity course or a renewal application receipt a residence permit.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You're French
You can collect the AAH if you reside in Metropolitan France or in the departments or authorities following:
- Guadeloupe
- Guiana
- Martinique
- Mayotte
- Reunion
- Saint Barthelemy
- Saint Martin's Day
- St. Pierre and Miquelon.
You're European
You can collect the AAH if you live in France for more than 3 months. Compliance with this period is not not required if you exercise professional activity.
You are of another nationality
You can collect the AAH if you live in France for at least 3 months. Compliance with this period is not not required if you exercise professional activity.
You must also to be in regular status, that is, to have a residence permit in validity course or a renewal application receipt a residence permit.
AAH is assigned means-tested.
The resources taken into account are those listed on the line Categorical net income your 2023 Notice of Assessment (for a 2025 application for an AAH).
Some income is partially taken into account for the calculation of resources. These revenues are as follows:
- Income from commercial, craft, liberal or agricultural activities
- Salaries and wages, pensions, life annuities free of charge and remuneration of managers and members of certain businesses
- Guaranteed remuneration paid in the event of work in an establishment or work-related support service (State)
However, property income, i.e. the rents levied for a rental unit, are taken into account in full for the calculation of resources.
Since 1er october 2023, the AAH amount is no longer calculated from your cumulative resources with those of the person with whom you live as a couple. The AAH amount is calculated solely from your own resources (referred to as deconjugalisation).
HoweverHowever, this change in calculation mode is only made if it is more advantageous for you. If not, the combination of your resources and those of the person with whom you live in a relationship continues to apply (called conjugalization).
It is your Cof or MSA that automatically evaluates and applies the most advantageous calculation method for you. You don't have to do anything about it.
As soon as the conjugalized calculation no longer benefits you, your AAH is calculated in a de-conjugalized manner. This calculation is automatic and final.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You're single
Your resources must not exceed certain limits.
Number of dependent children within the meaning of family benefits | Your resources |
0 | €12,193 |
1 | €18,289 |
2 | €24,385 |
3 | €30,481 |
4 | €36,578 |
You're a couple
Your resources and those of the person you live with as a couple should not exceed certain limits.
Number of dependent children within the meaning of family benefits | Your resources | You live as a couple |
0 | €12,193 | €22,069 |
1 | €18,289 | €28,165 |
2 | €24,385 | €34,261 |
3 | €30,481 | €40,358 |
4 | €36,578 | €46,454 |
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You're single
Your resources must not exceed certain limits.
Number of dependent children within the meaning of family benefits | Your resources |
0 | €12,193 |
1 | €18,289 |
2 | €24,385 |
3 | €30,481 |
4 | €36,578 |
You're a couple
Your resources and those of the person you live with as a couple should not exceed certain limits.
Number of dependent children within the meaning of family benefits | Your resources | You live as a couple |
0 | €12,193 | €22,069 |
1 | €18,289 | €28,165 |
2 | €24,385 | €34,261 |
3 | €30,481 | €40,358 |
4 | €36,578 | €46,454 |
The request can be made online through an online service, if the MDPHMDPH : Departmental house for people with disabilities of your place of residence offers it:
Application for MDPH benefits (AAH, PCH ...) and renewal
You can also apply by post through a form:
Application or renewal of disability benefits (AAH, PCH, CMI, accommodation ...)
You must contact supporting documents mentioned in connection with your online application or on the form.
Documents must be sent (or scanned if you apply online) to the MDPHMDPH : Departmental house for people with disabilities of your place of residence.
Please note
one procedure for recognition of the status of disabled worker (RQTH) is routinely engaged in the course of the examination of an AAH application.
Once you have made your AAH request, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from the MDPH (called notification), by mail with your file number.
The MDPH assesses your AAH application on the basis of your needs, the information you have provided in your file. It may take up to 4 months.
The MDPH then organizes the CDAPH, which makes the decision whether or not to grant you the AAH.
The MDPH will send you the decision by mail within 4 weeks after CDAPH.
The MDPH sends a copy of the decision to your CAF or MSA in charge of the AAH payment.
The FCA or MSA calculates your entitlement to the AAH and pays you the AAH after verifying administrative conditions (age, resources, residence and nationality).
The upright of the AAH depends of your resources.
You can use a simulator to make a estimate of your rights :
Know what social benefits you may be entitled to
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You have no resources
If you have no resources, you will receive the maximum amount of the AAH which is €1,016.05 (whether you have a disability rate of between 50% and 79% or more).
Accident at work You are receiving a pension (disability, retirement,
If you are receiving a pension, you will receive the difference between amount of your pension or annuity and maximum amount of the AAH (which is €1,016.05).
You're working
The location varies depending on whether you work in StateState : Establishment and service of accompaniment through work or ordinary environment.
In State
The upright of the AAH is calculated based on your business income.
Your resources are evaluated based on the data from the penultimate year that are transmitted by the tax department. However, the calculation of your entitlements can be quarterly if you start in Ésat after having had a professional activity in an ordinary environment.
Ordinary environment
The upright of the AAH is calculated based on your business income.
You must report your resources to the FCA or MSA on a quarterly basis by completing a form:
Quarterly AAH reporting to the Cfa or MSA
You are hospitalized or accommodated in a specialized reception house (Mas)
You are hospitalized or accommodated in Mas less than 60 days
You continue to collect the maximum amount of the AAH, either €1,016.05 per month.
You are hospitalized or accommodated in Mas for more than 60 days
The upright of the AAH is reduced to 30%, or €305 per month.
However, this reduction does not apply if you are in one of the following situations:
- You pay a daily fee, either €20 per day
- You have at least 1 dependent child within the meaning of family benefits
- You have 1 ascendant dependant in the tax sense (you pay support to him)
- The person you live with as a couple does not work for a reason recognized by the CDAPH.
At the end of your hospitalization or lodging, you again receive the maximum amount of the AAH, either €1,016.05.
You're incarcerated
You're incarcerated for less than 60 days
You continue to collect the maximum amount of the AAH, either €1,016.05 per month.
You're incarcerated for more than 60 days
The amount of the AAH shall be reduced to 30%, or €305 per month.
However, this reduction does not apply if you are in one of the following situations:
- You have at least 1 dependent child within the meaning of family benefits
- You have 1 ascendant dependant in the tax sense (you pay support to him)
- The person you live with as a couple does not work for a reason recognized by the CDAPH.
At the end of your incarceration, you again receive the maximum amount of the AAH, i.e. €1,016.05.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You have no resources
If you have no resources, you will receive the maximum amount of the AAH which is €1,016.05 (whether you have a disability rate of between 50% and 79% or more).
Accident at work You are receiving a pension (disability, retirement,
If you are receiving a pension, you will receive the difference between amount of your pension or annuity and maximum amount of the AAH (which is €1,016.05).
You're working
The location varies depending on whether you work in StateState : Establishment and service of accompaniment through work or ordinary environment.
In State
The upright of the AAH is calculated based on your business income.
Your resources are evaluated based on the data from the penultimate year that are transmitted by the tax department. However, the calculation of your entitlements can be quarterly if you start in Ésat after having had a professional activity in an ordinary environment.
Ordinary environment
The upright of the AAH is calculated based on your business income.
You must report your resources to the FCA or MSA on a quarterly basis by completing a form:
Quarterly AAH reporting to the Cfa or MSA
You are hospitalized or accommodated in a specialized reception house (Mas)
You are hospitalized or accommodated in Mas less than 60 days
You continue to collect the maximum amount of the AAH, either €1,016.05 per month.
You are hospitalized or accommodated in Mas for more than 60 days
The upright of the AAH is reduced to 30%, or €305 per month.
However, this reduction does not apply if you are in one of the following situations:
- You pay a daily fee, either €20 per day
- You have at least 1 dependent child within the meaning of family benefits
- You have 1 ascendant dependant in the tax sense (you pay support to him)
- The person you live with as a couple does not work for a reason recognized by the CDAPH.
At the end of your hospitalization or lodging, you again receive the maximum amount of the AAH, either €1,016.05.
You're incarcerated
You're incarcerated for less than 60 days
You continue to collect the maximum amount of the AAH, either €1,016.05 per month.
You're incarcerated for more than 60 days
The amount of the AAH shall be reduced to 30%, or €305 per month.
However, this reduction does not apply if you are in one of the following situations:
- You have at least 1 dependent child within the meaning of family benefits
- You have 1 ascendant dependant in the tax sense (you pay support to him)
- The person you live with as a couple does not work for a reason recognized by the CDAPH.
At the end of your incarceration, you again receive the maximum amount of the AAH, i.e. €1,016.05.
All depends of your disability rate.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Your rate is at least 80%
The AAH shall be granted for a period of 1 to 10 years or for life if your disability cannot develop favorably.
When the AAH is not assigned for life, you can reapply for the AAH before the end of the award period by following the same procedure as for the initial application (same form to be completed and attachments).
The AAH shall be granted for a period of 1-2 years or 1 to 5 years if your disability cannot develop favorably during this period.
Before the end of the award period, you can reapply for an AAH using the same procedure as for the initial application (same form to be completed and attachments).
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
Your rate is at least 80%
The AAH shall be granted for a period of 1 to 10 years or for life if your disability cannot develop favorably.
When the AAH is not assigned for life, you can reapply for the AAH before the end of the award period by following the same procedure as for the initial application (same form to be completed and attachments).
The AAH shall be granted for a period of 1-2 years or 1 to 5 years if your disability cannot develop favorably during this period.
Before the end of the award period, you can reapply for an AAH using the same procedure as for the initial application (same form to be completed and attachments).
All depends of your disability rate.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Disability rate of at least 80%
You can accumulate your retirement pension and the AAH if the amount of your pension is less than the maximum amount of the AAH (€1,016.05). You will then receive the difference between amount of your pension and the maximum amount of the AAH.
50% to 79%
The payment of the AAH ends from the statutory retirement age (currently 64 years for persons born from 1er January 1968).
If you have never contributed to old-age insurance or do not receive any benefits, the AAH is replaced by Solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa).
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
Disability rate of at least 80%
You can accumulate your retirement pension and the AAH if the amount of your pension is less than the maximum amount of the AAH (€1,016.05). You will then receive the difference between amount of your pension and the maximum amount of the AAH.
50% to 79%
The payment of the AAH ends from the statutory retirement age (currently 64 years for persons born from 1er January 1968).
If you have never contributed to old-age insurance or do not receive any benefits, the AAH is replaced by Solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa).
Any change in your situation (moving, bank details, family life...) must be declared to the CAF or the MSA because it can have an impact on your AAH. This statement can be made online or directly on site with your Cof or MSA.
You need to sign in to your account with your Allocator Number and PIN:
Family Allowance Fund (Caf) online
You must scan the documents justifying your change of situation (e.g. notice of decision from France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)).
On the spot
You must complete a change of situation report form available from your CFOC.
You will need to attach to your application the documents justifying your change of situation (e.g. France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)).
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You need to sign in to your account with your Allocator Number and PIN:
Family Allowance Fund (Caf) online
You must scan the documents justifying your change of situation (e.g. notice of decision from France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)).
On the spot
You must complete a change of situation report form available from your CFOC.
You will need to attach to your application the documents justifying your change of situation (e.g. France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)).
You need to sign in to your account with your Allocator Number and PIN:
You must scan the documents justifying your change of situation (e.g. notice of decision from France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)).
On the spot
You must complete a change of situation report form available from the AMM.
You will need to attach to your application the documents justifying your change of situation (e.g. France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)).
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You need to sign in to your account with your Allocator Number and PIN:
You must scan the documents justifying your change of situation (e.g. notice of decision from France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)).
On the spot
You must complete a change of situation report form available from the AMM.
You will need to attach to your application the documents justifying your change of situation (e.g. France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)).
Yes, the AAH may be cumulative with the benefits following:
- Surcharge for independent living or the additional resources. This add-in is deleted since december 2019. However, if you received this aid until that date, you will continue to receive it if you meet the conditions for the award, for a maximum period of 10 years.
If you touch other allowances (for example: invalidity pension, RSA), you have an AAH small.
He's not possible to accumulate the AAH and the specific solidarity allowance (SSA). However, if you received these 2 aids on 31 december 2016, you may continue to receive them as long as you meet the conditions, for a maximum period of 10 years.
The heirs must inform the Caf or the MSA by all means in case of death of the beneficiary of the AAH.
The heirs do not to reimburse the amounts paid to the beneficiary of the AAH.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
Conditions of award
Conditions of award
Details on the rate of incapacity
Examination of the request
Guide-scale for the assessment of disabilities and disabilities of persons with disabilities
Ministry of Disability
National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)
National Fund for Family Allowances (Cnaf)
Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Dila) - Prime Minister