Category, body, job framework, grade and step: what are the differences?

Verified 21 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Public servants belong to bodies in the State (PES) and Hospital (FPH) public service or to positions in the territorial (FPT) public service that are classified in categories A, B or C. These corps or frames of employment generally comprise several grades and each grade comprises several steps. We're going through all of that.

Video: Public service employment, how does it work?

Vidéo - Public service employment, how does it work?
Credits : Public Service (DILA)

Public Service Employment

How does it work?

Are you going to work in the public service? Categories, job categories, corps, grades, steps... If it doesn't ring a bell for you right now, don't panic, we'll explain.

First of all, know that there are 3 public services.

The State civil service, the territorial civil service and the hospital civil service. Categories, what are they?

In each public service, jobs are classified into 3 categories: A, B or C. They set the level of diploma or training required at entry.

Thus, for category A, at least one + 2 tray is required. For the B, the baccalaureate is enough. Category C is accessible without a diploma or with a diploma of level V or V bis (CAP, BEP, college certificate).

And for the bodies and executives of jobs, what are we talking about?

In each category A, B and C, civil servants are grouped into bodies (for the State and hospital civil services) or job categories (for the territorial civil service). Within the same body or framework of employment, they shall perform the same functions.

What's the difference with ranks?

Each corps or job line comprises one or more grades.

At the beginning of your career, you usually start on the 1st grade. You can then move to higher grades called progression grades - subject to conditions.

And the levels in all this?

Each grade has several steps. The step is used to calculate the remuneration.

Here too, you usually start your career on the 1st step of your rank. With seniority, you automatically move up the ladder.

Do we summarize with a diagram?

Each civil service is organized into categories A, B and C. These categories are composed of corps or frames of employment, which comprise one or more grades, which are themselves composed of several grades.


State civil service bodies are classified in a hierarchical category according to their level of recruitment. Each corps brings together civil servants who are subject to the same set of rules, called special statusfixed by decree. Each official shall hold one grade in his body and one step in that grade.

In the public service, jobs are classified according to their level of recruitment into 3 categories, designated by letters A, B, C.

Tableau - Categories of posts


Levels of recruitment


Tray + 2 minimum


Minimum Tray


Diploma level V or V bis (CAP, BEP, college certificate) or no diploma

The transition from one category to another is possible by internal promotion or competition.

Each category includes a number of body bringing together officials subject to the same special status.

Each body includes one or more grades.

The grade enables the holder to occupy various posts in that grade.

When there are several grades, they are hierarchical.

Except in exceptional circumstances, access to a corps shall be on the lowest rank or early career grade.

During the career, it is possible to advance to the higher grade by advancement of grade.

The conditions for advancement in grade shall be laid down, for each body, by the special status.

Advancement of rank is not a right.

Each grade includes multiple steps which form the index grid.

The number of steps in each grade is fixed by decree.

Each step shall be accompanied by the length of service required by the special Staff Regulations in order to progress to the next step.

The step shall determine the official's principal remuneration.

In fact, a gross index (known as the career index) is assigned to each step.

To this gross index there corresponds an increased index (referred to as the compensation index) from which a index treatment (or basic treatment).

In principle, access to the grade is on 1er step.

In the course of his career, the official shall advance to the higher echelons by advancement in step.

Advancement is a right.

Example :

Tableau - Structure of the school teachers' corps






Teachers of schools

Recruitment Grade

Teacher of normal-class schools: 11 steps

1er promotion grade

Teacher of non-classroom schools: 7 steps

2e promotion grade

Teacher of outstanding class schools: 5 steps


Territorial civil service job managers are classified in a hierarchical category according to their level of recruitment. Each job manager brings together public servants who are subject to the same set of rules, called special statusfixed by decree. Each official shall hold one grade and, in his post, one step.

In the public service, jobs are classified according to their level of recruitment into 3 categories, designated by letters A, B, C.

Tableau - Categories of posts


Levels of recruitment


Tray + 3 minimum


Minimum Tray


Diploma level V or V bis (CAP, BEP, college certificate) or no diploma

The transition from one category to another is possible by internal promotion or competition.

Each category includes a number of job managers bringing together officials subject to the same special status.

Each job cadre includes one or more grades.

The grade enables the holder to occupy various posts in that grade.

When there are several grades, they are hierarchical.

Except in exceptional cases, access to a job framework shall be at the lowest grade or early career grade.

During the career, it is possible to advance to the higher grade by advancement of grade.

The conditions for advancement in grade shall be laid down, for each post office, by the special Staff Regulations.

Advancement of rank is not a right.

Each grade includes multiple steps which form the index grid.

The number of steps in each grade is fixed by decree.

Each step shall be accompanied by the length of service required by the special Staff Regulations in order to progress to the next step.

The step shall determine the official's principal remuneration.

In fact, a gross index (known as the career index) is assigned to each step.

To this gross index there corresponds an increased index (referred to as the compensation index) from which a index treatment (or basic treatment).

In principle, access to the grade is on 1er step.

In the course of his career, the official shall advance to the higher echelons by advancement in step.

Advancement is a right.

Example :

Tableau - Structure of the employment framework for municipal police officers





Employment Framework

Municipal police officers

Recruitment Grade

Brigadier-Guardian: 12 steps

Grade of advancement

Senior Brigadier-Chief: 10 steps


Hospital civil service bodies are classified in a hierarchical category according to their level of recruitment. Each corps brings together civil servants who are subject to the same set of rules, called special statusfixed by decree. Each official shall hold one grade in his body and one step in that grade.

In the public service, jobs are classified according to their level of recruitment into 3 categories, designated by letters A, B, C.

Tableau - Categories of posts


Levels of recruitment


Tray + 3 minimum


Minimum Tray


Diploma level V or V bis (CAP, BEP, college certificate) or no diploma

The transition from one category to another is possible by internal promotion or competition.

Each category includes a number of body bringing together officials subject to the same special status.

Some hospital senior jobs may not be organized in bodies. Bodies and posts with identical tasks shall be subject to the same special status.

Each grade includes multiple steps which form the index grid.

The number of steps in each grade is fixed by decree.

Each step shall be accompanied by the length of service required by the special Staff Regulations in order to progress to the next step.

The step shall determine the official's principal remuneration.

In fact, a gross index (known as the career index) is assigned to each step.

To this gross index there corresponds an increased index (referred to as the compensation index) from which a index treatment (or basic treatment).

In principle, access to the grade is on 1er step.

In the course of his career, the official shall advance to the higher echelons by advancement in step.

Advancement is a right.

Each grade includes multiple steps which form the index grid.

The number of steps in each grade is fixed by decree.

Each step shall be accompanied by the length of service required by the special Staff Regulations in order to progress to the next step.

The step shall determine the official's principal remuneration.

In fact, a gross index (known as the career index) is assigned to each step.

To this gross index there corresponds an increased index (referred to as the compensation index) from which a index treatment (or basic treatment).

In principle, access to the grade is on 1er step.

In the course of his career, the official shall advance to the higher echelons by advancement in step.

Advancement is a right.

Example :

Tableau - Structure of the work force of nurse anesthetists





Employment Framework

Nurse anesthetists

Recruitment Grade

1er nurse grade: 10 steps

Grade of advancement

2e nursing rank: 8 steps