Cumulation of employment and retirement of the official
Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
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You are retired and are considering continue or resume an activity professional? The conditions for combining your retirement pensions with your working income vary depending on whether you are receiving a basic pension of the SRESRE : State Pension Service (if you are a government official) or CNRACLCNRACL : National Pension Fund for Local Government Employees (if you are a territorial or hospital official) full or reduced rate. In addition, your business may, under certain conditions, cause you to acquire new pension rights. We're giving you the details of those provisions.
If you were a contract employee, you are covered by the Social Security Pension Insurance and the conditions for job-pension accumulation are the same as for a private-sector employee.
The combination of your basic retirement pension of SRESRE : State Pension Service (if you are a government official) or CNRACLCNRACL : National Pension Fund for Local Government Employees (if you are a territorial or hospital official) with an income from employment may be integral or subject to a revenue cap.
Full employment-pension cumulation
You can accumulate in full your basic SRE or NACL retirement pension and employment income:
- If you have a basic pension at full rate
- Or if you carry out certain activities.
Basic pension at full rate
You can accumulate in full your basic SRE or NACL retirement pension and employment income (regardless of the amount of your retirement pension and your employment income) if you meet the following conditions:
- You have liquidated (i.e. requested and obtained) every basic and supplementary retirement pensions, French and foreign, to which you are entitled at the age at which you return to work
- And you got a basic retirement pension SRE or NACL at full rate between 62 and 67 years justifying the number of quarters required according to your year of birth
- Or you got a basic retirement pension SRE or NACL full rate at 67 years or more (no matter how many quarters you have).
You can also accumulate in full your basic SRE or NACL retirement pension and employment income if you have been admitted to the disability pension.
If you meet these conditions, you can resume or continue a professional activity upon your retirement or at any time your last employer or another employer.
If you are in the private sector, your new business must be compatible with your previous functions.
Activities freely cumulable with a SRE or NRACL basic retirement pension
If you do not have a full-rate SRE or NRACL basic retirement pensionHowever, you can accumulate your pension with working income if you continue or resume any of the following activities (subject to conditions for some of them):
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Artistic activities
You can continue or resume an artistic activity.
The activities concerned are as follows:
- Author of literary and dramatic works, music and choreography, audiovisual and cinematographic works, graphics and plastics, and photography
- Performing artist (lyrical, choreographic, variety artist, musician, singer, conductor, director, etc.)
- Mannequin
- Performer under the liberal professions.
Creative Activities
You can continue or resume an artistic or creative activity.
The artistic or creative works concerned are as follows:
- Books, brochures and other literary, artistic and scientific literature
- Lectures, speeches, sermons, oral arguments and other similar works
- Dramatic or dramatic musical works
- Choreographic works, circus numbers and rounds, pantomimes the implementation of which is fixed in writing or otherwise
- Musical compositions with or without words
- Cinematographic works and other works consisting of animated sequences of images, whether or not with sound, called audiovisual works
- Works of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving, lithography
- Graphic and typographical works
- Photographic works and works made using techniques similar to photography
- Works of Applied Arts
- Illustrations, maps
- Plastic plans, sketches and works relating to geography, topography, architecture and science
- Software, including pre-build hardware
- Creations of the seasonal clothing and adornment industries.
Like any artist, you must respect copyright rules.
Participation in the functioning of the justice system
You can continue or resume a casual activity that contributes to the functioning of justice.
These activities include:
- Member or assessor of certain courts: jury of the courts of assize, assessor of the joint courts of rural leases, labor counselor, assessor of the courts for children
- Expert, advisory or findings missions entrusted by judges
- Arbitration activities and activities in commissions intended to obtain conciliation of the parties, in so far as participation in such commissions gives rise to the receipt of compensation.
Participation in consultative or deliberative bodies
You may continue or resume an activity as a member of an advisory or deliberative body. These activities include:
- Regional, departmental or municipal councilor
- Member of a commission or advisory board
- Honorary Magistrate, President of a Legal Aid Office
- Member of a board of directors or a commission within a public establishment, a public sector company, or a body responsible for the performance of the public service.
Healthcare professional activities
You can continue or resume a health professional activity in an area characterized by insufficient care provision or difficulties in access to care (medical desert).
The healthcare professionals involved are:
- Physician, midwife and odontologist
- Pharmacist, pharmacy preparer, hospital pharmacy preparer, medical physicist
- Nursing assistant, childcare assistant, ambulance and dental assistant, nurse, massage therapist, pedicure podiatrist, occupational therapist and psychomotrician, speech therapist and orthoptist, medical electroradiology manipulator and medical laboratory technician, audio prosthetist, optician-eyewear specialist, prosthetist and orthotist, dietician.
Private security activities
If you were an active member of the National Police, you can continue or resume a private security activity.
The activities concerned are as follows:
- Human surveillance, or by electronic security systems, or the safeguarding of movable or immovable property, the security of persons in such buildings or on public transport
- Transport and surveillance of funds, jewelry or precious metals
- Protection of the physical integrity of persons
- Protection, on behalf of a shipowner, against threats of diversion or acts of terrorism, of ships flying the French flag.
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Artistic activities
You can continue or resume an artistic activity.
The activities concerned are as follows:
- Author of literary and dramatic works, music and choreography, audiovisual and cinematographic works, graphics and plastics, and photography
- Performing artist (lyrical, choreographic, variety artist, musician, singer, conductor, director, etc.)
- Mannequin
- Performer under the liberal professions.
Creative Activities
You can continue or resume an artistic or creative activity.
The artistic or creative works concerned are as follows:
- Books, brochures and other literary, artistic and scientific literature
- Lectures, speeches, sermons, oral arguments and other similar works
- Dramatic or dramatic musical works
- Choreographic works, circus numbers and rounds, pantomimes the implementation of which is fixed in writing or otherwise
- Musical compositions with or without words
- Cinematographic works and other works consisting of animated sequences of images, whether or not with sound, called audiovisual works
- Works of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving, lithography
- Graphic and typographical works
- Photographic works and works made using techniques similar to photography
- Works of Applied Arts
- Illustrations, maps
- Plastic plans, sketches and works relating to geography, topography, architecture and science
- Software, including pre-build hardware
- Creations of the seasonal clothing and adornment industries.
Like any artist, you must respect copyright rules.
Participation in the functioning of the justice system
You can continue or resume a casual activity that contributes to the functioning of justice.
These activities include:
- Member or assessor of certain courts: jury of the courts of assize, assessor of the joint courts of rural leases, labor counselor, assessor of the courts for children
- Expert, advisory or findings missions entrusted by judges
- Arbitration activities and activities in commissions intended to obtain conciliation of the parties, in so far as participation in such commissions gives rise to the receipt of compensation.
Participation in consultative or deliberative bodies
You may continue or resume an activity as a member of an advisory or deliberative body. These activities include:
- Regional, departmental or municipal councilor
- Member of a commission or advisory board
- Honorary Magistrate, President of a Legal Aid Office
- Member of a board of directors or a commission within a public establishment, a public sector company, or a body responsible for the performance of the public service.
Healthcare professional activities
You can continue or resume a health professional activity in an area characterized by insufficient care provision or difficulties in access to care (medical desert).
The healthcare professionals involved are:
- Physician, midwife and odontologist
- Pharmacist, pharmacy preparer, hospital pharmacy preparer, medical physicist
- Nursing assistant, childcare assistant, ambulance and dental assistant, nurse, massage therapist, pedicure podiatrist, occupational therapist and psychomotrician, speech therapist and orthoptist, medical electroradiology manipulator and medical laboratory technician, audio prosthetist, optician-eyewear specialist, prosthetist and orthotist, dietician.
Private security activities
If you were an active member of the National Police, you can continue or resume a private security activity.
The activities concerned are as follows:
- Human surveillance, or by electronic security systems, or the safeguarding of movable or immovable property, the security of persons in such buildings or on public transport
- Transport and surveillance of funds, jewelry or precious metals
- Protection of the physical integrity of persons
- Protection, on behalf of a shipowner, against threats of diversion or acts of terrorism, of ships flying the French flag.
Capped employment-pension cumulation
If you do not have a full-rate SRE or NACRL basic retirement pension or if you are not in a freely accumulating occupation, you can still accumulate your basic retirement pension with employment income provided that your annual employment income does not exceed not the sum of €8,124.97 plus one-third of the gross annual amount of your basic retirement pension.
Example :
The gross annual amount of your basic retirement pension is €18,000 per year.
Your gross annual income from business must not exceed €14,124.97 (€8,124.97 + €18,000 / 3)
If your annual gross income from business is €10,925, you can receive your basic retirement pension in full.
If your annual gross income from business is €21,623, the sum of €7,498.03 (€21,623 - €14,124.97) is deducted from your basic retirement pension.
Your revenue from activities included are as follows:
- If you have taken up employment : this is the amount you received as a gross amount, regardless of name, for services paid per day, per month or per year or as a lump sum, in the form of an allowance or allowance of some kind. If you have returned to contract work in the public service, the residence allowance, the family salary supplement, reimbursements and elected allowances are not taken into account.
- If you have resumed self-employment : this refers to the amounts you have received less the expenses paid for the performance of your benefits.
A simulator allows you to estimate the amount of working income you can accumulate with your SRE or NACL basic retirement pension:
Estimate the income that can be accumulated with your retirement pension
If you are in the private sector, your new business must be compatible with your previous functions.
You must report your resumption of activity to the SRE, if you are a government official, or to the NACL, if you are a territorial or hospital official:
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You can report your resumption of activity by means of your secure email accessible from your personal space on the ENSAP website:
Secure digital space for public officials (Ensap): pension account
You can report your resumption of activity from your personal space on the site My Public Retirement.
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You can report your resumption of activity by means of your secure email accessible from your personal space on the ENSAP website:
Secure digital space for public officials (Ensap): pension account
You can report your resumption of activity from your personal space on the site My Public Retirement.
It depends on whether or not you qualify for full employment-pension.
Full employment-pension cumulation
If you meet the conditions for full job-pension cumulation, your professional activity allows you to to constitute new pension rights with the basic pension fund under which your activity is carried out.
If you return to work with your last employer, this resumption of activity entitles you to a pension supplement if it occurs at least 6 months after your retirement. You can accumulate your retirement pensions with an activity at your last employer as soon as you retire, but this activity does not entitle you to a pension supplement until the 7the months after you retire.
The amount of your SRE or NACL basic retirement pension that was calculated when you retired does not change. However, periods during which you are working during your retirement give you the right to a new retirement pension.
This new retirement pension is calculated at the full rate or at the maximum rate. No discount shall be applied to its amount.
Unlike the SRE or CNRACL basic retirement pension which was calculated when you retired, this new pension cannot be increased (for children, for example).
The amount of your new retirement pension cannot exceed €2,355 gross per year.
You can only receive a new retirement pension once from the same basic pension fund.
The application for a new pension following full employment-pension is made using the following form:
Application for pension following job-pension accumulation
Capped employment-pension cumulation
The resumption of a professional activity during your retirement does not give you any new right to retirement.
Your pensions are not recalculated.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
If you are a retired public servant
State Pension Service (SRE)If you are a retired territorial or hospital official
National Pension Fund for Local Government Officials (CNRACL)
General provisions
Accumulation of pensions and earned income
Accumulation of pensions and earned income
State Pension Service (SRE) - Ministry of Public Finance
National Pension Fund for Local Government Officials (CNRACL)
Ministry of Economy