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Specific Solidarity Allowance (SSA)
Verified 01 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Have you exhausted your unemployment rights? Know that the specific solidarity allowance (SSA) can be granted if your monthly resources do not exceed a certain ceiling. Payment of the SSA It can be maintained in the event of resumption of activity, under several conditions. We present you with the information you need to know.
What applies to you ?
Be a job seeker
You must complete all of the following conditions :
- Be fit for work
- Perform positive and repeated actions to find a job or start/resume a company
- Have exhausted your rights to Return to Employment Assistance (RWA) or to the end-of-training fee (RFF)
Previous activity
You must have worked at least 5 years (full or part-time) during the 10 years before the end of your last employment contract. If you have stopped your activity to raise a child, the 5 years are reduced by 1 year per child within the limit of 3 years.
The periods of activity taken into account are as follows:
- Periods completed, irrespective of the type of employment contract (DTADTA : Contract of employment of indefinite duration, CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract, temporary contract, work-linked contract, etc.), in France or in Europe
- Periods treated as periods of actual work (national service, vocational training)
Ceiling and resources taken into account
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You live alone
To collect the SSA, your monthly resources must not exceed a maximum of €1,330.70.
The amount taken into account is the average of the last 12 months of the total resources received before the month of your request.
Resources | Taking into account |
Monthly Resources | Yes, if they are greater than €1,330.70 |
Specific Solidarity Allowance (SSA) | Yes |
Yes, if you're a beneficiary. No, if you're paying it. | |
Unemployment insurance benefit previously received | No |
Family benefits | No |
No | |
SSA increase | No |
Bonus paid on the occasion of a mandatory internship in company | No |
Activity income received in the 12 months prior to your request | No, if their collection is interrupted on the date of your application and they have not given rise to substitute income (daily social security allowances(e.g. early retirement allowances) |
Other Resources (income securities and transferable capital, property income, capital gains) | Yes, if it's taxable. No, if it's exempt. |
You live as a couple
To collect the SSA, your monthly resources must not exceed €2,091.10 if you live in couple.
The amount taken into account is the average of the last 12 months of the total resources received before the month of your request.
Resources | Taking into account |
Monthly Resources | Yes, if they are greater than €2,091.10 |
Specific Solidarity Allowance (SSA) | Yes |
Yes, if you're a beneficiary. No, if you're paying it. | |
Unemployment insurance benefit previously received | No |
Family benefits | No |
No | |
SSA increase | No |
Bonus paid on the occasion of a mandatory internship in company | No |
Activity income received in the 12 months prior to your request | No, if their collection is interrupted on the date of your application and they have not given rise to substitute income (daily social security allowances(e.g. early retirement allowances) |
Other Resources (income securities and transferable capital, property income, capital gains) | Yes, if it's taxable. No, if it's exempt. |
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You live alone
To collect the SSA, your monthly resources must not exceed a maximum of €1,330.70.
The amount taken into account is the average of the last 12 months of the total resources received before the month of your request.
Resources | Taking into account |
Monthly Resources | Yes, if they are greater than €1,330.70 |
Specific Solidarity Allowance (SSA) | Yes |
Yes, if you're a beneficiary. No, if you're paying it. | |
Unemployment insurance benefit previously received | No |
Family benefits | No |
No | |
SSA increase | No |
Bonus paid on the occasion of a mandatory internship in company | No |
Activity income received in the 12 months prior to your request | No, if their collection is interrupted on the date of your application and they have not given rise to substitute income (daily social security allowances(e.g. early retirement allowances) |
Other Resources (income securities and transferable capital, property income, capital gains) | Yes, if it's taxable. No, if it's exempt. |
You live as a couple
To collect the SSA, your monthly resources must not exceed €2,091.10 if you live in couple.
The amount taken into account is the average of the last 12 months of the total resources received before the month of your request.
Resources | Taking into account |
Monthly Resources | Yes, if they are greater than €2,091.10 |
Specific Solidarity Allowance (SSA) | Yes |
Yes, if you're a beneficiary. No, if you're paying it. | |
Unemployment insurance benefit previously received | No |
Family benefits | No |
No | |
SSA increase | No |
Bonus paid on the occasion of a mandatory internship in company | No |
Activity income received in the 12 months prior to your request | No, if their collection is interrupted on the date of your application and they have not given rise to substitute income (daily social security allowances(e.g. early retirement allowances) |
Other Resources (income securities and transferable capital, property income, capital gains) | Yes, if it's taxable. No, if it's exempt. |
There's no no minimum age.
If you have enough quarters to receive a full-rate pension, you cannot receive the SSA after that the statutory retirement age.
Accumulation with Disabled Adult Allowance (DAA)
Since 2017, if you can collect the AAHNo, you can no longer get the SSA. However, if you have entitlements to these two aids on 31 December 2016, you will continue to receive them as long as the eligibility conditions are met, for a maximum period of 10 years.
An application for admission to the SSA is sent to you by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) at the end of your unemployment benefits.
You do not need to take any steps to benefit from the SSA. France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) sends the printed material necessary for the preparation of the SSA file directly to the unemployed at the end of the rights that can benefit from it.
The SSA is awarded in 6-month renewable periods. A request for renewal is sent to you by France Travail at the end of the compensation period.
Its daily amount is €19.01 (€570.30 for 1 month of 30 days).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You're unemployed
You live alone
Monthly Resources | SSA Monthly Amount |
Less than €760.40 | €570.30 |
Enter €760.40 and €1,330.70 | €1,330.70 less resources |
Greater than €1,330.70 | No allocation |
You live as a couple
Monthly Resources | SSA Monthly Amount |
Less than €1,520.80 | €570.30 |
Enter €1,520.80 and €2,091.10 | €2,091.10 less resources |
Greater than €2,091.10 | No allocation |
You're working
The SSA can be fully combined with the remuneration of your professional activity (employed or not) for 3 months (consecutive or not) within the limits of the remaining entitlements.
for the purposes of calculating the period of permissible accumulation, any calendar month in which even occasional or reduced activity has been pursued shall be taken into account.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You're unemployed
You live alone
Monthly Resources | SSA Monthly Amount |
Less than €760.40 | €570.30 |
Enter €760.40 and €1,330.70 | €1,330.70 less resources |
Greater than €1,330.70 | No allocation |
You live as a couple
Monthly Resources | SSA Monthly Amount |
Less than €1,520.80 | €570.30 |
Enter €1,520.80 and €2,091.10 | €2,091.10 less resources |
Greater than €2,091.10 | No allocation |
You're working
The SSA can be fully combined with the remuneration of your professional activity (employed or not) for 3 months (consecutive or not) within the limits of the remaining entitlements.
for the purposes of calculating the period of permissible accumulation, any calendar month in which even occasional or reduced activity has been pursued shall be taken into account.
The SSA is paid to you monthly by France Travail with a due date (for example, early November for the October allowance).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You're unemployed
The payment of the SSA ceases if you are in one of the following situations:
- Resources above ceilings
- Lack of job search
- Follow-up of paid training
- Resumption of non-cumulative activity with SSA
- Accident at work Receipt of daily allowances for sickness, maternity or
- Abolition of allowances by decision of the prefect or following cancelation from the register
- Collection of parental attendance allowance or the daily support allowance for a person at the end of life
- Possibility of a full pension or reaching the working age limit
You're working
After 3 months (consecutive or not) of cumulation with the remuneration of your professional activity:
- If you continue to work, the SSA payment is interrupted. At the end of 6e months after resuming operations, you will be able to collect the activity premium in addition to your remuneration, under certain conditions.
- If your professional activity is interrupted and a period of inactivity of at least 3 consecutive calendar months follows (and not at least 3 consecutive months from date to date), a new period of accumulation is possible.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You're unemployed
The payment of the SSA ceases if you are in one of the following situations:
- Resources above ceilings
- Lack of job search
- Follow-up of paid training
- Resumption of non-cumulative activity with SSA
- Accident at work Receipt of daily allowances for sickness, maternity or
- Abolition of allowances by decision of the prefect or following cancelation from the register
- Collection of parental attendance allowance or the daily support allowance for a person at the end of life
- Possibility of a full pension or reaching the working age limit
You're working
After 3 months (consecutive or not) of cumulation with the remuneration of your professional activity:
- If you continue to work, the SSA payment is interrupted. At the end of 6e months after resuming operations, you will be able to collect the activity premium in addition to your remuneration, under certain conditions.
- If your professional activity is interrupted and a period of inactivity of at least 3 consecutive calendar months follows (and not at least 3 consecutive months from date to date), a new period of accumulation is possible.
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Exemptions from social security contributions
Repayable advance
Maintenance of the allowance
Financing of State advisory, training and support measures
Conditions of award (age, accommodation, rates, etc.)
Conditions of award
Payment, renewal and extension
Pursuit of a professional activity