Can an employee interrupt her parental leave in order to take maternity leave?

Verified 07 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Yes, the pregnant employee during her parental education leave at full-time or to part-time may interrupt parental leave early to take a maternity leave.

The employee may terminate her parental leave early in order to benefit from a new maternity leave. The employer cannot object.

The employee must send a letter with RAR: titleContent at least to his employer 1 month before the date on which she wishes to start her maternity leave.

The letter specifies the presumed dates for the start and end of maternity leave.

The declaration must be accompanied by a certificate established by the doctor or midwife who follows the employee's pregnancy.

This certificate attests to the pregnancy status of the employee and specifies the presumed date of childbirth.

The employee must register her pregnancy with the CPAM: titleContent or the MSA: titleContent (if dependent on the agricultural system) and the Caf during the First 14 weeks of her pregnancy.

The declaration must be accompanied by a certificate established by the doctor or midwife who follows the employee's pregnancy.

This certificate attests to the pregnancy status of the employee and specifies the presumed date of childbirth.

The employee then receives daily allowances (IJ) maternity during prenatal leave (before delivery) and postnatal leave (after delivery).

A simulator provides an estimate of the amount of the JIs:

Calculate maternity or paternity daily allowance

The reimbursement of health expenditure shall also be paid throughout the period of maternity leave.

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