Bill of Sale of Land in Subdivision

Verified 07 August 2020 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The act of sale for the purchase of a land located in a subdivision is carried out by a notary. It contains some mandatory information. The balance of the sale price is paid at the signature of the deed of sale.

The bill of sale shall contain the following information:

  • Seller contact information (called subwoofer) and the buyer
  • Detailed description of the land and its exact surface
  • Existence of a bounding of the land
Documents annexed to the bill of sale
  • Specification and subdivision by-law

Particular attention should be paid to the tender specifications and subdivision by-laws. The rules of subdivision life and city planning are mentioned (e.g. choice of roofing design, materials used).

The bill of sale must be signed by the buyer and the seller before notary after the completion of the collective equipment (road, water, gas, electricity...).

However, the act may be signed before such completion if the builder proves that he has been authorized to postpone the works of the public facilities or that he has been guaranteed completion of the works by a bank.

Who shall I contact

The notary who wrote the deed keeps an original called the minute and furnish the purchaser with a copy of its title, which must be retained.

Who shall I contact


it is recommended not to sign a construction contract before signing the deed of sale of the land.

The balance of the sale price must be paid at the signature of the deed.

The costs of notarial acts shall be borne by the buyer, unless the seller and the buyer decide otherwise.

These fees consist of:

  • Fees and taxes collected by the notary and remitted to the public treasury (registration fee, land advertising tax or value added tax)
  • Remuneration of the notary (drafting of the bill of sale, consultations, expertise...)
  • Costs incurred on behalf of the developer and the purchaser (e.g. land register extract)

It is possible to estimate the amount of these fees using a simulator.

Calculate the amount of the costs of acquiring a property

So that the sale is enforceable to third parties, the notary must ensure the land advertising by publishing the deed of sale in the real estate file of the land advertising service on which the land depends.

Who shall I contact

In Alsace-Moselle, the deed is published in the Land Book.

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