Official's pension insurance period

Verified 05 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

The amount of your pension depends in particular on your pension insurance period. The duration of pension insurance mainly includes periods worked and paid in. But it also includes periods when you have interrupted or reduced your business.

We present you with the information you need to know.

Video - My career and pension rights at a glance

Vidéo - My career and my pension rights
Credits : Public interest grouping "Union retirement"

The duration of pension insurance refers to the periods of your working life during which you build up pension rights.

Pension insurance term is recorded in quarters.

Your number of pension insurance quarters is one of the taken into account for calculate your pension amount.

To be eligible for a full-rate pension, you must either have a specified number of quarters of pension insurance or retire at age 67, regardless of the number of quarters.

The number of quarters required to qualify for a full-rate pension before age 67 depends on your year of birth:

Tableau - Sedentary category official - Conditions for full rate retirement

You were born:

You can retire from:

Number of quarters required to have the full rate

Auto Full Rate Age

In 1957

62 yrs

166 (41 years 6 months)

66 years 9 months

Between 1er January 1958 and December 31, 1960

62 yrs

167 (41 years 9 months)

67 yrs

Between 1er January 1961 and August 31, 1961

62 yrs

168 (42 years)

67 yrs

Between 1er September 1961 and December 31, 1961

62 years and 3 months

169 (42 years 3 months)

67 yrs

In 1962

62 years and 6 months

169 (42 years 3 months)

67 yrs

In 1963

62 years and 9 months

170 (42 years 6 months)

67 yrs

In 1964

63 yrs

171 (42 years 9 months)

67 yrs

In 1965

63 years and 3 months

172 (43 years)

67 yrs

In 1966

63 years and 6 months

172 (43 years)

67 yrs

In 1967

63 years and 9 months

172 (43 years)

67 yrs

From 1er january 1968

64 yrs

172 (43 years)

67 yrs

If you retire before the age of 67 without the required number of quarters, the amount of your pension is reduced according to the number of quarters you are missing. This reduction is called a discount.

Please note

If you are a public servant of active category, the insurance periods for obtaining a full rate pension and the automatic full rate age, regardless of the insurance period, are different.

If you have worked in sectors other than the public service and contributed to several pension funds, this is your total insurance duration, all schemes, which is taken into account in determining whether or not you are entitled to full-rate retirement pensions.

The periods of your working life during which you build up pension entitlements are firstly the periods of work and retirement :

  • Services performed as an official (incumbent and trainee)
  • Services performed as a magistrate of the judiciary
  • Services performed as a public servant prior to integration into the public service
  • Services performed as a contract having been validated as official services
  • Services performed as a staff member of overseas communities and New Caledonia
  • Military services
  • For teachers, time spent in normal school from the age of 18

All periods of paid leave are taken into account: maternity leave, sick leave, etc.

The periods completed part-time shall be taken into account as if they were periods completed full time.

For example, a year worked part-time part-time counts for one year of pension insurance (not for six months).

Periods completed on a non-full-time or incomplete employment shall be taken into account for their actual duration.

If you have children, you are also entitled to additional insurance quarters based on certain situations.

If you are a teacher in the 1er or the second degree, the periods during which you received teaching allowances and the 1e year spent in a university training institute Masters as a beneficiary are taken into account, for half, if you have been tenured in a corps of teachers.

You must ask taking these periods into account in the administration to which you report at the time of your request or, if this is not possible, in the last administration to which you report.

You have to make your request not later than 12 months before the date you want to retire.

If you wish retiring before december 31, 2024, you must submit your application before the date on which you wish to retire at the latest within 6 months of the notification of the initial decision to award your pension.

If you are retired before december 31, 2023, you may submit a request for consideration by 31 December 2024.

If you've made any studies in higher education, you can under certain conditions have them validated for your pension insurance term.

You can view your career statement, which summarizes your pension insurance duration, on the Retirement Info site from your retirement account.

If you have worked in sectors other than the public service, your career statement provides a chronological summary of all your different periods of employment.

You can print and download your career statement in PDF format.

From the age of 55 onwards, you can report to your pension plans the anomalies in your career statement and ask for their correction: missing jobs, inconsistencies, etc.

Retirement Info - Correcting my career

Your pension funds are directly informed. You can then follow their treatment on your pension account.

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