Social security: how to prove your legal status in France?
Verified 09 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
It is important to distinguish whether or not you are a national of an EU countryEuropean Economic Area or Switzerland.
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You are European (EEA or Swiss)
You do not need to show a residence permit or document.
You are not European (outside EEA or Switzerland)
If you you're not national of an EU countryEuropean Economic Area or from Switzerland, you must demonstrate that you comply with the condition of regularity of the stay.
If you are in an irregular situation, you cannot be attached to the general scheme on the basis of residence. However, you may be able to take advantage of theState medical aid (AME).
This condition is reviewed on the day of your request.
To attest to the regularity of your situation, you can provide, depending on the case, one of the following documents (it must be valid):
- Resident Card
- Resident card marked ‘long-term resident - EU’
- Permanent resident card
- Multi-annual residence permit
- Multi-annual residence card "talent passport"
- Temporary residence permit
- Residence card marked ‘retired’
- Residence card bearing the words: ‘Residence card of family member of a Union/EEA/Swiss citizen - all professional activities’
- Residence card bearing the words: ‘residence card of a family member of a Union citizen - all professional activities, except employees’
- Residence card bearing the words: ‘Directive 2004-38/EC - Permanent residence - all professional activities’
- Long-stay visa as a residence permit as long as it has been the subject of the proceedings before the French Immigration Office (Ofii)
- Residence permit issued to an Andorran national or to a third-country national who is a member of his family mentioning the Convention signed on 4 December 2000 between the French Republic, the Kingdom of Spain and the Principality of Andorra on the entry, movement, stay and establishment of their nationals
- Certificate of residence of Algerian national
- Receipt of application for renewal of one of the above-mentioned titles
- Certificate of application for asylum
- Receipt of application for a residence permit bearing the words ‘recognized refugee’
- Receipt of application for a residence permit with the words ‘has been granted subsidiary protection’
- Temporary residence permit
- Monegasque passport bearing a mention of the Consul General of France in Monaco as a valid residence permit.
Please note
If you do not have one of these documents, you can provide any valid personal document issued by the prefecture of the place of your residence. This document should be used to certify that you are registered in the application for managing the files of foreigners nationals in France.
If you meet the condition of regularity of the stay, you can benefit from Social Security. You will be refunded of part of the medical costs: consultations, medicines, hospital costs...
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You are European (EEA or Swiss)
You do not need to show a residence permit or document.
You are not European (outside EEA or Switzerland)
If you you're not national of an EU countryEuropean Economic Area or from Switzerland, you must demonstrate that you comply with the condition of regularity of the stay.
If you are in an irregular situation, you cannot be attached to the general scheme on the basis of residence. However, you may be able to take advantage of theState medical aid (AME).
This condition is reviewed on the day of your request.
To attest to the regularity of your situation, you can provide, depending on the case, one of the following documents (it must be valid):
- Resident Card
- Resident card marked ‘long-term resident - EU’
- Permanent resident card
- Multi-annual residence permit
- Multi-annual residence card "talent passport"
- Temporary residence permit
- Residence card marked ‘retired’
- Residence card bearing the words: ‘Residence card of family member of a Union/EEA/Swiss citizen - all professional activities’
- Residence card bearing the words: ‘residence card of a family member of a Union citizen - all professional activities, except employees’
- Residence card bearing the words: ‘Directive 2004-38/EC - Permanent residence - all professional activities’
- Long-stay visa as a residence permit as long as it has been the subject of the proceedings before the French Immigration Office (Ofii)
- Residence permit issued to an Andorran national or to a third-country national who is a member of his family mentioning the Convention signed on 4 December 2000 between the French Republic, the Kingdom of Spain and the Principality of Andorra on the entry, movement, stay and establishment of their nationals
- Certificate of residence of Algerian national
- Receipt of application for renewal of one of the above-mentioned titles
- Certificate of application for asylum
- Receipt of application for a residence permit bearing the words ‘recognized refugee’
- Receipt of application for a residence permit with the words ‘has been granted subsidiary protection’
- Temporary residence permit
- Monegasque passport bearing a mention of the Consul General of France in Monaco as a valid residence permit.
Please note
If you do not have one of these documents, you can provide any valid personal document issued by the prefecture of the place of your residence. This document should be used to certify that you are registered in the application for managing the files of foreigners nationals in France.
If you meet the condition of regularity of the stay, you can benefit from Social Security. You will be refunded of part of the medical costs: consultations, medicines, hospital costs...
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List of documents proving that the person is in a legal situation