Is an unemployed person reimbursed for health costs in the event of illness?

Verified 23 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

YesIf you are not working, you continue to be entitled to reimbursement of your health costs in the event of illness or maternity.

Because of the universal health protection (Puma)However, your health costs are reimbursed even if you are not working.

This rule shall apply without limitation of time as long as you reside in France on a stable basis.

You reside in France on a stable basis if you are in either one of these situations:

  • You have your permanent home in France. The household is the place where you normally live, that is to say, the place of your habitual residence, provided that this residence in France is of a permanent nature.
  • The location of your main stay is located in France. This is the case if you stay in France for more than 6 months (or 180 days) in the year concerned.


You can prove your residence in France by any means.


If you are a foreigner, you must, in addition, be in a regular situation with regard to the legislation on the residence of foreigners in France.

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