College and high school: board of directors

Verified 07 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your child is in middle school or high school and you want to know the role of the board of directors (CA) in its establishment? The board of directors is the assembly that makes important decisions about the organization of the institution. Composition, operation, decisions: here is the information to know about the board of directors.

The Board participates in the life of the school by voting on certain decisions. It may also be consulted for an opinion.

Decisions put to the vote by the GB

The GB shall vote and adopt the establishment project, on rules and regulations, the budget and the financial account.

It also adopts the following documents:

  • Report on the pedagogical operation of the establishment and its material conditions of operation
  • Violence prevention plan including an action plan against all forms of harassment.

The GB also takes decisions on questions concerning the reception, information and participation of parents of pupils school life. Health, health and safety issues are also part of its remit.

The Board also votes on decisions concerning the pedagogical and educational autonomy of the institution, including the rules of organization of the institution.

Decisions subject to GC agreement

The GB agreed on the following topics:

  • Guidelines for the conduct of the dialog with parents of pupils
  • Sports Association Program
  • Programming and methods of financing school trips
  • Membership of any grouping of establishments
  • Conclusion of contracts, agreements and contracts to which the institution is a signatory (except certain contracts)
  • Program of actions established annually by the school-college council
  • Methods of participation in the action plan of the adult education group of establishments.

Consultation of the Board for opinion

At the request of the school head, the Board gives its opinion on the following topics:

  • Proposals for the creation and deletion of sections, options and additional training of local initiative in the establishment
  • Choice of textbooks, software and teaching tools
  • Change proposed by the Mayor of the hours of entry and exit of the institution.


the parents' representatives to the GC receive the same briefing material as other members.

The composition of the Board is different depending on the type of institution.

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High School

The Board is chaired by the principal.

It is composed of members of the administration and the educational staff of the high school. They are the assistant principal, the assistant manager, the senior education adviser (CPE: titleContent), and the Director-General for Vocational and Technological Training (ex-works manager).

The Board also includes the following members:

  • 1 qualified person or, where the members of the school administration are less than 5, 2 qualified persons. These personalities are external to the education system and generally represent the economic, social or cultural fields
  • 7 elected teaching and education staff
  • 3 elected administrative, social and health, technical, workers and service personnel (All: titleContent)
  • 5 elected representatives of parents of pupils
  • 5 elected student representatives
  • 2 representatives from the region
  • 2 representatives of the municipality or, where there is an intercommunality, 1 representative of the municipality and 1 representative of the intercommunality
  • In vocational high schools only, 2 qualified personalities representing the business world.

College of more than 600 students or with a special education section

The Board is chaired by the principal.

It is composed of members of the administration and the educational staff of the College. They are the Senior Assistant, the Assistant Manager, the Senior Education Advisor (CPE: titleContent), the deputy director responsible for the special education section.

The Board also includes the following members:

  • 1 qualified person or, where the members of the school administration are less than 5, 2 qualified persons. These personalities are external to the education system and generally represent the economic, social or cultural fields.
  • 7 elected teaching and education staff
  • 3 elected administrative, social and health, technical, workers and service personnel (All: titleContent)
  • 7 elected representatives of parents of pupils
  • 3 elected student representatives
  • 2 representatives of the department
  • 2 representatives of the municipality or, where there is an intercommunality, 1 representative of the municipality and 1 representative of the intercommunality.

College of less than 600 students

The Board is chaired by the principal.

It is composed of members of the administration and the educational staff of the College. They are the Senior Assistant, the Assistant Manager and the Senior Education Advisor (CPE: titleContent).

The Board also includes the following members:

  • 1 qualified person or, where the members of the school administration are less than 4, 2 qualified persons. These personalities are external to the education system and generally represent the economic, social or cultural fields.
  • 6 elected teaching and education staff
  • 2 elected administrative, social and health, technical, workers and service personnel (All: titleContent)
  • 6 elected representatives of parents of pupils
  • 2 elected student representatives
  • 2 representatives of the department
  • 1 representative of the municipality
  • 1 representative of the intercommunality (where it exists). That representative shall not have the right to vote. It can only be consulted.

Regional Adaptive Education Institution (Érea)

The Board is chaired by the school head.

It is composed of members of the administration and educational staff of theErea: titleContent. They are the Assistant Warden, the Assistant Warden, the Senior Education Advisor (CPE: titleContent) and the Director for Vocational and Technological Training (ex Head of Works).

The Board also includes the following members:

  • 1 qualified person or, where the members of the administration of theErea: titleContent are less than 4.2 qualified personalities. These personalities are external to the education system and generally represent the economic, social or cultural fields.
  • 4 elected teaching and education staff
  • 4 elected administrative, social and health, technical, workers and service personnel (All: titleContent)
  • 5 elected representatives of parents of pupils
  • 3 elected student representatives
  • 2 representatives from the region
  • 1 representative of the municipality
  • 1 representative of the intercommunality (where it exists). That representative shall not have the right to vote. It can only be consulted.


if the service of school life comprises several CPE: titleContentNo, he's the oldest one on the board.

Election Mode

The representatives of the staff of the establishment shall be elected by list ballot by proportional representation (1 round) by the staff of the establishment.

The parents' representatives are elected by the list by proportional representation (1 round) by the parents of pupils.

The pupil representatives shall be elected by 1 ballot. In middle school, they are elected by student delegates. In high school, they are elected by student delegates and high school delegates.

Conduct of the elections

Elections shall be held no later than the end of the seventhe week of the school year.

Voting materials shall be sent to electors at least 6 days before the date of the vote.

Voting takes place in physics (at the ballot box) and by correspondence.

For the election of representatives of the parents of pupils, voting may be by correspondence or by electronic means, following a decision by the head of the school, after consulting the board of directors.

Votes are personal and secret.

The school head sets the polling day and the hours of the polling station (a minimum of 4 consecutive hours for parents and 8 consecutive hours for staff).

The head of the establishment shall receive the ballots in duplicate for voting by mail. It shall organize the public recount and publish the results thereof. Blank votes are not counted.

Challenges to the validity of electoral operations must take place within 5 working days from the proclamation of the results before the rector of the academy. The latter shall take a decision within eight days. If no decision is taken within eight days, the application shall be considered rejected.

Who shall I contact

Term of office

The representatives are elected for a term of 1 year.


A person may not be a member of the Board if he or she has been deprived by judgment of his or her civil, civil or family rights.

Appointment of representatives of municipalities, departments and regions

They shall be appointed by the Board following each renewal.

Appointment of qualified persons

They shall be appointed for a period of three years by the Dasen: titleContent on a proposal from the head of school and after consulting the department or region.

Qualified personalities must be outside the education system. They generally represent the economic, social or cultural fields. They may also be representatives of employees' trade unions or employers' organizations.


A person may not be a member of the Board if he or she has been deprived by judgment of his or her civil, civil or family rights.

GC meetings

The Board shall meet in ordinary session at the initiative of the head of institution at least 3 times per year.

It may be convened in extraordinary session on an agenda determined at the request of the academic directorate, the region, the department or the local authority. Extraordinary Board meetings may also be held at the request of the Head of School or at least half of the Board members.


The head of the establishment sets the dates and times of the sessions. It shall send the invitations, together with the agenda and preparatory documents, at least 8 days in advance. This period may be reduced to 1 day in case of emergency.

In setting the agenda, the school head takes into account requests for registration from the members of the school board.

Quorum: minimum number of AC participants

The Board shall meet validly if the number of members present at the beginning of the sitting equals a majority of the current members of the Board.

If this quorum is not met, the Board shall be convened for a further meeting, to be held within 5 to 8 days. In case of urgency, this period may be reduced to 3 days.

In that case, it shall deliberate validly, irrespective of the number of members present.

Features of the 1st session of the school year

At the time of its 1re meeting of the school year, the Board examines the conditions for organizing the dialog with parents.

Any additional action may be provided for to take account of local specificities or the guidelines of the establishment project.

Parental reception conditions, access to digital workspaces and the date of planned meetings are specified.

Parents of pupils are informed of the decisions taken.

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