What aid is paid by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) to help people get back to work?

Verified 25 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

There are several forms of aid for the resumption of employment paid by France Travail. You can take advantage of it under certain conditions.

Mobility aid

As part of a job search or reinstatement or an entry into training, France Travail can partially support your travel, accommodation and meal expenses.

Your return to employment or training must be more than 60 kilometers or to 2 hours round trip from your main residence.

SNCF transport and reservation vouchers

One SNCF transport or reservation voucher may be granted to you when you attend a job interview or open competition located more than 60 kilometers round trip from your place of residence.

Driver's license aid B

France Travail may cover part or all of your learning expenses in the driving license B.

The aid shall be granted within the limits of the available budget envelopes which vary according to the regions.

Childcare assistance

If you take up a job or enter training, you can benefit, under certain conditions, from a childcare aid. Your child should have less than 12 years.

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