Accompanied hunting: how to hunt before obtaining your license?

Verified 06 May 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Do you want to discover hunting before you pass the license? Accompanied hunting allows a person over 15 years of age to hunt in the presence and under the responsibility of an accompanying person. This page explains the conditions to be fulfilled (training...) and how to apply for authorization (form...).

By yourself

You must meet the following 2 conditions:

  • Have over 15 years
  • Follow a basic practical training provided by the departmental federation of hunters. You can follow her from 14 and a half.

Participation in the training shall be attested by the issue of a certificate of training.

By the accompanying hunter

The hunter must meet the following conditions:

  • Hold a hunting license for 5 years or more
  • Not to have been deprived of the right to obtain or hold such a license by court order
  • Have a insurance covering its civil liability for this support
  • To have followed a la training hunting safety specific to accompanying persons

You're an adult

You have to apply less than 1 year after completing basic practical training.

The dossier shall contain the following documents:

  • Form request for authorization to hunt accompanied
  • Copy of a identity document
  • Attestation participation in basic practical training

The form shall contain the following declarations and attestations:

  • Declaration on Honor certifying that you have never been deprived of the right to obtain or hold a hunting permit by court order
  • Declaration on the honor of each person responsible for accompanying certifying that they have had a hunting license for more than 5 years, that they have never been deprived by court order of the right to obtain or hold a hunting license and that they have insurance covering their civil liability for this support
  • Attestation of participation of each person responsible for accompanying hunting safety training. This certificate is valid for 10 years.

The application file should be sent to the departmental hunting federation.

You're a minor

You have to apply less than 1 year after completing basic practical training.

The application file shall contain the following documents:

  • Form request permission to hunt accompanied, available from your departmental hunters federation
  • Copy of a identity document
  • Attestation participation in basic practical training

The form shall contain the following declarations and attestations:

  • Declaration on Honor, signed by your legal representativestating that you have never been deprived by a court order of the right to obtain or hold a hunting license
  • Declaration on the honor of each person responsible for accompanying certifying that they have had a hunting license for more than five years, that they have never been deprived by a court decision of the right to obtain or hold a hunting license and that they have insurance covering their civil liability for such support
  • Attestation of participation of each person responsible for accompanying hunting safety training. This certificate is valid for 10 years.

Your legal representative must complete and sign the "Identification and authorization" part of the form.

The application file should be sent to the departmental hunting federation.

No, no, no. The authorization to hunt accompanied is issued free of charge.

The accompanied hunting authorization is issued for a one-year non-renewable period.

The authorized person (accompanied hunter) and the accompanying hunter may have a maximum one gun for two on the hunting ground.

This weapon can be a rifle, a rifle or a bow.

In the case of a bow, the escort must provide evidence of participation in special training in bow hunting.


if you have under 16 yearsNo, you can't have a gun. You can only use the hunter's weapon that comes with you.

Hunting without the authorization to hunt is punished by a fine of up to €1,500.

Hunting without having with you the authorization to hunt is punished by a fine of up to €38.

Application for authorization to hunt accompanied

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