Work of a foreigner in France: residence card - employee/temporary worker

Verified 31 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You are a foreigners (non-European) national, you have found a job in France and you want to obtain a residence permit salaried worker or temporary worker ? If you are in DTA: titleContent, you shall be issued with a residence permit salaried worker. If you are in CSD: titleContent, you shall be issued with a residence permit temporary worker. What are the conditions for obtaining the residence permit? What documents are to be provided? We're doing an update on the regulations.


Other rules apply to you if you are European or Algerian.

Employee on a permanent contract

Step-by-step approach

You are concerned if you fill in all of the following conditions :


The prefecture may refuse to deliver you your residence card if you are in one of the following cases:

  • You have not complied with an obligation to leave the territory (OQTF)
  • You committed acts of forgery and used false documents
  • You committed crimes offenses bass or crimes (drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, procuring, working conditions or undignified accommodation, in particular)
  • You have committed acts of violence against elected officials, public officials or security officers

Regulations vary depending on your place of residence

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You live abroad

Your employer must make the application for work authorization before your entry into France.

In the event of an agreement, the administration informs your employer, who must then notify you. You can apply for a long-stay visa (LSV-TS) using this online service:

Apply for a visa

You can start working upon arrival in France.

VLS-TS Validation

Within 3 months of your arrival in France, you must validate your VLS-TS and pay a tax in addition to the visa fee.

The Internet approach makes it possible to be in regular stay and to be able to cross the border again from the Schengen area.

Validate a long-stay visa as a residence permit (VLS-TS) and pay the tax

Please note

The amount of the tax is €200.

You must submit the card application to the prefecture or sub-prefecture of your home, at the latest 2 months before the expiry date of your VLS-TS. Check the deposit procedure on your prefecture's website.

Who shall I contact

If your file is complete, you will receive a receipt awaiting the response of the prefecture.

You live in France

Your employer must make the application for work authorization.

You must submit your card application to the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your home before the end of your residence permit. Check the deposit procedure on your prefecture's website.

Who shall I contact

If your file is complete, you will receive a receipt awaiting the response of the prefecture.

The documents to be provided are different depending on your situation:

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

At the end of the VLS-TS Employee

You are still in the job that justified the visa
  • Long-stay visa ending
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Work authorization corresponding to the position occupied
  • Elements justifying the maintenance of the employment contract: registered social declaration of the employer concerning you before the application for renewal of the residence permit, attestation of activity or attestation of professional activity of the last 12 months.

This online service allows you to access the certificate of professional activity:

Know what social benefits you may be entitled to

  • If your employer is an individual employer: attestation of employment (Cesu: titleContent or other reporting body)
You're unemployed
  • Long-stay visa ending
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Employer's certificate for France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) justifying the termination of the employment contract
  • Individual situation notice drawn up by France Travail
You want to work in another job
  • Long-stay visa ending
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Previous employer's certificate to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) justifying the termination of the employment contract
  • Dematerialized work authorization produced by the new employer

You're changing your status

  • Long-stay visa or valid residence permit
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Copy of the work authorization produced by the new employer

You have to pay €225 (tax of €200 + stamp duty €25) by tax stamps.

Proof of payment is requested when the card is delivered.

At the end of your case investigation, you will be in either of these situations :

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Your request is accepted

If your application is accepted, you are summoned to the prefecture for the issue of the title.

Your request is denied

If the prefect has notified you of the refusal

The decision of the prefect is yours notified by reasoned letter (explicit decision). Except in exceptional circumstances, such refusal shall be accompanied by a obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) setting the country to which you will be returned.

You can form a litigation before the administrative court (within 48 hours, 15 days or 30 days depending on the type of OQTF). You don't have to have a lawyer.

Who shall I contact
No reply from the prefect on your request

If the prefecture hasn't responded after 4 months, it's an implicit refusal.

You can then train within 2 months from such refusal :

Who shall I contact


If your receipt reaches the end of its validity period and you do not have a response from the prefecture, it is possible that the processing time will be extended. In this case, you can obtain the renewal of your receipt. Find out more on your prefecture's website.

The card is given to you by the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your home.

This card is valid 1 year and renewable.

Depending on your situation at the expiry date of your 1 year card, the residence card you can obtain will be different:

  • If you are still employed, you must submit an application for renewal of your residence card. If accepted, you will receive a valid multi-year residence card 4 years
  • If you are unemployed, and compensated by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi), you can benefit from a new temporary residence card salaried worker valid for 1 year. If at the end of this period you have not found a job, you will receive a new temporary residence card salaried worker. Its duration is equal to the duration of your unemployment insurance benefits.

We will tell you the steps to take according to your situation.

Filing of the application

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You are still in the job that justified the last work permit

You must submit the application for renewal of your residence permit to the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your residence, at the latest 2 months before the expiry date. Check the deposit procedure on your prefecture's website.

You must provide the following:

  • Valid residence permit
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Work authorization corresponding to the position occupied
  • Registered social declaration of the employer concerning you before the application for renewal of the residence permit, attestation of activity or attestation of professional activity of the last 12 months.

This online service allows you to access the certificate of professional activity:

Know what social benefits you may be entitled to

  • If your employer is an individual employer: attestation of compliance with the online declarations of the employment contract (Cesu: titleContent or other reporting body)

You're out of a job

You must submit the application for renewal of your residence permit to the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your residence, at the latest 2 months before the expiry date. Check the deposit procedure on your prefecture's website.

You must provide the following:

  • Valid residence permit
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Certificate from the previous employer intended for France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) justifying the termination of the employment contract
  • Individual situation notice drawn up by France Travail

You've changed jobs

You must submit the application for renewal of your residence permit to the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your residence, at the latest 2 months before the expiry date. Check the deposit procedure on your prefecture's website.

You must provide the following:

  • Valid residence permit
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Certificate from the previous employer intended for France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) justifying the termination of the employment contract
  • Dematerialized work authorization issued to the new employer

If you submit your application after the deadline, except in cases of force majeure or presentation of a valid visa, you will have to pay, in addition to the cost of the card, a visa fee for regularization of the €180.

Who shall I contact


It is not possible to carry out the procedures in some sub-prefectures. Find out more on your prefecture's website.


You have to pay €225 by tax stamps.

The proof of payment is requested when the card is handed over.

Employee on fixed term contracts

If you are already in France or come to France to work as an employee, you can get a temporary residence card. It shall bear the mention temporary worker if you have a fixed-term contract (CDD).

Step-by-step approach

You are concerned if you fill in all of the following conditions :


The prefecture may refuse to deliver you your residence card if you are in one of the following cases:

  • You have not complied with an obligation to leave the territory (OQTF)
  • You committed acts of forgery and used false documents
  • You committed crimes offenses bass or crimes (drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, procuring, working conditions or undignified accommodation, in particular)
  • You have committed acts of violence against elected officials, public officials or security officers

The regulations vary depending on where you live:

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You live abroad

Your employer must make the application onlinework permit before your entry into France.

In case of agreement, the administration informs your employer, who notifies you. You can apply for a long-stay visa (LSV-TS) using the online service below.

You can start working as soon as you arrive in France.

Apply for a visa

VLS-TS Validation

Within 3 months of your arrival in France, you must validate your VLS-TS and pay a tax in addition to the visa fee.

The Internet approach makes it possible to be in regular stay and to be able to cross the border again from the Schengen area.

Validate a long-stay visa as a residence permit (VLS-TS) and pay the tax

Please note

The amount of the tax is €200.

You must submit your card application to the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your home, at the latest 2 months before the expiry date of your VLS-TS. Check the deposit procedure on your prefecture's website.

You live in France

You must submit your card application to the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your residence before the end of your residence permit. Check the deposit procedure on your prefecture's website.

Who shall I contact

If your file is complete, you will receive a receipt awaiting the response of the prefecture.

The documents to be provided are different depending on your situation:

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

At the end of the VLT-TS "Temporary worker"

You continue to execute the CSD that justified the issuance of your last work authorization
  • Long-stay visa ending
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Work authorization corresponding to the position occupied
  • Element of the employer's registered social declaration concerning you before the application for renewal of the residence permit or certificate of professional activity for the last 12 months

This online service allows you to access the certificate of professional activity:

Know what social benefits you may be entitled to

  • If your employer is an individual employer: attestation of employment (Cesu: titleContent or other reporting body)
If you wish to take up another job under CDD
  • Long-stay visa ending
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Previous employer's certificate to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) justifying the termination of the employment contract
  • Dematerialized work authorization issued to the new employer

In case of change of status

  • Long-stay visa or valid residence permit
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Copy of the work authorization produced by the new employer

You have to pay €225 (tax of €200 + stamp duty €25) by tax stamps.

The proof of payment is requested when the card is handed over.

At the end of your case investigation, you will be in either of these situations :

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Your request is accepted

If your application is accepted, you are summoned to the prefecture for the issue of the title.

Your request is denied

If the prefect has notified you of the refusal

The decision of the prefect is yours notified by reasoned letter (explicit decision). Except in exceptional circumstances, such refusal shall be accompanied by a obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) setting the country to which you will be returned.

You can form a litigation before the administrative court (within 48 hours, 15 days or 30 days depending on the type of OQTF). You don't have to have a lawyer.

Who shall I contact
No reply from the prefect on your request

If the prefecture hasn't responded after 4 months, it's an implicit refusal.

You can then train within 2 months from such refusal :

Who shall I contact


If your receipt reaches the end of its validity period and you do not have a response from the prefecture, it is possible that the processing time will be extended. In this case, you can obtain the renewal of your receipt. Find out more on your prefecture's website.

The card is given to you by the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your home.

This card is valid 1 year, it shall be renewable.

Renewal Duration

Your residence card can be renewed. The period of renewal shall be equal to the following:

  • Either from CSD: titleContent or secondment remaining to be made
  • Either the new CSD or the extension of secondment

This duration can so bemore than 1 year.

Filing of the application

You must submit the renewal application for your card to the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your residence, at the latest 2 months before the expiry date. Check the deposit procedure on your prefecture's website.

The documents to be provided will depend on your situation:

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

You continue to execute the CSD that justified the issuance of your last work authorization

  • Residence permit ending
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Work authorization corresponding to the position occupied
  • Element of the employer's registered social declaration concerning you before the application for renewal of the residence permit or certificate of activity or certificate of professional activity for the last 12 months:

This online service allows you to access the certificate of professional activity:

Know what social benefits you may be entitled to

  • If your employer is an individual employer: attestation of compliance with the online declarations of the employment contract (Cesu: titleContent or other reporting body)

You wish to take up another job under CDD

  • Residence permit ending
  • Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
    or consular attestation with photo
    or photo ID
    or consular card with photo
    or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
  • Proof of payment of stamp duty (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (to be delivered at the time of delivery of the security)
  • Dematerialized work authorization issued to the employer

If you submit your application after the deadline, except in cases of force majeure or presentation of a valid visa, you will have to pay, in addition to the cost of the card, a visa fee for regularization of the €180.

Who shall I contact


It is not possible to carry out the procedures in some sub-prefectures. Find out more on your prefecture's website.


You have to pay €225 by tax stamps.

The proof of payment is requested when the card is handed over.

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