Are old sea-boat licenses still valid?

Verified 14 March 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Yes, sea permits issued before 1er January 2008 shall remain valid for an unlimited period.

Tableau - Equivalences between old marine licenses and the new recreational license

Old Title

New corresponding permit

Coastal Sea License

Coastal Option Pleasure License

A Permit

Coastal Option Pleasure License

Permits B and C

Offshore recreational boating license

Offshore license

Offshore recreational boating license

Certificate S

Inland waters recreational license

PP Certificate

Permit extension large river pleasure

Sea Map

Coastal Option Pleasure License


  • If you pass a new title (for an extension, for example) or if you request a duplicate in case of loss or theftNo, you will be issued a recreational license.
  • In case of loss or theft of the sea card, you will have to pass the theoretical test to receive the coastal option boating license.