From what age can you work?

Verified 01 November 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

It is possible to work from the age of 16, regardless of the type of contract (DTADTA : Contract of employment of indefinite duration, CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract, temporary contract). All minors must be authorized to do so by their legal representative (e.g. parent), unless emancipated.

However, in some sectors, it is possible to start working before 16 years of age.

Some professional activities are prohibited before age 18. The employer may not assign a minor to work involving risks to his or her health (e.g. mechanical vibrations) or safety (e.g. work at a height).

Before age 14, a child or adolescent may work only:

  • In a company of shows, cinema, radio, television, or sound recordings
  • As a model
  • In a company or association for participation in video game competitions

The legal representative the minor must apply to the labor inspectorate for an administrative authorization.

Please note

it is possible to make information visits and observation periods in company.

General case

With the agreement of the labor inspectorate, a minor aged 14 or 15 may work, only during school holidays, under the following conditions:

  • School holidays must last at least 14 days
  • The minor must have a continuous rest period at least equal to half the total duration of the holiday (for example, for a 2-week holiday, the minor cannot work more than one week)
  • He is assigned to light work without risk to his safety (for example, work at a height), health (for example, mechanical vibrations) or development (for example, work exposing him to pornographic or violent acts or representations).

Minors must not work more than 35 hours a week or more than 7 hours a day.

His remuneration must be at least 80% of the minimum wage (i.e €9.50).

Agricultural sector

With the agreement of the labor inspectorate, a minor aged 14 years may work, only during school holidays, under the following conditions:

  • School holidays must last at least 7 days
  • The minor must have a continuous rest period at least equal to half the total duration of the holiday (for example, for a 2-week holiday, the minor cannot work more than one week)
  • Minors shall be assigned to light work without risk to their safety, health or development

He must not work more than 32 hours per week, no more than 7 hours per day.

During school holidays

General case

With the agreement of the labor inspectorate, a minor aged 14 or 15 may work, only during school holidays, under the following conditions:

  • School holidays must last at least 14 days
  • The minor must have a continuous rest period at least equal to half the total duration of the holiday (for example, for a 2-week holiday, the minor cannot work more than one week)
  • He is assigned to light work without risk to his safety (for example, work at a height), health (for example, mechanical vibrations) or development (for example, work exposing him to pornographic or violent acts or representations).

Minors must not work more than 35 hours a week or more than 7 hours a day.

His remuneration must be at least 80% of the minimum wage (i.e €9.50).

Agricultural sector

With the agreement of the labor inspectorate, a 15-year-old minor may work only during school holidays under the following conditions:

  • School holidays must last at least 7 days
  • The minor must have a continuous rest period at least equal to half the total duration of the holiday (for example, for a holiday period of 2 weeks, the minor cannot work more than 1 week)
  • Minors shall be assigned to light work without risk to their safety, health or development

He must not work more than 35 hours per week, no more than 7 hours per day.


A 15-year-old minor can enroll in learning only if he's finished class threeeme. Otherwise, he has to wait until he is 16.

Minors are offered the option of alternating theoretical education in an apprenticeship training center (CFA) with vocational training at the employer with whom they have signed an apprenticeship contract.

The employer may be private or public, a company, an association or a liberal profession.

The contract is concluded using the cerfa form n°10103.

Establishing an apprenticeship contract

It is possible to work from the age of 16, except for certain prohibited or regulated works, in particular where they are dangerous to the health or safety of the employee.