After eye surgery, do you need to apply for a new driver's license?

Verified 04 April 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you no longer need glasses or lenses after eye surgery, you should apply for a new license for delete entry 01.

This 01 means that you must wear a corrective device to drive.

You must ask your ophthalmologist for a certificate proving that you underwent the operation.

Then take appointment to undergo a medical examination from a licensed medical practitioner.

This doctor should not be your doctor.

You can consult the list of accredited doctors on the websites of the prefectures.

The list of accredited doctors is also available in the prefectures, sub-prefectures and in the town halls of certain municipalities.

General case
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On the day of the inspection, prepare the following documents:

  • Medical opinion form cerfa no. 14880. You must pre-fill it before checking.
  • Identity document in original
  • Original driver's license
  • All the elements you consider useful concerning your health

At the end of the check, the doctor gives you the original of the medical opinion.

The application for the new driving license is made online on theANTS: titleContent.

You must attach the digitized version of the physician's opinion to the other documents requested.

On-line application for a driving license in case of expiry

You can follow online the manufacture and sending of your driving license.

The online service is accessible via FranceConnect or with your credentials ANTS: titleContent , in French only.

If you do not have ANTS credentials, it is proposed to create an account to have a personal space on the ANTS website.

Once connected to your space ANTS: titleContent, you view your request in the dashboard.

Track the progress of your driving license application

Infographie - How to decrypt the driving license?
Illustration X - How to decrypt the driving license? - plus de détails dans le texte suivant l’infographie
Illustration X
Crédits: Direction de l’information légale et administrative

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The infographic explains the information on the driving license:

Front of the driving license:

1. Name of holder

2. Surname of the holder

3. Date and place of birth of holder

4a. Date of issue of the certificate

4b. End date of validity of the security

4c. Issuing authority

5. Title number

7. Signature of the holder

9. Categories of permits

Unnumbered legend: symbol and name of the State which issued the driving license

Reverse side of the permit:

9. Categories of permits

10. Date of 1re issue of each category of permit

11. Expiry date of each license category

12. Restrictive codes. For example: 01.01 for glasses

Unnumbered Legend: File Number (NEPH Number)

How to decrypt the driving license?

How to decrypt the driving license? - plus de détails dans le texte suivant l’infographie
Crédits: Service Public (DILA)Infographie - How to decrypt the driving license?

The infographic explains the information on the driving license:

Front of the driving license:

1. Name of holder

2. Surname of the holder

3. Date and place of birth of holder

4a. Date of issue of the certificate

4b. End date of validity of the security

4c. Issuing authority

5. Title number

7. Signature of the holder

9. Categories of permits

Unnumbered legend: symbol and name of the State which issued the driving license

Reverse side of the permit:

9. Categories of permits

10. Date of 1re issue of each category of permit

11. Expiry date of each license category

12. Restrictive codes. For example: 01.01 for glasses

Unnumbered Legend: File Number (NEPH Number)