I want to work in administration

Verified 17 March 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You are considering work in the public sector ? The administration proposes a wide variety of jobs, accessible under official status, by competition or without competition or under the contractual status according to your nationality (French, originally from an EU country)European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, Monaco or the Principality of Andorra or any other country).

If you find yourself in certain situations (disabled, long-term unemployed, etc.), special access devices to the public service are open to you.

Multiple employers

The public employment sector includes the State civil service (EPF), territorial civil service (FPT) and hospital civil service (FPH).

The State Civil Service includes all departments made up of central services (located in Paris) and decentralized services, mostly headed by prefects, organized at regional level (regional directorates) and at departmental level (departmental directorates).

EPS also includes agencies, the national public institutions and services under national jurisdiction.

The territorial civil service groups the municipalities, departments and regions and public institutions attached to them :

  • School funds
  • Communal Center for Social Action (CCAS)
  • Public Housing Offices (OPH)
  • Public institutions for intercommunal cooperation (EPCI): communities of communes, agglomeration communities, urban communities, metropolises, intercommunal trade unions
  • Departmental Centers for Territorial Public Service Management (CDGFPT)
  • National Center for Territorial Public Service (CNFPT).

The hospital civil service includes all public health, social and medico-social establishments :

  • Regional and University Hospital Centers and Hospital Centers
  • Public or public establishments under the departmental child welfare services
  • Public institutions caring for minors or adults with disabilities or difficulties adapting or with chronic medical conditions
  • Public institutions caring for people or families in difficulty or distress or asylum seekers
  • Public retirement homes whose staff do not come under the territorial civil service.
Multiple jobs

The public service offers more than 1,000 jobs.

The trades directory, common to all 3 public services (PSMA), describes all public sector occupations.

They are spread over 29 professional courses.

Trades are classified by body or framework of posts in 3 hierarchical categories depending on the level of training, accountability and missions.

General conditions for access to the public service

Regardless of the public service in which you plan to work, regardless of the job you are aiming for, regardless of your nationality and regardless of the status under which you will be hired (civil servant or contract employee), you must complete some terms and conditions : level of diploma according to the job, civil rights (voting rights, absence of conviction), military service, physical fitness.


Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Vous avez choisi

Choisissez votre cas

You have a disability

If you have a disability, 2 specific devices are available to you:

  • You can apply for the Public Service entrance examinations and benefit from a proofing
  • You can be recruited as a contractor, and then be established at the end of the contract, without having to pass a competition.

Each of these devices has its own set of features implementation conditions.

You are between the ages of 16 and 28, with no training

You can to become an official without competition, on a category C job via the device of the Career pathways in the public service (Pact) if you meet the following conditions

  • You are between the ages of 16 and 28
  • And you have no diploma, no professional qualification
  • Or your qualification level is below the baccalaureate.

The Covenant may provide for employment in the State, territorial or hospital civil service.

The candidate recruited under the Covenant shall be recruited without competition in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract.

During his/her term of office, the candidate receives work-linked training.

At the end of the CSD, the candidate is entitled to be established as an official.

You are at least 45 years old, long-term unemployed and a beneficiary of the SSA or SSA or AAH

You can to become an official without competition, on a category C job via the device of the Career pathways in the public service (Pact) if you meet the following conditions

The Covenant may provide for employment in the State, territorial or hospital civil service.

The candidate recruited under the Covenant shall be recruited without competition in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract.

During his/her term of office, the candidate receives work-linked training.

At the end of the CSD, the candidate is entitled to be established as an official.

You're considering being an apprentice

You're looking at training through apprenticeship. Administrations may to welcome apprentices during their training period.

You're a student

If you are a student and you must complete, as part of your studies, a work placement, you can be hosted by an administration.

You are a member of the military and receive a military disability pension

If you are and receive a military disability pension, you can access the public service (state, territorial and hospital) through the reserved posts scheme.

This arrangement allows access, under the status of civil servant, to all bodies or managers of the three categories A, B and C.

Reserved jobs are accessible, without conditions of age, time or length of service.


The reserved posts scheme shall also be open to the following persons:

  • Volunteer firefighters who have suffered a service accident
  • Victims of an act of terrorism
  • Victims of an accident occurring in the course of professional duties in the service of the community (elected)
  • Civilian casualties of war
  • Surviving spouses and orphans of these victims who were under the age of 21 at the time of the crime
  • Children of harkis.

You're not in any of these situations


Access to the public service as an official may be carried out:

You're appointed probationary officialsubject to a probationary period at the end of which you are entitled to be established.

You can also be recruited into the public service as a contractor.

The grounds on which a public employer may recruit a contractor are set out in the law. These patterns are different in the State civil service, the territorial civil service and the hospital civil service.

You can also be recruited on a project contract. The project contract allows a public employer to recruit a staff member on temporary employment to carry out a specific project or operation.


The terms and conditions of employment of contractors (duration of contract, remuneration, leave, etc.) may differ according to the public service.

European (EEA, Switzerland, Monaco, Andorra)

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Vous avez choisi

Choisissez votre cas

You have a disability

If you have a disability, 2 specific devices are available to you:

  • You can apply for the Public Service entrance examinations and benefit from a proofing
  • You can be recruited as a contractor, and then be established at the end of the contract, without having to pass a competition.

Each of these devices has its own set of features implementation conditions.

You are between the ages of 16 and 28, with no training

You can to become an official without competition, on a category C job via the device of the Career pathways in the public service (Pact) if you meet the following conditions

  • You are between the ages of 16 and 28
  • And you have no diploma, no professional qualification
  • Or your qualification level is below the baccalaureate.

The Covenant may provide for employment in the State, territorial or hospital civil service.

The candidate recruited under the Covenant shall be recruited without competition in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract.

During his/her term of office, the candidate receives work-linked training.

At the end of the CSD, the candidate is entitled to be established as an official.

You are at least 45 years old, long-term unemployed and a beneficiary of the SSA or SSA or AAH

You can to become an official without competition, on a category C job via the device of the Career pathways in the public service (Pact) if you meet the following conditions

The Covenant may provide for employment in the State, territorial or hospital civil service.

The candidate recruited under the Covenant shall be recruited without competition in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract.

During his/her term of office, the candidate receives work-linked training.

At the end of the CSD, the candidate is entitled to be established as an official.

You're considering being an apprentice

You're looking at training through apprenticeship. Administrations may to welcome apprentices during their training period.

You're a student

If you are a student or student and you need to accomplish, as part of your studies, one work placement, you can be hosted by an administration.

You're not in any of these situations

If you are already a civil servant in your country of origin, you can access the French civil service through the detachment.

If you're not a public servant in your country of origin, access to the french civil service as a civil servant may take place:

You're appointed probationary officialsubject to a probationary period at the end of which you are entitled to be established.

You can also be recruited into the public service as a contractor.

The grounds on which a public employer may recruit a contractor are set out in the law. These patterns are different in the State civil service, the territorial civil service and the hospital civil service.

You can also be recruited on a project contract. The project contract allows a public employer to recruit a staff member on temporary employment to carry out a specific project or operation.

The terms and conditions of employment of contractors (duration of contract, remuneration, leave, etc.) may differ according to the public service.

Foreigner (other country)

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Vous avez choisi

Choisissez votre cas

You're considering being an apprentice

If you're thinking of learning, administrations can to welcome apprentices during their training period.

You're a student

If you are a student or student and you need to accomplish, as part of your studies, one work placement, you can be hosted by an administration.

You're not in any of these situations

You can be recruited into the public service as a contractor.

The grounds on which a public employer may recruit a contractor are set out in the law. These patterns are different in the State civil service, the territorial civil service and the hospital civil service.

You can also be recruited on a project contract. The project contract allows a public employer to recruit a staff member on temporary employment to carry out a specific project or operation.

The terms and conditions of employment of contractors (duration of contract, remuneration, leave, etc.) may differ according to the public service.

Fact sheets by life event