How can a sick foreigner obtain a residence permit?
Verified 31 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
A foreigner living in France who is seriously ill can obtain a residence permit for medical treatment if he meets several conditions. We'll walk you through the process.
Step-by-step approach
You can obtain a temporary residence card private and family life for care if you fill in the whole the following conditions:
- You are a foreigner (except a national) European)
- You usually reside in France
- Your condition requires medical attention without which your health would become critical
- You cannot access the right treatment in your country of origin
- You do not represent a threat to public order
You can ask for this title even if you are in irregular situation.
The prefecture may refuse to deliver you your residence card if you are in one of the following cases:
- You have not complied with an obligation to leave the territory (OQTF)
- You committed acts of forgery and used false documents
- You committed crimes offenses bass or crimes (drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, procuring, working conditions or undignified accommodation, in particular)
- You have committed acts of violence against elected officials, public officials or security officers.
Documents to be submitted
You must submit the following documents:
- Full copy of the birth certificate with the most recent entries, accompanied if necessary by the court decision ordering its transcription
- Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
or consular attestation with photo
or photo ID
or consular card with photo
or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
- Proof of domicile less than 6 months old
- e-photo : enter the code of the e-photo (provided by the photographer or the approved cabin on the photo board). If you don't have an e-photo yet, you can locate a digital photo and signature service.
Find the contact details of authorized photographers and approved cabins
- Signed copy of a commitment to respect the principles of the Republic
- Declaration on the honor of no polygamy in France if you are married and are a national of a country that allows it
- Proof of your habitual residence in France for at least 1 year:
- Endorsement
- Receipt of application for a residence permit
- Receipt of asylum application
- Documents issued by a public administration (prefecture, social service, school)
- Documents from a private institution (bank statements showing movements)
- Unquestionable personal writing (letters, statements from relatives).
Procedure to be carried out
You must submit your application on the Internet:
This online process does not apply to you if you make an application Interim residence permit (APS) as a foreigner parent of a sick minor child.
What service should I pass it on to?
In the personal area of your ANEF account, you need to download your medical certificate.
You must then print the document, have it completed by your doctor and send it to theOfiiOfii : French Office for Immigration and Integration.
When should the medical certificate be sent?
General case
You must forward to theOfiiOfii : French Office for Immigration and Integration the medical certificate completed by your doctor within the1 month as soon as it is made available in your personal space.
Asylum seeker
If you are an asylum seeker, you must send theOfiiOfii : French Office for Immigration and Integration the medical certificate, made available to you in your personal space, within the 3 months from the registration of your asylum application.
How to forward the file?
You must send the completed documents by mail to the address of the medical service of theOfiiOfii : French Office for Immigration and Integration.
For evidentiary reasons, it is preferable to send the file by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.
Report prepared by the Ofii Medical Officer
The hospital doctorOfiiOfii : French Office for Immigration and Integration may request, with your consent, additional medical information from the doctor who issued the medical certificate or from any other healthcare professional.
This additional information must reach the Ofii doctor within 15 days of the date of his request.
The Ofii doctor can also summon you for a medical examination (free) if he thinks it necessary and ask you for additional examinations (you do not have to pay anything). You will need to show proof of identity.
The results of these examinations must be communicated to the Ofii doctor within 15 days of the date of his request.
If you do not respond to requests from the Ofii doctor, you will not be able to obtain an attestation of extension of instruction for your request.
He then writes a report and sends it to a medical college in Ofii.
Issuance of a certificate of extension of instruction
Once the medical report has been sent to this college of doctors, the prefecture issues a certificate of extension of investigation of your application for a residence card. The attestation is to be downloaded on your “personal” space on the ANEF website.
Ofii College of Physicians Medical Opinion
The medical college must give a medical opinion.
It may:
- Ask the doctor who completed the medical certificate or the doctor who wrote the report or any healthcare professional to provide any additional information within 15 days
- Hear you
- Examine yourself or ask for additional tests
Additional information and examination results shall be submitted within 15 days of the request.
The medical college drafts a medical opinion and forwards it to the prefecture.
The opinion of the College of Physicians of theOfiiOfii : French Office for Immigration and Integration is a simple opinion. He doesn't bind the prefect.
The Prefect exercises his discretion to decide whether to grant or refuse the residence permit "private and family life" for care.
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Your request is accepted
If the prefect grants you the issue of the residence card, he informs you.
If you have entered France without a long-stay visa, you must pay the regularization visa for an amount of €200 (of which €50 non-refundable are collected during your first appointment in the prefecture).
In all cases, you must pay a stamp duty of €25
Your request is denied
The refusal decision may be either in writing or result from the failure of the administration to reply after 4 months.
You can then make a appeal to the administrative court.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
Your request is accepted
If the prefect grants you the issue of the residence card, he informs you.
If you have entered France without a long-stay visa, you must pay the regularization visa for an amount of €200 (of which €50 non-refundable are collected during your first appointment in the prefecture).
In all cases, you must pay a stamp duty of €25
Your request is denied
The refusal decision may be either in writing or result from the failure of the administration to reply after 4 months.
You can then make a appeal to the administrative court.
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For general information (no appointment request, no case follow-up)
Telephone administrative information - Allo Public Service
For more information on this topic, you can contact Allô Service Public.
Attention: the service does not have access to users' personal files and cannot therefore provide information on their status.
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The informants who answer you belong to the Ministry of the Interior.
Residence permit for sick foreigners: Articles L425-9 to L425-10
Refusal and withdrawal of the residence card
Contract of commitment to respect the principles of the Republic
Taxes and stamp duty payable
Refusal and withdrawal of the residence card
List of items: item 47
French Office for Immigration and Integration (Ofii)