Carte grise Loss, theft or deterioration of the

Verified 13 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)


Carte grise You have lost your certificate of registration)? We'll show you how to get a duplicate.

The request for a duplicate may be made only by incumbent or the joint proprietor carte grise of the vehicle owner, co-owner or holder of a signed mandate.

Carte grise If your vehicle was leased, the vehicle is in the name of the owner organization (financing business or rental business). So you have to report that loss to them, because they're the ones who have to go through the process of applying for the duplicate.

However, the business representative may send you a mandate to enable you to carry out the process yourself on the Internet. You can also ask a qualified professional to do it.


Carte grise A minor holding a 50 cm moped3 cannot make a duplicate request itself. The application must be signed by the person or institution responsible for parental authority or custody.

It is no longer possible to apply to the prefecture or sub-prefecture: the application is to be made entirely on the internet..

A digital copy device (scanner, digital camera, smartphone or tablet equipped with a photo function) is required.

Of numeric dots (with computers, printers and scanners) are available in each prefecture and in most sub-prefectures. You can do the walk there. You can be helped by digital mediators if you have problems using the Internet.

You can also be accompanied in your approach by a France Services house :

Who shall I contact

You must use the following online service:

Carte grise Do the same again (loss, theft or deterioration)

You have a digital copy device (photo or scan) of the following documents:

In addition, you must provide information, including:

  • Carte grise Identity of the holder or co-holder of the lost dose (surname, given names, sex, date and place of birth, telephone number and e-mail address)
  • Vehicle registration number

If a third party makes the request for you, they must have a digital copy of the mandate signed and your identity document.

If you are applying for a non-emancipated minor, the following additional documents shall be submitted in support of the application:

  • Proof of the minor's identity (the family record book or a birth certificate is accepted in the case of the minor who cannot present an identity document)
  • Proof of residence of the minor (proof of residence must be provided by at least one of the parents or the institution entrusted with theparental authority which must certify on the honor that the minor does indeed live in the abovementioned residence)
  • Proof of identity of parent or representative of parental authority

The Rules of Procedure of carte grise amount of must be made by credit card.

At the fine-minded from the procedure, you get the 3 items following:

  • File Number
  • Accused of registration of your request
  • Provisional Certificate of Registration (PIC), which you need to print. The CPI allows you to circulate for 1 month, only in France, pending receipt of your final Certificate of Registration.


If your registration is in the form of 123-AB-01, you will get a new registration of the shape AB-123-CD. You will then have to change your license plates with the new registration.

Carte grise Follow-up of the manufacture of the certificate of registration (ex-

You can follow the progress of its manufacture on the Internet:

Carte grise Follow your application for a certificate of registration (ex-

Carte grise Tracking of the routing of the registration certificate (ex-

You will receive the final certificate of registration, sent by La Poste in letter followed, at your home in a period which may vary.

You must pay attention to the address you provide in the online procedure. It must be as complete as possible (building number, apartment number, mailbox number, floor, hallway, staircase, "resident", etc.).

Your mailbox must contain your first and last name.

You can track the shipment of your ticket either with the registration number or with the tracking number of the Post Office. This tracking number was sent to you by email or SMS if you provided your mobile phone number.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Vous avez choisi

Choisissez votre cas

Carte grise The cost of treatment varies.

Carte grise You can estimate the cost of your

Carte grise Calculate the cost of the certificate of registration (ex-

Payment is made on the Internet at the end of the teleprocedure.

The duplicate shall be of the same value as the original and shall remain valid as long as there is no change (e.g. change in ownership or in the characteristics of the vehicle).

The mention Duplicate and the date of the duplicate will be indicated on the new title (at headings Z1 to Z4 of the title).

Carte grise If you find the following after requesting a duplicate, you cannot cancel the procedure.

Carte grise Indeed, once the duplicate has been requested, the manufacture of the new one is started.

Carte grise The discovered primata) is then invalidated.

You must destroy it.


Carte grise Your certificate of registration) was stolen? We present you the process to perform and how to obtain a duplicate.

Yes, in case of theft, you must first report it to the gendarmerie or police station of your home or the place of theft.

To file a complaint, you must go to the police station or to the gendarme of your choice.

Who shall I contact

Police or gendarmerie services are obliged to register your complaint if you are a victim of infringement.

The complaint is then forwarded to the public prosecutor for him to decide on what to do next (investigation, no follow-up classification, etc.).

Carte grise If the robbery occurred abroad, you must report it to the local police authorities. You will also have to declare it upon your return to France with a police or gendarmerie service, before making your request for a duplicate.

Carte grise The request for a duplicate may be made only by the holder or co-holder of the stolen goods (owner of the vehicle, co-owner) or holder of a signed mandate.

Carte grise If your vehicle was leased, the vehicle is in the name of the owner organization (financing business or rental business). So you have to report that loss to them, because they're the ones who have to go through the process of applying for the duplicate.

However, the business representative may send you a mandate to enable you to carry out the process yourself on the Internet. You can also ask a qualified professional to do it.


carte grise a minor holding a 50 cm moped3 cannot make a duplicate request itself. The application must be signed by the person or institution responsible for parental authority or custody.

It is no longer possible to apply to the prefecture or sub-prefecture: the application is to be made entirely on the internet.

A digital copy device (scanner, digital camera, smartphone or tablet equipped with a photo function) is required.

Of numeric dots (with computers, printers and scanners) are available in each prefecture and in most sub-prefectures. You can do the walk there. You can be helped by digital mediators if you have problems using the Internet.

You can also be accompanied in your approach by a France Services house :

Who shall I contact

You must complete the procedure using the following online service:

Carte grise Do the same again (loss, theft or deterioration)

You must have a digital copy (photo or scan) of the following:

In addition, you must provide information, including:

  • Carte grise Identity of the holder or co-holder of the stolen contract (surname, forenames, sex, date and place of birth, telephone number and e-mail address)
  • Vehicle registration number

If a third party makes the request for you, they must have a digital copy of the mandate signed and your identity document.

If you are applying for a non-emancipated minor, the following additional documents shall be submitted in support of the application:

  • Proof of the minor's identity (the family record book or a birth certificate is accepted in the case of the minor who cannot present an identity document)
  • Proof of residence of the minor (proof of residence must be provided by at least one of the parents or the institution entrusted with theparental authority which must certify on the honor that the minor does indeed live in the abovementioned residence)
  • Proof of identity of the parent or representative of theparental authority

The Rules of Procedure of carte grise amount of must be made by credit card.

At the fine-minded from the procedure, you get the 3 items following:

  • File Number
  • Accused of registration of your request
  • Provisional Certificate of Registration (PIC), which you need to print. The CPI allows you to circulate for 1 month, only in France, pending receipt of your final Certificate of Registration.


if your registration is of the form 1234 AB 56, you will get a new registration number of the shape AB-123-CD. You will then have to change your license plates with the new registration.

Carte grise Follow-up of the manufacture of the certificate of registration (ex-

You can follow the progress of its manufacture on the Internet:

Carte grise Follow your application for a certificate of registration (ex-

Carte grise Tracking of the routing of the registration certificate (ex-

You will receive the final certificate of registration, sent by La Poste in letter followed, at your home in a period which may vary.

You must pay attention to the address you provide in the online procedure. It must be as complete as possible (building number, apartment number, mailbox number, floor, hallway, staircase, "resident", etc.).

Your mailbox must contain your first and last name.

You can track the shipment of your ticket either with the registration number or with the tracking number of the Post Office. This tracking number was sent to you by email or SMS if you provided your mobile phone number.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Vous avez choisi

Choisissez votre cas

Carte grise The cost of treatment varies.

Carte grise You can estimate the cost of your

Carte grise Calculate the cost of the certificate of registration (ex-

Payment is made on the Internet at the end of the teleprocedure.

The duplicate shall be of the same value as the original and shall remain valid as long as there is no change (e.g. change in ownership or in the characteristics of the vehicle).

The mention Duplicate and the date of the duplicate will be indicated on the new title (at headings Z1 to Z4 of the title).


Carte grise Your certificate of registration) is damaged? We'll show you how to get a duplicate.

Carte grise The request for a duplicate may be made only by the holder or co-holder of the deteriorated contract (owner of the vehicle, co-owner) or holder of a signed mandate.

Carte grise If your vehicle was leased, the vehicle is in the name of the owner organization (financing business or rental business). So you have to bring that to his attention, because he's the one who has to make the application for the duplicate.

However, the business representative may send you a mandate to enable you to carry out the process yourself on the Internet. You can also ask a qualified professional to do it.


carte grise a minor holding a 50 cm moped3 cannot make a duplicate request itself. The application must be signed by the person or institution responsible for parental authority or custody.

It is no longer possible to apply to the prefecture or sub-prefecture: the application is to be made entirely on the internet.

A digital copy device (scanner, digital camera, smartphone or tablet equipped with a photo function) is required.

Of numeric dots (with computers, printers and scanners) are available in each prefecture and in most sub-prefectures. You can do the walk there. You can be helped by digital mediators if you have problems using the Internet.

You can also be accompanied in your approach by a France Services house :

Who shall I contact

You must make the request via the following online service:

Carte grise Do the same again (loss, theft or deterioration)

You must have a digital copy (photo or scan) of the following:

In addition, you must provide information, including:

  • Carte grise Identity of the holder or co-holder of the deteriorated contract (surname, forenames, sex, date and place of birth, telephone number and e-mail address)
  • Vehicle registration number

If a third party makes the request for you, they must have a digital copy of the mandate signed and your identity document.

If you are applying for a non-emancipated minor, the following additional documents shall be submitted in support of the application:

  • Proof of the minor's identity (the family record book or a birth certificate is accepted in the case of the minor who cannot present an identity document)
  • Proof of residence of the minor (proof of residence must be provided by at least one of the parents or the institution entrusted with theparental authority which must certify on the honor that the minor does indeed live in the abovementioned residence)
  • Proof of identity of parent or representative of parental authority

Carte grise Keep the deteriorated dose as it may be claimed from you. You can destroy it 5 years after receiving the duplicate.


if your registration is of the form 1234 AB 56, you will get a new registration of the shape AB-123-CD. You will then have to change your license plates with the new registration.

Carte grise Follow-up of the manufacture of the certificate of registration (ex-

You can follow the progress of its manufacture on the Internet:

Carte grise Follow your application for a certificate of registration (ex-

Carte grise Tracking of the routing of the registration certificate (ex-

You will receive the final certificate of registration, sent by La Poste in letter followed, at your home in a period which may vary.

You must pay attention to the address you provide in the online procedure. It must be as complete as possible (building number, apartment number, mailbox number, floor, hallway, staircase, "resident", etc.).

Your mailbox must contain your first and last name.

You can track the shipment of your ticket either with the registration number or with the tracking number of the Post Office. This tracking number was sent to you by email or SMS if you provided your mobile phone number.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Vous avez choisi

Choisissez votre cas

Carte grise The cost of treatment varies.

Carte grise You can estimate the cost of your

Carte grise Calculate the cost of the certificate of registration (ex-

Payment is made on the Internet at the end of the teleprocedure.

The duplicate shall be of the same value as the original and shall remain valid as long as there is no change (e.g. change in ownership or in the characteristics of the vehicle).

The mention Duplicate and the date of the duplicate will be indicated on the new title (at headings Z1 to Z4 of the title).

Carte grise Do the same again (loss, theft or deterioration)

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