Homelessness (SDF): What is domiciliation (or choice of domicile)?

Verified 10 October 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you do not have a stable domicile, the domiciliation (also called address for service) allows you to have a proof of domicile and an address to receive mail if you do not have a stable domicile. Domiciliation also allows you to access rights and benefits (e.g. identity card, voter registration, obtaining legal aid). We present you with the information you need to know.

If you are an asylum seeker, a specific domicile arrangement applies.

You can benefit from a domicile if you are homeless.

This is the case if you are, for example, in one of the following situations:

  • You're homeless
  • You live in a mobile home
  • You are hosted temporarily by a third party
  • You live seamlessly in emergency shelters.

Domiciliation also applies to your rights-holders.


Personal situations are very varied and can be borderline stable residence. Therefore, it is up to you to determine whether it is necessary to apply for residency by asking whether you have sufficient stability to declare a personal address to an administration.

You must have a link with the municipality (or group of municipalities) in which you are applying for residency.

You are considered to have this link if you are in one of the following situations:

  • You stay in the municipality on the date of your request for residence
  • You carry out a professional activity in the municipality
  • You benefit from an integration action or social, medical-social or professional follow-up in the municipality (or you have taken steps to benefit from it)
  • You have family ties with someone who lives in the commune
  • You exercise parental authority on your minor child attending school in the municipality.

Depending on the size of your municipality in terms of number of inhabitants, the approach can be made with a CCAS: titleContent or ISC: titleContent or organization approved by the prefect or directly with your city council.

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Municipality of more than 1500 inhabitants

Your request for residency can be made with a CCAS or CIAS or with an organization approved by the prefect if there are any in your municipality.

To search for one of these centers or organizations, you must contact your local council.

Who shall I contact

Your request must be made from a form:

Application and decision for residence (persons without stable residence or homeless persons)

This form must be printed and filed or sent by e-mail or paper mail to the CCAS, CIAS or recognized organization.

Municipality of less than 1,500 inhabitants

As a general rule, small municipalities with less than 1,500 inhabitants do not have an SAC and come together to create an SAC.

It is also possible to make your request to an organization approved by the prefect if there are any in your municipality.

To find out, you need to contact your city hall.

Who shall I contact

If there is no CCAS or CIAS or recognized organization in your municipality, you must apply for a residence directly to your local authority.

Who shall I contact

Your request must be made from a form:

Application and decision for residence (persons without stable residence or homeless persons)

This form must be printed and submitted or sent by e-mail or paper mail to the CCAS or CIAS or to your local authority.

You have to spend a compulsory maintenance with the organization (CCAS, CIAS or recognized organization) that registered your application for residency (or the City Hall, if it is the one that registered your application).

The purpose of this interview is to inform you about your rights to residency and the obligations arising therefrom (for example, you have the obligation to physically present yourself or to contact (for example by telephone) the body providing your residency at least once every 3 months).

The interview is also used to raise your awareness of the importance of regularly withdrawing your mail, particularly to exercise your rights and receive your benefits.

The decision on domicile shall be given in writing within two months.

If your application for residence is accepted, you will receive an attestation of address for service:

Proof of domicile (persons without permanent residence or homeless persons)

If your application for residency is refused, you will receive a letter explaining the reasons for the refusal. This letter also gives you the means and time limits for appeal if you wish to challenge this decision.

Domiciliation is granted for a period of 1 year. This duration is renewable.

The renewal application is made under the same conditions as for your initial application (respect of the link with the municipality, identical application form, maintenance, etc.).


It is recommended to make your renewal application at least 2 months before the expiry of your domicile to avoid any breach of rights.

Your address for service may be terminated before the end of its validity (the organization may also decide not to renew it) in the following 3 cases:

  • Either at your request (you have found a sustainable housing solution)
  • Either because you no longer have a connection with the municipality or the group of municipalities
  • Either because you did not physically present yourself or did not contact the organization that ensures your domicile for more than 3 months in a row. Your domicile will not be terminated if your absence is justified for health reasons or for reasons of incarceration.

Application and decision for residence (persons without stable residence or homeless persons)

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