Boarding school

Verified 07 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your child wants to continue his or her education in boarding school and you're wondering about this device? The boarding school is a paying reception area which allows students to follow their schooling while being fed and housed. There are boarding schools public and private. Boarding schools springboards receive only second-degree pupils in early school leaving. We present you with the information you need to know.

Public boarding school

The boarding school is a place where your child can attend school while being fed and housed.

Some public boarding schools are boarding schools of excellence. In a boarding school of excellence, your child benefits, in addition to the courses, from personalized pedagogical support: revision of the courses, accompaniment of personal work. It also offers sports and cultural activities to enjoy together.

The majority of boarding schools host middle and high school students. However, some institutions admit interns from kindergarten and after high school.

To access the boarding school, you and your child must volunteer. Your child's level of education is not a criterion for admission.

The admission of interns takes into account the following criteria:

  • The class type in which your child is attending school (middle school and vocational students are given priority)
  • Of geographical criteria. If your child lives in priority districts of city policy, in priority education or in isolated rural areas, it is selected before the others. Pupils whose family residence is far from the school or training are also given priority.
  • Of social criteria. If your child lives in a disadvantaged social environment, he or she is a priority.
  • Of family criteria. Difficulties in educational supervision or the existence of a child protection measure are taken into account.
  • One parity criterion. Balance is sought between girls and boys.

Please note

these admission criteria also apply to boarding schools of excellence.

Registration is done with the head of the establishment with a boarding school.

To do this, you must complete a application dossier. It is available on the academies' websites.

The file gathers the elements concerning your child's education, his profile, his motives. The various opinions of the social and health professionals concerned by your child's situation are also part of the application.

The head of the school ranks the applications according to the admission criteria.

The directory of boarding schools of the Ministry of National Education lists public institutions offering general, vocational, agricultural, aquaculture or maritime education:

Consult the list of schools offering a boarding school

The rules and regulations boarding school complements the boarding school. He organizes the collective life in the premises and ensures respect for the intimate space of the interns.

The pedagogical and educational project of the boarding school is adopted by the board of directors. It specifies a number of rules for living in boarding schools, including the following:

  • Conditions for the well-being of the internal
  • Rules for dialog with interns
  • Methods of association and involvement of parents in monitoring their child's schooling
  • Role of members of the educational community of the establishment
  • Out-of-school time respecting the needs of interns (studies, educational, sports, artistic and cultural activities, leisure time).

The rates for accommodation costs are fixed by a decision of the management board of the establishment.

They include the following:

  • Direct cost of benefits
  • Participation in general operating expenses.

Some of these costs are borne by the State. The other part is at your expense.

Accommodation costs are fixed, payable by quarter and in advance.

If your child is registered in boarding school, you can benefit under conditions the following financial assistance:

Private boarding school

The boarding school is a place where your child can attend school while being fed and housed.

It exists 2 kinds of private boarding schools. Boarding schools private under contract are subsidized by the State. Boarding schools non-contractual private are not subsidized by the State.

The majority of boarding schools host middle and high school students. However, some institutions admit interns from kindergarten and after high school.

To access the boarding school, you and your child must volunteer.

Check with the relevant institution for information on the admission criteria.

The directory of boarding schools of the Ministry of National Education lists private institutions under contract offering courses in general, vocational, agricultural, aquaculture or maritime education.

Who shall I contact

Please contact your local school for information on registration requirements.

The cost of boarding school varies from one institution to another.

Ask the establishment concerned for information on the prices applied.

If your child is registered in boarding school, you can benefit under conditions the following financial assistance:

Boarding school springboard

The boarding school is part of the relay devices. They make it possible to combating early school leaving and social exclusion of your child.

The boarding school is a welcoming place that allows your child to attend school while being fed and housed. The goal is to socialize your child, to educate him/her on citizenship but also to reinvest in learning.

Your child can be included if he or she is in middle school or high school, rejects the school and risks dropping out.

For example: If your child is severely absent or frequently punished, they are affected.

If your child is in school and you're agreeing, the educational commission of his educational establishment prepare his admission file.

This file details the assistance and support measures provided to it.

It includes the advice of the counseling counselor-psychologist, the school doctor and the social worker.


if your child is no longer in school, he or she may benefit from follow-up with a relay partner (e.g. youth legal protection). In this case, the partner can accompany you towards a guidance in a springboard internship.

The head of establishment sends the file to a departmental commission under the authority of the Dasen: titleContent.

Please note

If your child has been permanently excluded twice during the same school year, his/her admission file is transmitted to the commission by the violence referent of the department

The Dasen decides on the admission of your child in a springboard boarding school.

Please note

Boarding as a springboard can also be imposed by a judicial decision on placement.

The boarding school tremplin accommodates a maximum of 12 students.

The boarding school is attached to a local public educational institution (EPLE). However, the boarding school cannot be attached to an institution classified as a priority education.

The boarding school may be settled on the premises of the parent school if the latter already has a boarding school.

It may also be settled on the premises of an association approved by the academic authority. In this case, a convention specifies the ways in which the head of the school exercises his responsibilities over pupils and staff.

A reinforced pedagogical and educational team supervises the interns. A youth judicial protection (YJP) educator is present in the management team.

Your child is, in principle, educated in relay class, This is not the case if your child's situation allows him or her to be educated in a school classroom or if there is no relay class nearby.

Outside of school time, the boarding school allows your child to be accompanied to carry out his or her school work. The homework arrangement it will therefore be proposed systematically.

Residential school life is designed to empower students and develop their autonomy. This includes cultural and sporting practices, and community engagement.

If the conditions are met and the reception capacities of the host institution allow it, your child will be able to complete his or her schooling in a "classical" boarding school.

Ask the establishment concerned for information on the prices applied.

If your child is registered in boarding school, you can benefit under conditions the following financial assistance:

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