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Identity card / Passport: how to prove your French nationality?
Verified 02 March 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You can obtain a national identity card or a passport as long as you are a French national. Several types of documents allow you to prove your nationality.
What applies to you ?
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The presentation of one of the following documents is sufficient to prove your nationality.
- ID card valid or expired for less than 5 years
- Passport valid or expired for less than 5 years
If you were born in France
At least one of your parents was born in France
Were you born in France and at least one of your parents? You can provide a birth certificate of less than 3 months to prove your French nationality.
Application for birth certificate: full copy or extract (birth in France) - Free service
Your French nationality is on your birth certificate (in marginal mention)
Is your French nationality recorded as a marginal mention of your birth certificate? You can provide a birth certificate of less than 3 months to prove your French nationality.
Application for birth certificate: full copy or extract (birth in France) - Free service
If you were born abroad
If you do not have a recent identity document, proof of French nationality can be provided by presenting a birth certificate (full copy or extract with filiation) of less than 3 months.
This civil status document can be used to establish your French nationality if you are in one of the following cases:
- The birth certificate (on secure paper) was issued by the Central Civil Registry Service of Nantes.
- The birth certificate (on ordinary paper) was issued by a consular registrar of an embassy.
Application for birth certificate: full copy or extract (birth abroad) - Free service
Neither your identity document nor your birth certificate can establish your nationality?
You can produce one of the following documents:
- Declaration of acquisition of French nationality in your name, duly registered or, failing this, a certificate of this declaration
- Amplification the decree on naturalization or reintegration into French nationality or, failing that, a certificate stating that the decree exists
- Certificate of French nationality (CNF)
If you cannot produce any of these documents?
You can request to benefit from the possession of French state.
State possession is established if the government considers you to be French for at least 10 years.
In order to establish this, at least 2 documents must be provided from the following list:
- Military card or document attesting to the fulfillment of military obligations,
- Voter card for French-only elections,
- Document certifying membership of the French civil service (for a job reserved for French people),
- Document attesting to the exercise of an elected mandate reserved exclusively for French citizens,
- Old identity document (even expired).
If you do not have any of the documents mentioned above, you will need to request a certificate of French nationality (CNF).