Advisory bodies in the civil service: CAP, PAC, social committees
Verified 23 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
As a public official, you participate in the review of decisions concerning your career or the operation of the services, through elected representatives sitting on advisory bodies. These advisory bodies are the HEADING: titleContent, the CCP: titleContent and, since the 1ster January 2023, the Social Committees replacing the Technical Committees and the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committees (CHSCT). We detail the composition and functioning of these bodies according to your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
What is a Joint Administrative Commission (JAC)?
A Joint Administrative Commission (JAC) is a advisory body composed, in equal number, representatives of the administration and of staff representatives responsible for officials.
In each department, one or more CAPs are created by ministerial order.
A CAP shall be established for each category A, B and C of officials.
However, a single CAP may be established for at least 2 hierarchical categories where the number of officials under the Commission is less than 1 000.
The decree establishing a PCA specifies the authority with which it is placed (minister, head of central administration or head of a decentralized department) and the list of bodies of officials who report to it.
Staff representatives are elected by officials every 4 years.
The representatives of the administration shall be appointed by the authority with which the CPC is placed.
How many staff representatives are there in CAP?
The number of staff representatives at PCA depends on the number of officials who report to the Commission:
What is the role of CAP?
PCAs must be consulted, at the initiative of the administration, on the draft individual decision related to the officials relevant to the commission:
- Refusal of tenure and dismissal on probation for professional incompetence or disciplinary misconduct
- Dismissal after 3 refusals of proposed posts for reinstatement at the end of an availability
- Dismissal of a permanent official on grounds of professional incompetence
- Dismissal following the refusal of the proposed post or posts with a view to resumption of duties at the end of sick, long-term or long-term leave if the refusal is not based on a valid health-related ground
- Dismissal of a teacher following the refusal of the proposed post with a view to his reinstatement following his placement in a non-active position to pursue or complete studies of professional interest
- Decision refusing leave for trade union formation
- Decision refusing to grant a health and safety training leave to an official representing staff on the Social Committee
- Decision on renewal or non-renewal of the contract for the employment of a disabled official
- Refusal for 2e request for continuing training
- Refusal of a period of professionalization
- Decision to waive the obligation to serve at the end of vocational training leave
- Refusal of an application for leave on grounds relating to operational requirements of the service
The PCAs shall be consulted, in disciplinary training, on the draft disciplinary sanction of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups with respect to public servants.
The CAPs shall also be consulted, at the initiative of the administrationin the event of a request by an official for reinstatement in the following circumstances:
- At the end of a period of deprivation of civil rights
- At the end of a period of disqualification from public employment
- In the event of reintegration into French nationality
A CAP may be consulted, at the request of an official, on the following draft individual decisions:
- Refusal of part-time work, dispute concerning part-time working conditions
- Refusal of leave to attend an administrative competition or continuing training
- Refusal of resignation
- Request for review of the minutes of a annual professional interview
- Refusal of a request for training under the personal training account
- Refusal of a 1re request or renewal of telework
- Refusal of a request for leave saved on a time-saving account
- Decision of the employer's reclassification authority in the absence of a request from the grievor
How are CAP meetings held?
The PCAs shall be chaired by the authority with which they are placed.
¾ at least some members must be present at the opening of the meeting.
When this number (quorum) is not reached, a new invitation shall be sent within 8 days to the members of the CAP, which shall then sit validly if half of its members are present.
The CAP shall deliver its opinions by a majority of the members present.
Where the administrative authority takes a decision contrary to the opinion delivered by the PCA, it must inform the latter of the reasons which led it not to follow that opinion.
Alternate members of the CAP (representatives of the administration and staff) may attend the meetings without being able to take part in the discussions. They shall vote only in the absence of the incumbents they are replacing.
The Chairman of the PCA may convene experts at the request of the administration or at the request of the staff representatives to be heard on an item on the agenda.
The meetings are not public.
Minutes shall be drawn up after each sitting.
What is a Joint Consultative Commission?
A Joint Consultative Commission (JCC) is a advisory body composed, in equal number, representatives of the administration and of staff representatives responsible for contractual.
In all State administrations, one or more joint consultative commissions are set up.
The staff representatives are elected by the contract agents every 4 years.
The representatives of the administration shall be appointed by the authority with which the CCP is placed.
How many staff representatives are there at the CPC?
The number of staff representatives in the CCP depends on the number of contractors reporting to the Commission.
It is fixed by ministerial decree for each state administration.
What is the role of the CCP?
CCPs shall be consulted, at the initiative of the administration, on the draft individual decision related to the contractual relevant to the commission:
- Dismissal after trial period
- Dismissal for physical incapacity
- Non-renewal of the contract of an agent with a trade union mandate
- Refusal to grant leave to train youth leaders and youth workers
- Denial of leave for union training
- Refusal to grant leave for training in health, safety and working conditions (to a staff representative on the Social Committee)
- Refusal to grant continuing training or a period of professionalization or a vocational leave
- Waiver of the obligation to serve in connection with vocational training leave
CCPs shall be consulted, in disciplinary training, on the draft disciplinary sanctions other than warning, reprimand and temporary exclusion from office for a maximum of 3 days in respect of contractors.
CCPs shall also be consulted, at the initiative of the administration, where a re-employment officer makes a request in the following circumstances:
- At the end of a period of deprivation of civil rights
- At the end of a period of disqualification from public employment
- In the event of the issue of a new residence permit
CCPs shall be consulted, at the request of the staff member, in the following cases:
- Refusal to grant part-time work and dispute over part-time working conditions
- Refusal to grant leave to attend an administrative competition or continuing training
- Request for review of the minutes of the meetingprofessional interview
- Refusal of a request for training under the personal training account
- Refusal of an initial or renewal telework application
- Refusal to grant leave saved on a time-savings account
CCPs shall be consulted when a staff member applies to be reinstated upon the issue of a new residence permit or at the end of a period of disenfranchisement or a period of disqualification from public employment.
How do PAC meetings take place?
The functioning of the CCPs is determined by ministerial decree for each State administration.
What is a Social Administrative Committee (SAC)?
The Social Administrative Committee (SAC) is a advisory body which replaces the Technical Committee and the Committee on Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions (CHSCT) since 1er January 2023.
One or more social administrative committees are set up in all State administrations.
The CFS shall be chaired by the authority with which it is placed. It also includes the Director of Human Resources and staff representatives elected for 4 years.
In jurisdictions that matter at least 200 staff, a specialized training health, safety and working conditions isinstituted in the social committee.
In administrations less than 200 staff, a specialized training health, safety and working conditions may becreated if particular occupational risks so warrant.
How many staff representatives are there on the APF?
The number of staff representatives depends on the level of competence of the APF:
- 15 incumbents and 15 alternates for a departmental APF
- 11 members and 11 alternates for a central administrative social committee or a network CSA (competent for central services, decentralized services or national services under the same Director-General)
In a social committee for the administration of decentralized services, the number of staff representatives depends on the number of staff:
Forspecial social administrative committees (possibly created for a particular service), the number of staff representatives shall be equal to a maximum of 10 members and 10 alternates.
The Order establishing the APF sets the number of staff representatives.
What is the role of the APF?
The APF is at least debating 1 time per year the programming of its work.
The APF is in particular consulted on the following points:
- Draft decree or decree on the operation and organization of the services
- Draft Human Resources Management Guidelines
- Draft texts on statutory rules and rules on index staggering
- Draft Action Plan on Gender Equality at Work
- Training plan
- Draft decisions on the restructuring of a service
- Major fit-up projects which alter health and safety conditions and working conditions when incorporated in a service reorganization project
- Draft decree or decree on working time
The CFS discusses annually the progress made in implementing the guidelines for management and on the development of human resources policies.
The APF debate at least once every 2 years general guidance on the following issues:
- Evolution of trades, manpower, jobs
- Support for mobility and professional development projects
- Indemnification Policy
- Policy for the integration, retention in employment and support of staff with disabilities
- Policy on work organization and quality of life at work
The APF can look at all general questions on the following points:
- Anti-discrimination policies
- Senior management policies
- Operation and organization of services
- Impact of the organization on the accessibility of services and the quality of services provided
- Dematerialization of procedures, technological and working methods developments and impact on staff
- Effects of major budgetary decisions on job management
How are the CFS meetings held?
Each CSA shall meet at least Twice a year.
The specialized training meet at least Once a year.
At least half of the staff representatives must be present at the opening of the meeting.
When this number (quorum) is not reached, a new invitation shall be sent within 8 days to the members of the SAC, who shall then sit validly irrespective of the number of staff representatives present.
Only the representatives of the regular staff shall participate in the vote.
Alternates may attend meetings without being able to take part in the discussions. They shall vote only in the absence of the incumbents they are replacing.
The SAC shall deliver its opinions to the majority of the staff representatives present.
The Chair of the SAC may call experts to appear on an agenda item.
The meetings are not public.
Minutes shall be drawn up after each sitting.
What is a Joint Administrative Commission (JAC)?
A Joint Administrative Commission (JAC) is a advisory body composed, in equal number, representatives of the administration and of staff representatives responsible for officials.
A CAP shall be established for each category A, B and C of staff members at each management center or at each community or institution not affiliated to a management center.
However, a single CAP may be established for at least 2 hierarchical categories where the number of officials under the Commission is less than 40.
Staff representatives are elected by officials every 4 years.
The representatives of the administration shall be appointed by the territorial authority or local elected members of the management center’s management board.
How many staff representatives are there in CAP?
The number of staff representatives at PCA depends on the number of officials who report to the Commission:
What is the role of CAP?
PCAs must be consulted, at the initiative of the administration, on the draft individual decision related to the officials relevant to the commission:
- Refusal of tenure and dismissal on probation for professional incompetence or disciplinary misconduct
- Dismissal after 3 refusals of proposed posts for reinstatement at the end of an availability
- Dismissal of a permanent official on grounds of professional incompetence
- Dismissal following the refusal of the proposed post or posts with a view to resumption of duties at the end of sick, long-term or long-term leave if the refusal is not based on a valid health-related ground
- Denial of leave for union training
- Refusal of an official representing staff on the Social Committee to take a leave of absence for health and safety training
- Decision on renewal or non-renewal of the contract for the employment of a disabled official
- Refusal for 2e consecutive time of an application for further training or preparation for a competition or an application for personal training or learning of the French language
The PCAs shall be consulted, in disciplinary training, on the draft disciplinary sanction of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups with respect to public servants.
The CAPs shall also be consulted, at the initiative of the administrationin the event of a request by an official for reinstatement in the following circumstances:
- At the end of a period of deprivation of civil rights
- At the end of a period of disqualification from public employment
- In the event of reintegration into French nationality
A CAP may be consulted, at the request of an official, on the following draft individual decisions:
- Refusal of part-time work, dispute concerning part-time working conditions
- Refusal of resignation
- Request for review of the minutes of a annual professional interview
- Refusal of a request for training under the personal training account
- Refusal of a 1re request or renewal of telework
- Refusal of a request for leave saved on a time-saving account
- Decision of the employer's reclassification authority in the absence of a request from the grievor
How are CAP meetings held?
Each CAP shall meet at least Twice a year.
At least half of the members must be present at the opening of the meeting.
When this number (quorum) is not reached, a new invitation shall be sent within 8 days to the members of the CAP, which shall then sit validly without quorum condition.
The CAP shall deliver its opinions by a majority of the votes cast.
Where the territorial authority takes a decision contrary to the opinion issued by the PCA, it must inform it of the reasons which led it not to follow that opinion.
Alternate members of the CAP (representatives of the administration and staff) may attend the meetings without being able to take part in the discussions. They shall vote only in the absence of the incumbents they are replacing.
The Chairman of the PCA may convene experts at the request of the administration or at the request of the staff representatives to be heard on an item on the agenda.
The meetings are not public.
Minutes shall be drawn up after each sitting.
What is a Joint Consultative Commission?
A Joint Consultative Commission (JCC) is a advisory body composed, in equal number, representatives of the administration and of staff representatives responsible for contractual.
A PPC shall be established at each management center or community or institution not affiliated with a management center.
The staff representatives are elected by the contract agents every 4 years.
The representatives of the administration shall be appointed by the territorial authority or by local elected members of the management center’s board of directors.
How many staff representatives are there at the CPC?
The number of staff representatives in the CCP depends on the number of staff reporting to the Commission:
What is the role of the CCP?
CCPs shall be consulted, at the initiative of the administration, on the draft individual decision related to the contractual relevant to the commission:
- Dismissal after trial period
- Non-renewal of the contract of an agent with a trade union mandate
- Dismissal for permanent physical incapacity
- Denial of leave for union training
- Refusal of an official representing staff on the Social Committee to take a leave of absence for health and safety training
- Refusal for 2e consecutive time of a request for training under the personal training account
CCPs shall be consulted, in disciplinary training, on the draft disciplinary sanction other than warning and reprimand in respect of contractors.
A CCP may be consulted, at the request of an agent, on the following draft individual decisions:
- Refusal of part-time work, dispute concerning part-time working conditions
- Refusal of a request for training under the personal training account
- Request for review of the minutes of a annual professional interview
- Refusal of a 1re request or renewal of telework
- Refusal of a request for leave saved on a time-saving account
How do PAC meetings take place?
Each CCP shall meet at least Twice a year.
At least half of the members must be present at the opening of the meeting.
When this number (quorum) is not met, a new invitation shall be sent within 8 days to the members of the PAC, who shall then sit validly without quorum conditions.
The CCP shall deliver its opinions by a majority of the votes cast.
Where the territorial authority takes a decision contrary to the CCP's opinion, it shall inform the CCP of the reasons for not following that opinion.
Alternate members of the CPC (representatives of management and staff) may attend meetings without being able to take part in the discussions. They shall vote only in the absence of the incumbents they are replacing.
The Chairperson of the CCP may convene experts at the request of the administration or at the request of the staff representatives to be heard on an item on the agenda.
The meetings are not public.
Minutes shall be drawn up after each sitting.
What is a Territorial Social Committee (TSA)?
The Territorial Social Committee (TSA) is a advisory body which replaces the Technical Committee and the Committee on Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions (CHSCT) since 1er January 2023.
A Territorial Social Committee (TSC) shall be set up in each community or establishment employing at least 50 staff or in each management center for communities and affiliated institutions employing less than 50 staff.
The CST comprises representatives of the administration appointed by the territorial authority or the president of the management center and representatives of staff elected for 4 years.
The number of representatives of the administration may not exceed the number of representatives of the staff.
In communities and public establishments employing at least 200 staff, a specialized training health, safety and working conditions is instituted in the social committee.
In communities and institutions less than 200 staff, a specialized training health, safety and working conditions can be created if particular occupational risks so warrant.
How many staff representatives are there in the CSE?
The number of staff representatives depends on the number of staff reporting to the Committee:
What is the role of the CSE?
At least the CSE is debating 1 time per year the programming of its work.
The CST shall be consulted in particular on the following points:
- Projects relating to the operation and organization of services
- Draft Human Resources Management Guidelines
- Draft action plan on gender equality at work
- Strategic guidelines for compensation schemes
- Training plan
- Strategic guidelines for social action and aid for supplementary social protection
- Major fit-up projects which alter health and safety conditions and working conditions when incorporated in a service reorganization project
- Establishment of criteria for the assessment of professional value
- Working time and time savings account rules
The CSE discusses the following issues each year:
- Review of the implementation of the management guidelines
- Evolution of human resources policies
- Creation of non-full-time jobs
- Review of the implementation of telework
- Dematerialization of procedures, technological developments and working methods and impact on staff
- Policy for the integration, retention in employment and support of the career paths of workers with disabilities
How are CSE meetings held?
Each CST shall meet at least Twice a year.
The specialized training meet at least 3 times a year.
At least half of the staff representatives must be present at the opening of the meeting.
If a discussion has provided for the vote of the representatives of the administration on an item on the agenda, at least half of these representatives shall also be present.
When this number (quorum) is not reached, a new summons is sent within 8 days to the members of the CSE, who then sits validly regardless of the number of members present.
Only staff representatives shall vote. The representatives of the administration shall not vote unless a deliberation so provides.
Alternates may attend meetings without being able to take part in the discussions. They shall vote only in the absence of the incumbents they are replacing.
The CST shall deliver its opinions to the majority of the staff representatives present.
If a discussion has provided for the vote of the representatives of the administration on an item on the agenda, each college shall deliver its opinion by a majority of its members present.
The Chair of the CST may convene experts to be heard on an agenda item.
The meetings are not public.
Minutes shall be drawn up after each sitting.
What is a Joint Administrative Commission (JAC)?
A Joint Administrative Commission (JAC) is a advisory body composed, in equal number, representatives of the administration and of staff representatives responsible for officials.
The hospital civil service bodies are the responsibility of 10 separate joint administrative commissions:
- 4 commissions for category A bodies
- 3 commissions for category B bodies
- 3 Commissions for Class C Corps
A local PCA (CAPL) shall be established by the deliberative assembly of an establishment, as soon as the number of officials under that committee is at least four for three consecutive months.
When a local CAP cannot be created, officials report to a departmental CAP (CAPD), created by theARS: titleContent and managed by an establishment located in the department.
Staff representatives are elected by officials every 4 years.
The representatives of the administration at a local CAP shall be appointed by the deliberative assembly of the institution.
The representatives of the administration at a departmental CAP are appointed by the director of the establishment which manages it.
A National CAP (CAPN) is created for each Category A Executive Body recruited and managed at national level.
How many staff representatives are there in CAP?
The number of staff representatives at PCA depends on the number of officials who report to the Commission:
What is the role of CAP?
PCAs must be consulted, at the initiative of the administration, on the draft individual decision related to the officials relevant to the commission:
- Refusal of tenure and dismissal on probation for professional incompetence or disciplinary misconduct
- Dismissal after 3 refusals of proposed posts for reinstatement at the end of an availability
- Dismissal of a permanent official on grounds of professional incompetence
- Admission to retirement on grounds of disability
- Decision refusing leave for trade union formation
- Decision refusing to grant a health and safety training leave to an official representing staff on the Social Committee
- Decision on renewal or non-renewal of the contract for the employment of a disabled official
- Refusal for 2e times of an application to prepare for a competition
- Refusal of a period of professionalization
- Refusal for 3e application for vocational training leave
- Decision to waive the obligation to serve at the end of vocational training leave
The CAPs shall be consulted, in disciplinary training, on the disciplinary sanction of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups with respect to public servants.
The CAPs shall also be consulted, at the initiative of the administrationin the event of a request by an official for reinstatement in the following circumstances:
- At the end of a period of deprivation of civil rights
- At the end of a period of disqualification from public employment
- In the event of reintegration into French nationality
A CAP may be consulted, at the request of an official, on the following draft individual decisions:
- Refusal of part-time work, dispute concerning part-time working conditions
- Refusal of resignation
- Request for review of the minutes of a annual professional interview
- Refusal of a request for training under the personal training account
- Refusal of a 1re request or renewal of telework
- Refusal of a request for leave saved on a time-saving account
- Decision of the employer's reclassification authority in the absence of a request from the grievor
How are CAP meetings held?
The local PACs are chaired by the president of the deliberative assembly and the departmental PACs by the president of the supervisory board of the establishment which manages them.
The CAPs shall meet at least Twice a year.
¾ at least some members must be present at the opening of the meeting.
When this number (quorum) is not reached, a new invitation shall be sent within 8 days to the members of the CAP, which shall then sit validly irrespective of the number of members present.
The CAP shall deliver its opinions by a majority of the votes cast, except where they sit on disciplinary matters. In this case, their opinion shall be required by a majority of the members present.
Where the head of establishment takes a decision contrary to the opinion issued by the PCA, he must inform him of the reasons which led him not to follow that opinion.
Alternate members of the CAP (representatives of the administration and staff) may attend the meetings without being able to take part in the discussions. They shall vote only in the absence of the incumbents they are replacing.
The meetings are not public.
Minutes shall be drawn up after each sitting.
What is a Joint Consultative Commission?
A Joint Consultative Commission (JCC) is a advisory body composed, in equal number, representatives of the administration and of staff representatives responsible for contractual.
A CCP shall be established in each department by theARS: titleContent and managed by an establishment located in the department.
The staff representatives are elected by the contract agents every 4 years.
The representatives of the administration shall be appointed by the director of the institution which manages the commission.
How many staff representatives are there in CAP?
The number of staff representatives in the CCP depends on the number of staff reporting to the Commission:
What is the role of the CCP?
CCPs shall be consulted, at the initiative of the administration, on the draft individual decision related to the contractual relevant to the commission:
- Dismissal after trial period
- Non-renewal of the contract of an agent with a trade union mandate
- Dismissal for physical incapacity
- Denial of leave for union training
- Refusal of an official representing staff on the Social Committee to take a leave of absence for health and safety training
- Refusal for 2e times of an application to prepare for a competition
- Refusal of a period of professionalization
- Refusal for 3e application for vocational training leave
- Waiver of the obligation to serve in connection with vocational training leave
PACs shall be consulted, in disciplinary training, on draft disciplinary sanction other than warning and reprimand in respect of contractors.
CCPs shall also be consulted, at the initiative of the administration, where a re-employment officer makes a request in the following circumstances:
- At the end of a period of deprivation of civil rights
- At the end of a period of disqualification from public employment
- In the event of the issue of a new residence permit
A CCP may be consulted, at the request of an agent, on the following draft individual decisions:
- Refusal of part-time work, dispute concerning part-time working conditions
- Refusal of leave to attend an administrative competition or access to a school
- Refusal of a request for continuing training
- Request for review of the minutes of a annual professional interview
- Refusal of a request for training under the personal training account
- Refusal of a 1re request or renewal of telework
- Refusal of a request for leave saved on a time-saving account
- Denial of leave to raise a child under 12 years of age
- Refusal of leave to follow your Civil partnership, partner or cohabiting partner who is obliged to move for professional reasons
- Denial of leave for family reasons
- Denial of leave for company creation
- Refusal of mobility leave
How do PAC meetings take place?
The PPCs shall meet at least Twice a year.
¾ at least some members must be present at the opening of the meeting.
When this number (quorum) is not reached, a new meeting notice shall be sent within 8 days to the members of the CCP, who shall then sit validly irrespective of the number of members present.
The CCP shall deliver its opinions by a majority of the votes cast, except where they sit on disciplinary matters. In this case, its opinion shall be required by a majority of the members present.
Where the head of establishment takes a decision contrary to the opinion issued by the CAP, he must inform him of the reasons which led him not to follow that opinion.
Alternate members of the CPC (representatives of management and staff) may attend meetings without being able to take part in the discussions. They shall vote only in the absence of the incumbents they are replacing.
The meetings are not public.
Minutes shall be drawn up after each sitting.
What is a Social Settlement Committee?
The Social Committee for Establishment (SCE) is a advisory body which replaces the Technical Committee and the Committee on Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions (CHSCT) since 1er January 2023.
A Social Settlement Committee shall be set up in each establishment.
The ESC is chaired by the head of school. It includes 1 representative of the medical board of establishment, occupational physicians and representatives of staff elected for 4 years.
In establishments employing at least 200 staff, specialized training in health, safety and working conditions shall be provided within the Social Committee.
Specialized training shall include representatives of medical, pharmacist and odontologist staff.
In establishments with fewer than 200 staff members, specialized training in health, safety and working conditions may be created if particular occupational risks warrant it.
How many staff representatives are there at the EESC?
The number of staff representatives depends on the number of staff reporting to the Committee:
What is the role of the EESC?
The EESC discusses each year the programming of the work of the Committee and the the evolution of human resources policies.
The EESC is consulted on the following points in particular:
- Rules and regulations establishment's
- Financial recovery plan
- Comprehensive multi-year financing plan
- Accessibility of services and quality of services rendered (except for quality of care and matters which are the responsibility of the medical commission of establishment, the commission of users and the commission of nursing, rehabilitation and medicotechnical care)
- Internal organization of the establishment
- Service Reorganization Projects
- Forward management of jobs and skills and general training policy
- Draft decisions of the Supervisory Board
- Major alterations projects affecting health, safety and working conditions where they form part of a service reorganization project
- Reception and integration conditions for professionals and students
The ESC shall be informed annually of the budgetary position of the institution.
How are ESC meetings held?
Each ESC shall meet at least 1 times per quarter, specialized training as well.
At least half of the staff representatives must be present at the opening of the meeting.
When this number (quorum) is not reached, a new invitation shall be sent within 8 days to the members of the ESC, who shall then sit validly irrespective of the number of members present.
Only staff representatives shall vote.
Alternates may attend meetings without being able to take part in the discussions. They shall vote only in the absence of the incumbents they are replacing.
The EESC shall deliver its opinions by a majority of the staff representatives present.
The Chair of the EESC may call experts to be heard on an item on the agenda.
The meetings are not public.
Minutes shall be drawn up after each sitting.
Principle of participation
Senior Advisory Bodies
Social Committees
Joint Administrative Committees
Joint Consultative Committees
Special provisions relating to the FPT and FPH social dialog bodies
Ministry of Public Service
Ministry of Public Service