Can an employee on work stoppage take training?

Verified 19 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Yes, during a work stoppage, an employee can take training. Payment of thedaily allowance does not prevent training.

But for that, the employee must get the agreement of his doctor.


The employee's employment contract is suspended during the periods during which the employee who has stopped work is receiving training.

The employee must:

  • Obtain, first of all, the written agreement of his attending physician
  • And then, forward this agreement by post to its CPAM: titleContent, preferably by registered letter with notice of receipt.
Who shall I contact

The duration of the training must be compatible with the estimated duration of the work stoppage for the CPAM to give its agreement.

In the event of an agreement being given, the CPAM shall forward it to the employee and, where appropriate, to the employer and to the occupational doctor. 


In the event of non-compliance with the procedure, the employee shall be liable to interruption of his daily subsistence allowance.

The following training courses may be taken by the employee:

It is also possible to follow actions in which the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) participates. These are related actions:

  • To the council
  • At the evaluation
  • On the information
  • To the accompaniment.

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