Smoke detector (Daaf): fire safety in the housing 

Verified 08 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

What is an Autonomous Smoke Alarm Detector (AFA), says smoke detector, and who is to settle it and maintain it? We'll tell you what you need to know.

The Autonomous Smoke Alarm Detector (AFAD) is a device that detects smoke at the start of a fire and immediately sounds a loud enough signal to wake a sleeping person.

Please note

there are special Daafs for deaf people that operate with a light or vibrating signal.

The Daaf must include the CE marking with reference to NF EN 14604.

The Daaf is powered by batteries or operates from the power supply of the housing, provided that it is equipped with an emergency power supply that can take over in the event of an electrical malfunction.

The Daaf can be bought in a DIY shop.


Daaf using ionization are prohibited as they are radioactive.

The owner occupying the dwelling or lessor is responsible for providing and settling the Daaf.


In dwellings for households and family dwellings managed by a recognized organization carrying out the activities ofrental intermediation and social rental management, the supply and installation of the Daaf shall be carried out by that body.

Each dwelling, whether it is located in a dwelling individual or in a dwelling collective, shall be equipped with at least one Daaf.

The Daaf should preferably be settled in the circulation or clearance (landing, corridor) serving the chambers.

When the accommodation does not have any traffic or clearance (in the case of a studio), the Daaf must be settled as far as possible from the kitchen and the bathroom.

The Daaf must be securely attached to the ceiling.

In accommodations with several floors, it is recommended to settle 1 Daaf per floor.

In large-area accommodation, it is also recommended to settle several Daaf.


it is forbidden to settle Daaf in common areas of a building.

Daaf should be tested regularly. The person responsible for its maintenance varies depending on whether the accommodation is rented or not.

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In case of rental

At the beginning of the lease

During the state of the places of entry, the owner of the accommodation shall ensure that the Daaf is in good working order.

Under lease

The tenant shall ensure the proper functioning of the Daaf by checking the batteries. He must replace the Daaf at his own expense if it is defective.

This obligation does not apply to a tenant who occupies one of the following forms of accommodation:

  • Housing of a seasonal nature
  • Residence-autonomy
  • Social-purpose hotel residence
  • Function housing
  • Furnished rental

In these 5 cases, the obligation to verify the proper functioning of the Daaf (or its replacement) must be carried out by the owner.


In dwellings for households and family dwellings managed by a recognized organization carrying out the activities ofrental intermediation and social rental management, the verification of the proper functioning of the Daaf (or its replacement) must be carried out by that body.

In case of occupancy of the dwelling by the owner

The owner shall ensure the proper functioning of the Daaf by checking the batteries. It must replace the Daaf if it is defective.

Yes, the occupant (the tenant or owner) must report to his insurer with whom he has subscribed a fire and explosion insurance that the accommodation is equipped with a Daaf.

A template for reporting is available:

Smoke detector - Insurer reporting template

However, no penalty is provided if no Daaf is settled.