Guidance at vocational high school

Verified 07 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your child is preparing a certificate of professional competence (CAP) or a professional baccalaureate and you wonder about his orientation? Accompaniment, further study: here is the information you need to know about your child's orientation.


CAP is a diploma giving a qualification as a worker or as a qualified employee in a given trade.

In 1re year of CAP, your child participates in a personal orientation interview with the head teacher. Maintenance allows you to make a individualized assessment of his journey and consider continuing its training.

This interview also makes it possible to program educational and pedagogical measures to avoid dropping out of school or leaving the school system without qualifications.

In the school

Your child can get advice from his or her principal teacher. He will provide useful advice based on his motivations and possibilities.

Your child may also make an appointment with the National Education Psychologist who regularly intervenes in high schools.

Outside the school

Your child may go to a information and guidance centre (IOC).

Your child may also go to a youth information and documentation centre (CIDJ). This structure welcomes and informs young people free of charge on all the subjects that interest them, particularly on career choices and working life.

After obtaining a CAP, your child may decide to continue his or her studies. In particular, he may choose to take one of the following courses.

  • Bachelor's degree : admission to the first profession is possible on your request and after the advice of the class council. Your child then prepares a specialty consistent with the CAP he obtained.
  • One-year additional training : additional statement (MC) or additional local initiative training (CFLI) in continuity with the CAP obtained.
  • Brevet des Métiers d'Art (BMA) . This diploma, in the field of crafts, is possible depending on the specialty obtained.
  • Professional patent (BP) . This diploma is prepared in 2 years only by apprenticeship, to deepen professional techniques. Your child must find a partner company and enroll in an Apprenticeship Training Center (AFC) to obtain this diploma.
  • Technical Trades Patent (BTM). This diploma is prepared in 2 years. It provides skills for skilled employment (shop manager, manufacturing manager).

If your child has not found solutions to continue his studies, he can benefit from the What is Ambition Employment?Employment ambition journey. This arrangement allows him to have personalized support to find a training while maintaining his status as a student.

Pro Tray

The bac pro is a diploma allowing to practice a highly qualified professional activity.

In the second, first and final years, your child participates in a personal orientation interview with his head teacher.

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In seconds

Personalized orientation maintenance allows your child to do an individualized assessment of his/her career and consider continuing its training.

This interview makes it possible, if necessary, to program educational and pedagogical measures to avoid dropping out of school or leaving the school system without qualifications.


The interview makes it possible to study the conditions for access to a section of senior technicians (STS) or a university institute of technology (IUT). The interview may also be an opportunity to discuss the conditions for a professional integration.

Senior year

The interview allows you to specify the conditions to be fulfilled to access a section of senior technicians (STS) or a university institute of technology (IUT).

In the school

Your child can get advice from his or her principal teacher. He will provide useful advice based on his motivations and possibilities.

Your child may also make an appointment with the National Education Psychologist who regularly intervenes in high schools.

Outside the school

Your child may go to a information and guidance centre (IOC).

Your child may also go to a youth information and documentation centre (CIDJ). This structure welcomes and informs young people free of charge on all the subjects that interest them, particularly on career choices and working life.

After graduating from a Bachelor's Degree, your child may decide to continue his or her studies. In particular, they may choose to take one of the following courses:

  • Additional information (MC). The MC is accessible on file, it prepares in 1 year in vocational high school or in an apprenticeship training center (CFA).
  • Complementary Local Initiative Training (CFLI). The CFLI prepares in 1 year in a vocational high school and allows you to obtain a certificate or certificate (which is not a national diploma).
  • One gateway class to prepare for BTS. Your child has received a favorable opinion from the senior class board but is not admitted in BTS. He can then follow a year of preparation to succeed in the higher education.
  • Senior Technician Certificate (BTS). If your child graduated from a pro baccalaureate with mention well or very well, he is admitted by right in BTS of the same domain on the next entry. Registration takes place via browse platform.
  • University degree. She prepares in 3 years at university after graduation. Some universities offer upgrades to students with a bachelor's degree. Registration takes place via browse platform.

If your child has not found solutions to continue his studies, he can benefit from the What is Ambition Employment?Employment ambition journey. This arrangement allows him to have personalized support to find a training while maintaining his status as a student.

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